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how to say 'good'
<time datetime="2020-02-13T00:00:00+00:00" class="post-date">13 Feb 2020</time>
<p>A certain Homeless Kodo has said, “we only say something is good when
it goes our way”, or something to that effect. I quote,</p>
<p>Sooner or later everyone starts thinking of nothing besides themselves. You say, “That was good!” But what was good? It was only good for you personally, thats all.</p>
<p>Source: <a href="https://antaiji.org/en/services/kodo-to-you/">https://antaiji.org/en/services/kodo-to-you/</a></p>
<p>Be that as it may, I take pleasure and interest in the different ways I can say
something is good, whether it is good for me, or for someone else, or whatever.</p>
<p>So, I make the following list, based on words currently in my vocabulary:</p>
<li>棒(a Chinese word)</li>
<li><em>baik</em> (a word in Bahasa Indonesia and Bahasa Melayu, pronouced like baa-eggk)</li>
<li><em>pona</em> (a word in the constructed language Toki Pona, which has no native speakers)</li>
<li>赞(a word that seemed to have been used in Taiwan in the modern past
(about 1.5 decades ago?); maybe it isnt used
so much nowadays anymore?)</li>
<li>nice - oops, I mentioned “nice” already.</li>
<li>fun - I seldom use this word, but Ive heard others use them within my ear-shot</li>
<li>majestic - usually I use this word to describe God and Gods works</li>
<p>Thats it. Ive heard a Spanish version of “miraculous” and “fabulous” before, but
because I seldom use those Spanish words, I omit it from my above list.</p>
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