What does ~rogbeer put here? That which probably doesn't fit anywhere else on the Internet

"Man makes a clever face and talks about being lord on Earth. And at the same time he doesn’t even know where to begin with his own body: he watches sports on television and defends himself saying that everyone else does it too."

- Homeless Kodo

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What I am up to now


This is my proverbial jump onto the band-wagon of the “now page”, which Mr. Derek Sivers wrote about.


As of the date 4th October 2018 A.D., I’m engaged in part-time employment in the kitchen of a restaurant of “Italian casual dining”.

I decided to work part-time instead of full-time because I still want to commit to volunteering. What kind of volunteering? I am helping out with the administrative tasks of running a soup kitchen, of sorts, for migrant-workers in Singapore. I am volunteering with a non-profit organisation. More info here

What makes me want to do the above?

I want to please my god, so both of the efforts above are what I feel called to do after reading the Bible, where I can find out about what my god likes and doesn’t like.