
480 lines
16 KiB

from __future__ import division
import time
import pickle
import json
import math
import sys
import os
import random
import getpass
import threading
import errno
import uuid
import fcntl
from operator import itemgetter
from menu_screen import *
# development plan
# build plant lifecycle just stepping through
# - how long should each stage last ? thinking realistic lmao
# seed -> seedling -> sprout -> young plant -> mature plant -> flower ->
# pollination -> fruit -> seeds
# - TODO: pollination and end of life
# events
# - heatwave
# - rain
# - bugs
# build multiplayer
# neighborhood system
# - create plant id (sort of like userid)
# - list sorted by plantid that wraps so everybody has 2 neighbors :)
# - can water neighbors plant once (have to choose which)
# - pollination - seed is combination of your plant and neighbor plant
# - create rarer species by diff gens
# - if neighbor plant dies, node will be removed from list
# build ascii trees
# Make it fun to keep growing after seed level (what is reward for continuing
# instead of starting over?
# Reward for bringing plant to full life - second gen plant w/ more variety
class Plant(object):
# This is your plant!
stage_dict = {
0: 'seed',
1: 'seedling',
2: 'young',
3: 'mature',
4: 'flowering',
5: 'seed-bearing',
color_dict = {
0: 'red',
1: 'orange',
2: 'yellow',
3: 'green',
4: 'blue',
5: 'indigo',
6: 'violet',
7: 'white',
8: 'black',
9: 'gold',
10: 'rainbow',
rarity_dict = {
0: 'common',
1: 'uncommon',
2: 'rare',
3: 'legendary',
4: 'godly',
species_dict = {
0: 'poppy',
1: 'cactus',
2: 'aloe',
3: 'venus flytrap',
4: 'jade plant',
5: 'fern',
6: 'daffodil',
7: 'sunflower',
8: 'baobab',
9: 'lithops',
10: 'cannabis',
11: 'pansy',
12: 'iris',
mutation_dict = {
0: '',
1: 'humming',
2: 'noxious',
3: 'vorpal',
4: 'glowing',
5: 'electric',
6: 'icy',
7: 'flaming',
8: 'psychic',
9: 'screaming',
10: 'chaotic',
11: 'hissing',
12: 'gelatinous',
13: 'deformed',
14: 'shaggy',
15: 'scaly',
16: 'depressed',
17: 'anxious',
18: 'metallic',
19: 'glossy',
20: 'psychedelic',
21: 'bonsai',
22: 'foamy',
23: 'singing',
24: 'fractal',
25: 'crunchy',
26: 'goth',
27: 'oozing',
28: 'stinky',
29: 'aromatic',
30: 'juicy',
31: 'smug',
32: 'vibrating',
33: 'lithe',
34: 'chalky',
35: 'naive',
36: 'ersatz',
37: 'disco',
38: 'levitating',
39: 'colossal',
def __init__(self, this_filename):
# Constructor
self.plant_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
# TODO: change from debug
self.life_stages = (10, 20, 30, 40, 50)
# self.life_stages = (3600, (3600*24)*3, (3600*24)*10, (3600*24)*20, (3600*24)*30)
self.stage = 0
self.mutation = 0
self.species = random.randint(0,len(self.species_dict)-1)
self.color = random.randint(0,len(self.color_dict)-1)
self.rarity = self.rarity_check()
self.ticks = 0
self.age_formatted = "0"
self.dead = False
self.write_lock = False
self.owner = getpass.getuser()
self.file_name = this_filename
self.start_time = int(time.time())
self.last_time = int(time.time())
# must water plant first day
self.watered_timestamp = int(time.time())-(24*3600)-1
# self.watered_timestamp = int(time.time()) # debug
self.watered_24h = False
def parse_plant(self):
