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letter to my brother-in-Christ, L. &middot; ~rogbeer's corner
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<h1 class="post-title">letter to my brother-in-Christ, L.</h1>
<time datetime="2023-04-26T00:00:00+00:00" class="post-date">26 Apr 2023</time>
<p>Im sad to hear that you are stressed. But, joy is such a precious
emotion; I pray that you will experience an abundance of joy.</p>
<p>As for me - I recently met a supervisor at my barista job, who bitterly opposed
the way of unconditional love that our Lord Jesus has taught us. In his
view, customers exist to give him money. If they pay money, he will joke
around with them, and make them coffee. But, if he sees that there is no
money that he can extract from the customer, he wont even attend to the
<p>Thats shameful to even talk about.</p>
<p>My supervisor completely
disagreed with how I choose to love others. And he frequently erupts
into fits of rage, which I feel is out of proportion.</p>
<p>I was greatly
tormented when I had to obey his instructions during my job. I suffered
so much that I lost weight visibly, to the alarm of my friends.</p>
<p>One day,
I couldnt tolerate that supervisor anymore, and handed in my
resignation letter. (He seemed happy to see me depart from the
<p>Anyway, Im sure that there is an entire gang of
such awful people, everywhere in the world. Please be wary of such
people, in your own life. But I believe God will repay such people for
their shameful attitudes towards other people.</p>
<p>Ive watched the video
you sent me. “Thank you for the sunshine, thank you for the rain. Thank
you for the joy, thank you for the pain.” How apt these words are! (The
cat video is so cute too.)</p>
<p>I thank God for the priceless lesson I
have learnt painfully, at the hands of my supervisor. It has highlighted
how precious Gods love is, in this world that prioritises transactions
and self-centredness, over other-centredness and an unconditional love
that expects nothing in return.</p>
<p>Now, I am convinced, more than ever,
that Jesus will give me the keys to a glorious future, in the afterlife.
Ill pray for you to meet me in Paradise, brother. But, of course,
meeting me is not as important as meeting our loving Jesus.</p>
<p>Here is a
website that interested me recently: https://interfaith.sg/</p>
<p>Have a nice
week ahead!</p>
<p>25th April 2023 A.D.</p>
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