# Permalinks # # Use of `relative_permalinks` ensures post links from the index work properly. permalink: pretty # relative_permalinks: true # Setup title: What does ~rogbeer put here? tagline: That which probably doesn't fit anywhere else on the Internet url: http://tilde.town paginate: 1 baseurl: "/~rogbeer" # Assets # # We specify the directory for Jekyll so we can use @imports. sass: sass_dir: _sass style: :compressed # About/contact author: name: Tony Chen url: https://phtan.github.io/ email: phtan90@gmail.com # Custom vars version: 2.0.0 github: repo: https://github.com/poole/poole # deal with errors plugins: - jekyll-gist - jekyll-paginate # Add a navigational aid pages_list: Archive: '/archive' 'RSS Feed': '/atom.xml' 'What ~rogbeer is focused on at this point in his life': '/now' "What's with the name, ~rogbeer?": '/rogbeer' 'What would people give, for a cassette tape?': '/swap'