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What would people give, for a cassette tape?

A story

On the 28th of October, 2016 A.D., I bought a cassette tape at Lithe House.

On the evening of the same day, as I distractedly looked at the cassette tape, on the bus home, wondering if the cassette deck at my house was still functional, I looked up to see a stranger smiling at me.

He and I exchanged a few glances. Later, he invited me to his house.

Another evening, at his house, he passed a few more cassette tapes to me.

Will someone value the cassette tapes more than I do?

Out of curiosity, I am experimenting with a swap to see what value cassette tapes have in a world where technology changes. There will be no money involved. What would people offer in exchange for these tapes?

I didn't want to swap, until the cassette tapes started to gather dust at my father's house. Will there be a better use for them?

This effort will last for forty-five days, beginning from 9th November, 2016 A.D.

A few cassette tapes

Details of the cassette tapes are available at a shop at Carousell

An attempt to catalogue cassette tapes, that are located in Singapore, is viewable at a wiki

Results of the experiment

As of 7th October 2018 A.D., I have sold zero of the cassette tapes from the experimental swap.

I note the following that occurred during the experiment:

  • Approached more than five sellers - if I recall correctly - to see if they wanted to sell their tapes through the wiki that I had set up. Those sellers had been selling through an e-commerce platform.
  • Agreed to help one seller list his tape on the wiki; he claims he did not know how to use that wiki. He is the only seller on that wiki, other than me, as it turns out (as of 7th October 2018 A.D.)
  • Got banned from logging into my account on the afore-mentioned e-commerce platform; its staff claim I was “touting” and they do not allow touting. On Nov 10, 2016 11:56 AM, “Carousell Support” ( wrote:

Hi there,

Our content moderation team has noticed that you have sent out multiple repeated messages to users to persuade them to use an external platform, and that constitutes the act of touting on our marketplace.

If you would kindly take a look at the Carousell community guidelines, touting is not allowed on our platform as it adversely affects the experience for other users.

Unfortunately, we have temporarily restricted your selling rights pending an acknowledgement from you to refrain from the act of touting again.

Please note that a repeated incident may result in the permanent suspension of your account.

Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our marketplace pleasant :)

Carousell Marketplace Quality