import random import os import json import threading import time import uuid import getpass class Plant: # This is your plant! stage_list = [ 'seed', 'seedling', 'young', 'mature', 'flowering', 'seed-bearing', ] color_list = [ 'red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'indigo', 'violet', 'white', 'black', 'gold', 'rainbow', ] rarity_list = [ 'common', 'uncommon', 'rare', 'legendary', 'godly', ] species_list = [ 'poppy', 'cactus', 'aloe', 'venus flytrap', 'jade plant', 'fern', 'daffodil', 'sunflower', 'baobab', 'lithops', 'hemp', 'pansy', 'iris', 'agave', 'ficus', 'moss', 'sage', 'snapdragon', 'columbine', 'brugmansia', 'palm', 'pachypodium', ] mutation_list = [ '', 'humming', 'noxious', 'vorpal', 'glowing', 'electric', 'icy', 'flaming', 'psychic', 'screaming', 'chaotic', 'hissing', 'gelatinous', 'deformed', 'shaggy', 'scaly', 'depressed', 'anxious', 'metallic', 'glossy', 'psychedelic', 'bonsai', 'foamy', 'singing', 'fractal', 'crunchy', 'goth', 'oozing', 'stinky', 'aromatic', 'juicy', 'smug', 'vibrating', 'lithe', 'chalky', 'naive', 'ersatz', 'disco', 'levitating', 'colossal', 'luminous', 'cosmic', 'ethereal', 'cursed', 'buff', 'narcotic', 'gnu/linux', 'abraxan', # rip dear friend ] def __init__(self, this_filename, generation=1): # Constructor self.plant_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.life_stages = (3600*24, (3600*24)*3, (3600*24)*10, (3600*24)*20, (3600*24)*30) # self.life_stages = (2, 4, 6, 8, 10) # debug mode self.stage = 0 self.mutation = 0 self.species = random.randint(0,len(self.species_list)-1) self.color = random.randint(0,len(self.color_list)-1) self.rarity = self.rarity_check() self.ticks = 0 self.age_formatted = "0" self.generation = generation self.dead = False self.write_lock = False self.owner = getpass.getuser() self.file_name = this_filename self.start_time = int(time.time()) self.last_time = int(time.time()) # must water plant first day self.watered_timestamp = int(time.time())-(24*3600)-1 self.watered_24h = False self.visitors = [] def migrate_properties(self): # Migrates old data files to new if not hasattr(self, 'generation'): self.generation = 1 if not hasattr(self, 'visitors'): self.visitors = [] def parse_plant(self): # Converts plant data to human-readable format output = "" if self.stage >= 3: output += self.rarity_list[self.rarity] + " " if self.mutation != 0: output += self.mutation_list[self.mutation] + " " if self.stage >= 4: output += self.color_list[self.color] + " " output += self.stage_list[self.stage] + " " if self.stage >= 2: output += self.species_list[self.species] + " " return output.strip() def rarity_check(self): # Generate plant rarity CONST_RARITY_MAX = 256.0 rare_seed = random.randint(1,int(CONST_RARITY_MAX)) common_range = round((2.0/3)*CONST_RARITY_MAX) uncommon_range = round((2.0/3)*(CONST_RARITY_MAX-common_range)) rare_range = round((2.0/3)*(CONST_RARITY_MAX-common_range-uncommon_range)) legendary_range = round((2.0/3)*(CONST_RARITY_MAX-common_range-uncommon_range-rare_range)) common_max = common_range uncommon_max = common_max + uncommon_range rare_max = uncommon_max + rare_range legendary_max = rare_max + legendary_range godly_max = CONST_RARITY_MAX if 0 <= rare_seed <= common_max: rarity = 0 elif common_max < rare_seed <= uncommon_max: rarity = 1 elif uncommon_max < rare_seed <= rare_max: rarity = 2 elif rare_max < rare_seed <= legendary_max: rarity = 3 elif legendary_max < rare_seed <= godly_max: rarity = 4 return rarity def dead_check(self): if self.dead: return True # if it has been >5 days since watering, sorry plant is dead :( time_delta_watered = int(time.time()) - self.watered_timestamp if time_delta_watered > (5 * (24 * 3600)): self.dead = True return self.dead def update_visitor_db(self, visitor_names): game_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) garden_db_path = os.path.join(game_dir, 'sqlite/garden_db.sqlite') conn = sqlite3.connect(garden_db_path) for name in (visitor_names): c = conn.cursor() c.execute("SELECT * FROM visitors WHERE garden_name = '{}' AND visitor_name = '{}' ".format(self.owner, name)) data=c.fetchone() if data is None: sql = """ INSERT INTO visitors (garden_name,visitor_name,weekly_visits) VALUES('{}', '{}',1)""".format(self.owner, name) c.execute(sql) else: sql = """ UPDATE visitors SET weekly_visits = weekly_visits + 1 WHERE garden_name = '{}' AND visitor_name = '{}'""".format(self.owner, name) c.execute(sql) conn.commit() conn.close() def guest_check(self): user_dir = os.path.expanduser("~") botany_dir = os.path.join(user_dir,'.botany') visitor_filepath = os.path.join(botany_dir,'visitors.json') guest_timestamps = [] visitors_this_check = [] if os.path.isfile(visitor_filepath): with open(visitor_filepath, 'r') as visitor_file: data = json.load(visitor_file) if data: for element in data: if element['user'] not in self.visitors: self.visitors.append(element['user']) if element['user'] not in visitors_this_check: visitors_this_check.append(element['user']) # prevent users from manually setting watered_time in the future if element['timestamp'] <= int(time.time()) and element['timestamp'] >= self.watered_timestamp: guest_timestamps.append(element['timestamp']) try: self.update_visitor_db(visitors_this_check) except: pass with open(visitor_filepath, 'w') as visitor_file: visitor_file.write('[]') else: with open(visitor_filepath, mode='w') as f: json.dump([], f) os.chmod(visitor_filepath, 0o666) if not guest_timestamps: return self.watered_timestamp all_timestamps = [self.watered_timestamp] + guest_timestamps all_timestamps.sort() # calculate # of days between each guest watering timestamp_diffs = [(j-i)/86400.0 for i, j in zip(all_timestamps[:-1], all_timestamps[1:])] # plant's latest timestamp should be set to last timestamp before a # gap of 5 days # TODO: this considers a plant watered only on day 1 and day 4 to be # watered for all 4 days - need to figure out how to only add score # from 24h after each watered timestamp last_valid_element = next((x for x in timestamp_diffs if x > 5), None) if not last_valid_element: # all timestamps are within a 5 day range, can just use latest one return all_timestamps[-1] last_valid_index = timestamp_diffs.index(last_valid_element) # slice list to only include up until a >5 day gap valid_timestamps = all_timestamps[:last_valid_index + 1] return valid_timestamps[-1] def water_check(self): self.watered_timestamp = self.guest_check() self.time_delta_watered = int(time.time()) - self.watered_timestamp if self.time_delta_watered <= (24 * 3600): if not self.watered_24h: self.watered_24h = True return True else: self.watered_24h = False return False def mutate_check(self): # Create plant mutation # Increase this # to make mutation rarer (chance 1 out of x each second) CONST_MUTATION_RARITY = 10000 mutation_seed = random.randint(1,CONST_MUTATION_RARITY) if mutation_seed == CONST_MUTATION_RARITY: # mutation gained! mutation = random.randint(0,len(self.mutation_list)-1) if self.mutation == 0: self.mutation = mutation return True else: return False def growth(self): # Increase plant growth stage if self.stage < (len(self.stage_list)-1): self.stage += 1 def water(self): # Increase plant growth stage if not self.dead: self.watered_timestamp = int(time.time()) self.watered_24h = True def start_over(self): # After plant reaches final stage, given option to restart # increment generation only if previous stage is final stage and plant # is alive if not self.dead: next_generation = self.generation + 1 else: # Should this reset to 1? Seems unfair.. for now generations will # persist through death. next_generation = self.generation self.write_lock = True self.kill_plant() while self.write_lock: # Wait for garden writer to unlock # garden db needs to update before allowing the user to reset pass if not self.write_lock: self.__init__(self.file_name, next_generation) def kill_plant(self): self.dead = True def unlock_new_creation(self): self.write_lock = False def start_life(self, dm): # runs life on a thread thread = threading.Thread(, args=(dm,)) thread.daemon = True thread.start() def life(self, dm): # I've created life :) counter = 0 generation_bonus = round(0.2 * (self.generation - 1), 1) score_inc = 1 * (1 + generation_bonus) while True: counter += 1 if not self.dead: if self.watered_24h: self.ticks += score_inc if self.stage < len(self.stage_list)-1: if self.ticks >= self.life_stages[self.stage]: self.growth() if self.mutate_check(): pass if self.water_check(): # Do something pass if self.dead_check(): dm.harvest_plant(self) self.unlock_new_creation() if counter % 3 == 0: dm.save_plant(self) dm.data_write_json(self) dm.update_garden_db(self) if counter % 30 == 0: dm.update_garden_json() counter = 0 # TODO: event check time.sleep(2)