# reads plant info (maybe want to reorg this into a different class
# with the reader dicts...)
output = ""
if self.stage >= 3:
output += self.rarity_dict[self.rarity] + " "
if self.mutation != 0:
output += self.mutation_dict[self.mutation] + " "
if self.stage >= 4:
output += self.color_dict[self.color] + " "
output += self.stage_dict[self.stage] + " "
if self.stage >= 2:
output += self.species_dict[self.species] + " "
return output.strip()
def rarity_check(self):
# Generate plant rarity
rare_seed = random.randint(1,CONST_RARITY_MAX)
common_range = round((2/3)*CONST_RARITY_MAX)
uncommon_range = round((2/3)*(CONST_RARITY_MAX-common_range))
rare_range = round((2/3)*(CONST_RARITY_MAX-common_range-uncommon_range))
legendary_range = round((2/3)*(CONST_RARITY_MAX-common_range-uncommon_range-rare_range))
# godly_range = round((2/3)*(CONST_RARITY_MAX-common_range-uncommon_range-rare_range-legendary_range))
common_max = common_range
uncommon_max = common_max + uncommon_range
rare_max = uncommon_max + rare_range
legendary_max = rare_max + legendary_range
godly_max = CONST_RARITY_MAX
if 0 <= rare_seed <= common_max:
rarity = 0
elif common_max < rare_seed <= uncommon_max:
rarity = 1
elif uncommon_max < rare_seed <= rare_max:
rarity = 2
elif rare_max < rare_seed <= legendary_max:
rarity = 3
elif legendary_max < rare_seed <= godly_max:
rarity = 4
return rarity
def dead_check(self):
time_delta_watered = int(time.time()) - self.watered_timestamp
# if it has been >5 days since watering, sorry plant is dead :(
if time_delta_watered > (5 * (24 * 3600)):
self.dead = True
return self.dead
def water_check(self):
# if plant has been watered in 24h then it keeps growing
# time_delta_watered is difference from now to last watered
self.time_delta_watered = int(time.time()) - self.watered_timestamp
if self.time_delta_watered <= (24 * 3600):
return True
self.watered_24h = False
return False
def mutate_check(self):
# Create plant mutation
# TODO: when out of debug this needs to be set to high number (1000
# even maybe)
CONST_MUTATION_RARITY = 2000 # Increase this # to make mutation rarer (chance 1 out of x)
mutation_seed = random.randint(1,CONST_MUTATION_RARITY)
if mutation_seed == CONST_MUTATION_RARITY:
# mutation gained!
mutation = random.randint(0,len(self.mutation_dict)-1)
if self.mutation == 0:
self.mutation = mutation
return True
return False
def new_seed(self,this_filename):
# Creates life after death
def growth(self):
# Increase plant growth stage
if self.stage < (len(self.stage_dict)-1):
self.stage += 1
# do stage growth stuff
# do stage 5 stuff (after fruiting)
def water(self):
# Increase plant growth stage
if not self.dead:
self.watered_timestamp = int(time.time())
self.watered_24h = True
def start_over(self):
self.write_lock = True
while self.write_lock:
# Wait for garden writer to unlock
if not self.write_lock:
def kill_plant(self):
self.dead = True
def unlock_new_creation(self):
self.write_lock = False
def start_life(self):
# runs life on a thread
thread = threading.Thread(, args=())
thread.daemon = True
def life(self):
# I've created life :)
# TODO: change out of debug
# TODO: variable stages of life
# day = 3600*24
# life_stages = (1*day, 2*day, 3*day, 4*day, 5*day)
# leave this untouched bc it works for now
while True:
if not self.dead:
if self.watered_24h:
self.ticks += 1
if self.stage < len(self.stage_dict)-1:
if self.ticks >= self.life_stages[self.stage]:
if self.mutate_check():
if self.water_check():
if self.dead_check():
# TODO: event check
class DataManager(object):
# handles user data, puts a .botany dir in user's home dir (OSX/Linux)
# TODO: windows... lol
user_dir = os.path.expanduser("~")
botany_dir = os.path.join(user_dir,'.botany')
game_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
this_user = getpass.getuser()
savefile_name = this_user + '_plant.dat'
savefile_path = os.path.join(botany_dir, savefile_name)
garden_file_path = os.path.join(game_dir, 'garden_file.dat')
garden_json_path = os.path.join(game_dir, 'garden_file.json')
def __init__(self):
self.this_user = getpass.getuser()
# check if instance is already running
# check for .botany dir in home
except OSError as exception:
if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST:
self.savefile_name = self.this_user + '_plant.dat'
def check_plant(self):
# check for existing save file
if os.path.isfile(self.savefile_path):
return True
return False
def start_threads(self,this_plant):
# creates threads to save files every minute
death_check_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.death_check_update, args=(this_plant,))
death_check_thread.daemon = True
autosave_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.autosave, args=(this_plant,))
autosave_thread.daemon = True
def death_check_update(self,this_plant):
# .1 second updates to minimize race condition
# TODO: improve how this is handled to eliminate race condition
while True:
is_dead = this_plant.dead_check()
if is_dead:
def autosave(self, this_plant):
# running on thread
while True:
# TODO: change after debug
def load_plant(self):
# load savefile
with open(self.savefile_path, 'rb') as f:
this_plant = pickle.load(f)
# get status since last login
is_dead = this_plant.dead_check()
is_watered = this_plant.water_check()
if not is_dead:
if is_watered:
time_delta_last = int(time.time()) - this_plant.last_time
ticks_to_add = min(time_delta_last, 24*3600)
this_plant.time_delta_watered = 0
self.last_water_gain = time.time()
ticks_to_add = 0
this_plant.ticks += ticks_to_add
return this_plant
def plant_age_convert(self,this_plant):
# human-readable plant age
age_seconds = int(time.time()) - this_plant.start_time
days, age_seconds = divmod(age_seconds, 24 * 60 * 60)
hours, age_seconds = divmod(age_seconds, 60 * 60)
minutes, age_seconds = divmod(age_seconds, 60)
age_formatted = ("%dd:%dh:%dm:%ds" % (days, hours, minutes, age_seconds))
return age_formatted
def garden_update(self, this_plant):
# garden is a dict of dicts
# garden contains one entry for each plant id
age_formatted = self.plant_age_convert(this_plant)
this_plant_id = this_plant.plant_id
plant_info = {
if os.path.isfile(self.garden_file_path):
# garden file exists: load data
with open(self.garden_file_path, 'rb') as f:
this_garden = pickle.load(f)
new_file_check = False
# create empty garden list and initalize file permissions
this_garden = {}
new_file_check = True
open(self.garden_file_path, 'a').close()
open(self.garden_json_path, 'a').close()
# If user has access, modify permissions to allow others to write
# This means the first run has to be by the file owner.
if os.stat(self.garden_file_path).st_uid == os.getuid():
os.chmod(self.garden_file_path, 0666)
if os.stat(self.garden_json_path).st_uid == os.getuid():
os.chmod(self.garden_json_path, 0666)
# if current plant ID isn't in garden list
if this_plant.plant_id not in this_garden:
this_garden[this_plant_id] = plant_info
# if plant ticks for id is greater than current ticks of plant id
current_plant_ticks = this_garden[this_plant_id]["score"]
if this_plant.ticks >= current_plant_ticks:
this_garden[this_plant_id] = plant_info
# dump garden file
with open(self.garden_file_path, 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(this_garden, f, protocol=2)
# dump json file
with open(self.garden_json_path, 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(this_garden, outfile)
return new_file_check
def save_plant(self, this_plant):
# create savefile
this_plant.last_time = int(time.time())
with open(self.savefile_path, 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(this_plant, f, protocol=2)
def data_write_json(self, this_plant):
# create personal json file for user to use outside of the game (website?)
json_file = os.path.join(self.botany_dir,self.this_user + '_plant_data.json')
json_leaderboard = os.path.join(self.game_dir + '_garden.json')
# also updates age
age_formatted = self.plant_age_convert(this_plant)
plant_info = {
with open(json_file, 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(plant_info, outfile)
if __name__ == '__main__':
my_data = DataManager()
# if plant save file exists
if my_data.check_plant():
my_plant = my_data.load_plant()
# otherwise create new plant
my_plant = Plant(my_data.savefile_path)
botany_menu = CursedMenu(my_plant,my_data.garden_file_path)