Weekly visits now held in db

This commit is contained in:
Jake Funke 2018-03-11 13:46:45 -07:00
parent 105a95f92e
commit d22b7d4b33
2 changed files with 119 additions and 84 deletions

View File

@ -15,9 +15,6 @@ from menu_screen import *
# - Switch from personal data file to table in DB
# - Table in DB would allow others to modify (personal files might be
# permission locked)
# - this is a good idea.
class Plant(object):
# This is your plant!
@ -147,10 +144,6 @@ class Plant(object):
self.watered_24h = False
# visitors are coming
self.visitors = []
# TODO: manually checking for pending visitors
# TODO: clear visitors when checking
self.weekly_visitors = {}
# TODO: clear weekly visitors on sunday 00:00:00
def migrate_properties(self):
# Migrates old data files to new
@ -158,8 +151,6 @@ class Plant(object):
self.generation = 1
if not hasattr(self, 'visitors'):
self.visitors = []
if not hasattr(self, 'weekly_visitors'):
self.weekly_visitors = {}
def parse_plant(self):
# Converts plant data to human-readable format
@ -209,30 +200,49 @@ class Plant(object):
self.dead = True
return self.dead
def update_visitor_db(self, visitor_names):
game_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
garden_db_path = os.path.join(game_dir, 'sqlite/garden_db.sqlite')
conn = sqlite3.connect(garden_db_path)
for name in (visitor_names):
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute("SELECT * FROM visitors WHERE garden_name = '{}' AND visitor_name = '{}' ".format(self.owner, name))
if data is None:
sql = """ INSERT INTO visitors (garden_name,visitor_name,weekly_visits) VALUES('{}', '{}',1)""".format(self.owner, name)
sql = """ UPDATE visitors SET weekly_visits = weekly_visits + 1 WHERE garden_name = '{}' AND visitor_name = '{}'""".format(self.owner, name)
def guest_check(self):
user_dir = os.path.expanduser("~")
botany_dir = os.path.join(user_dir,'.botany')
visitor_filepath = os.path.join(botany_dir,'visitors.json')
guest_data = {'latest_timestamp': 0, 'visitors': []}
latest_timestamp = 0
visitors_this_check = []
if os.path.isfile(visitor_filepath):
with open(visitor_filepath, 'r') as visitor_file:
data = json.load(visitor_file)
for element in data:
if element['user'] not in self.visitors:
# counter for weekly visitors
if element['user'] not in self.weekly_visitors:
self.weekly_visitors[element['user']] = 1
self.weekly_visitors[element['user']] += 1
if element['timestamp'] > guest_data['latest_timestamp']:
guest_data['latest_timestamp'] = element['timestamp']
with open(visitor_filepath, 'w') as visitor_file2:
if element['user'] not in visitors_this_check:
if element['timestamp'] > latest_timestamp:
latest_timestamp = element['timestamp']
with open(visitor_filepath, 'w') as visitor_file:
with open(visitor_filepath, mode='w') as f:
json.dump([], f)
return guest_data['latest_timestamp']
return latest_timestamp
def water_check(self):
latest_visitor_timestamp = self.guest_check()
@ -456,11 +466,25 @@ class DataManager(object):
open(self.garden_json_path, 'a').close()
os.chmod(self.garden_json_path, 0666)
def migrate_database(self):
conn = sqlite3.connect(self.garden_db_path)
migrate_table_string = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS visitors (
id integer PRIMARY KEY,
garden_name text,
visitor_name text,
weekly_visits integer
c = conn.cursor()
return True
def update_garden_db(self, this_plant):
# insert or update this plant id's entry in DB
# TODO: make sure other instances of user are deleted
# Could create a clean db function
age_formatted = self.plant_age_convert(this_plant)
conn = sqlite3.connect(self.garden_db_path)
c = conn.cursor()

