More accurate guest timing

Jake Funke 2018-06-14 21:07:43 +00:00
parent 94584a2a36
commit 2315a3ecd6
1 changed files with 17 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -244,18 +244,25 @@ class Plant(object):
with open(visitor_filepath, mode='w') as f:
json.dump([], f)
os.chmod(visitor_filepath, 0666)
return guest_timestamps
if not guest_timestamps:
return self.watered_timestamp
all_timestamps = [self.watered_timestamp] + guest_timestamps
# calculate # of days between each guest watering
timestamp_diffs = [(j-i)/86400.0 for i, j in zip(all_timestamps[:-1], all_timestamps[1:])]
# plant's latest timestamp should be set to last timestamp before a
# gap of 5 days
last_valid_element = next((x for x in timestamp_diffs if x > 5), None)
if not last_valid_element:
# all timestamps are within a 5 day range, can just use latest one
return all_timestamps[-1]
last_valid_index = timestamp_diffs.index(last_valid_element)
# slice list to only include up until a >5 day gap
valid_timestamps = all_timestamps[:last_valid_index + 1]
return valid_timestamps[-1]
def water_check(self):
visitor_timestamps = [self.watered_timestamp] + self.guest_check()
# calculate # of days between each water in log
timestamp_diffs = [(j-i)/86400.0 for i, j in zip(visitor_timestamps[:-1], visitor_timestamps[1:])]
# check to make sure each time diff is <= 5 days otherwise the plant
# hasn't been watered at sub-5-day intervals, which means it dies
# otherwise it will take the highest timestamp in the list
if all(i <= 5 for i in timestamp_diffs):
self.watered_timestamp = visitor_timestamps[-1]
self.watered_timestamp = self.guest_check()
self.time_delta_watered = int(time.time()) - self.watered_timestamp
if self.time_delta_watered <= (24 * 3600):
if not self.watered_24h: