--- title: reading a book on photography layout: post --- Reading a book by David Ulrich, "Zen camera: creative awakening with a daily practice in photography". Found words (or the vocabulary) to describe what I spend a significant amount of energy on nowadays: creating the necessary conditions for "the arrival of the muse... - what artists call inspiration and many call the 'aha' moment [...] the creative intelligence occurring when the artist or seeker is open, taking place through the cracks of the ordinary, rational brain". (Page 94). Here I share a photo (I have) taken on 26th December, around the time of a supposed eclipse. It draws me somehow... I stay open to where it calls me. As Ulrich says (on Page 88), the famous figure in spirituality, Rumi, has a quote/poem: > "Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray " ![a photo of shadows, of trees, on a the ground. Human feet is visible on the left-most one-third of the photo.](https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49276833901_9abbf0a9a7_o.jpg)