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import time
import random
import getpass
import json
import sqlite3
class CursedMenu(object):
#TODO: name your plant
@ -86,6 +87,7 @@ class CursedMenu(object):
def draw(self):
# Draw the menu and lines
self.maxy, self.maxx = self.screen.getmaxyx()
@ -130,32 +132,7 @@ class CursedMenu(object):
def draw_plant_ascii(self, this_plant):
ypos = 1
xpos = int((self.maxx-37)/2 + 25)
# TODO: pull this from botany class
plant_art_list = [
plant_art_list = this_plant.species_list
if this_plant.dead == True:
self.ascii_render('rip.txt', ypos, xpos)
elif this_plant.stage == 0:
@ -175,18 +152,18 @@ class CursedMenu(object):
def draw_default(self):
# draws default menu
clear_bar = " " * (int(self.maxx*2/3))
self.screen.addstr(2, 2, self.title, curses.A_STANDOUT) # Title for this menu
self.screen.addstr(4, 2, self.subtitle, curses.A_BOLD) #Subtitle for this menu
self.screen.addstr(1, 2, self.title, curses.A_STANDOUT) # Title for this menu
self.screen.addstr(3, 2, self.subtitle, curses.A_BOLD) #Subtitle for this menu
# clear menu on screen
for index in range(len(self.options)+1):
self.screen.addstr(5+index, 4, clear_bar, curses.A_NORMAL)
self.screen.addstr(4+index, 4, clear_bar, curses.A_NORMAL)
# display all the menu items, showing the 'pos' item highlighted
for index in range(len(self.options)):
textstyle = self.normal
if index == self.selected:
textstyle = self.highlighted
self.screen.addstr(5+index ,4, clear_bar, curses.A_NORMAL)
self.screen.addstr(5+index ,4, "%d - %s" % (index+1, self.options[index]), textstyle)
self.screen.addstr(4+index ,4, clear_bar, curses.A_NORMAL)
self.screen.addstr(4+index ,4, "%d - %s" % (index+1, self.options[index]), textstyle)
self.screen.addstr(12, 2, clear_bar, curses.A_NORMAL)
self.screen.addstr(13, 2, clear_bar, curses.A_NORMAL)
@ -215,7 +192,6 @@ class CursedMenu(object):
water_string = "(" + (")" * water_left) + ("." * (10 - water_left)) + ") " + str(int(water_left_pct * 100)) + "% "
return water_string
def update_plant_live(self):
# updates plant data on menu screen, live!
while not self.exit:
@ -522,50 +498,85 @@ class CursedMenu(object):
def build_visitor_output(self, visitors):
def build_weekly_visitor_output(self, visitors):
visitor_block = ""
visitor_line = ""
if len(visitors) == 1:
visitor_block += str(visitors[0])
for visitor in visitors[:-1]:
if visitor_block.count('\n') > self.maxy-12:
visitor_block += "and more"
if len(visitor_line + visitor) > self.maxx-4:
for visitor in visitors:
this_visitor_string = str(visitor) + "({}) ".format(visitors[str(visitor)])
if len(visitor_line + this_visitor_string) > self.maxx-3:
visitor_block += '\n'
visitor_line = ""
visitor_block += this_visitor_string
visitor_line += this_visitor_string
return visitor_block
def build_latest_visitor_output(self, visitors):
visitor_line = ""
for visitor in visitors:
if len(visitor_line + visitor) > self.maxx-10:
visitor_line += "and more"
visitor_line += visitor + ' '
return [visitor_line]
def get_weekly_visitors(self):
game_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
garden_db_path = os.path.join(game_dir, 'sqlite/garden_db.sqlite')
conn = sqlite3.connect(garden_db_path)
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute("SELECT * FROM visitors WHERE garden_name = '{}' ORDER BY weekly_visits".format(self.plant.owner))
# if c.rowcount:
visitor_data = c.fetchall()
visitor_block = ""
visitor_line = ""
if visitor_data:
for visitor in visitor_data:
visitor_name = visitor[2]
weekly_visits = visitor[3]
this_visitor_string = "{}({}) ".format(visitor_name, weekly_visits)
if len(visitor_line + this_visitor_string) > self.maxx-3:
visitor_block += '\n'
visitor_line = ""
visitor_block += str(visitor) + ', '
visitor_line += str(visitor) + ', '
visitor_block += "& " + str(visitors[-1])
visitor_line += "& " + str(visitors[-1])
visitor_block += this_visitor_string
visitor_line += this_visitor_string
visitor_block = 'nobody :('
return visitor_block
def get_user_string(self, xpos=3, ypos=15):
user_string = ""
user_input = 0
while user_input != 10:
user_input = self.screen.getch()
if user_input == 127:
if len(user_string) > 0:
user_string = user_string[:-1]
self.screen.addstr(15, 3, " " * (self.maxx-2) )
if user_input in range(256):
if chr(user_input).isalnum():
user_string += chr(user_input)
self.screen.addstr(ypos, xpos, str(user_string))
return user_string
def visit_handler(self):
self.draw_info_text("whose plant would you like to visit?")
self.screen.addstr(15, 2, '~')
if self.plant.visitors:
self.draw_info_text("you've been visited by: ", 4)
visitor_text = self.build_visitor_output(self.plant.visitors)
self.draw_info_text(visitor_text, 5)
latest_visitor_string = self.build_latest_visitor_output(self.plant.visitors)
self.draw_info_text("since last time, you were visited by: ", 3)
self.draw_info_text(latest_visitor_string, 4)
self.plant.visitors = []
guest_garden = ""
user_input = 0
while user_input != 10:
user_input = self.screen.getch()
if user_input == 127:
if len(guest_garden) > 0:
guest_garden = guest_garden[:-1]
self.screen.addstr(15, 3, " " * (self.maxx-2) )
if user_input in range(256):
if chr(user_input).isalnum():
guest_garden += chr(user_input)
self.screen.addstr(15, 3, str(guest_garden))
# test if user exists and has botany directory and file
weekly_visitor_text = self.get_weekly_visitors()
self.draw_info_text("this week you've been visited by: ", 6)
self.draw_info_text(weekly_visitor_text, 7)
# user input section (can't get getstr to work)
guest_garden = self.get_user_string()
if not guest_garden:
return None
home_folder = os.path.dirname(os.path.expanduser("~"))
guest_json = home_folder + "/{}/.botany/{}_plant_data.json".format(guest_garden, guest_garden)
guest_plant_description = ""