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Sang song of Moses, who is servant
of G!D, and of the Lamb. (from
book of Revelations,
which? in Scriptures)<br/>
'Great and awe-inspiring
are Your splendid deeds, Almighty One!
Fabuloso.. fabulosa
worthy of praises and odes...
marvellous and miraculously powerful.
<br / >
true and just are
your ways and deeds,
Ruler and king
of the ages and the nations.'
</head >
G!D gave
me a chance
a set of leading
questions. to
ypu, who are alien to
me, o
r foreign o
unknown to me:
in love of G!D, first and foremost,
then, to love G!D -
who hath called us to pe
a peace the world does not give -
and to do something like
loving G!D, that is, to love
the unknown as the you -
that is, to love
neighbour as yourself -
to love the other,
who is unknown to me, as myself,
giving you what G!D has given me,
as freely as G!D has given me through
the glorious riches of Christ
<b>three steps every meeting</b>
[in no particular order of importance]
<li>what progress or effort did I
make this week?
<i>as it is written in Scriptures:
I saw my co-worker eating and drinking
with drunkards, and I have admonished
him... them... her.
I have sternly and clearly warned my
co-workers to turn away from
godless chatter, and those who
have opposing ideas with so-called 'knowledge'
or false knowledge - yes, even those
who have spent a large portion of their
lives steeping themselves in false knowledge.
I have warned my co-workers to turn away
from those kinds of people. Also, I have
pointed out the hypocrispy of people
un-abashedly, without shame, even [the
hypocrispy of] those
who call themselves 'your mother' or '
your friend'
or 'your father'. Does not the tempter who
has the name of Satan in Scriptures (Satan,
Shaitan, also known as Belial) call
himself... herself... themself... the
Angel of Light? So, what does one,
who associates himself or herself with
the Anointed One who calls himself the Son of
Man, (the Christ, in other words)
have to do with the tempter
who calls himself... herself... themself...
the Angel of Light?
Separate yourself from them.
Come out from among them.
Believers and unbelievers
were originally unsuitable for each other.
what harmony does the Christ have with
the one who calls himself the Angel of Light:
the tempter?
<li>What did I achieve?
<i>I don't care for anything
that the LORD G!D does not give
me. We will be content with
food and drink. (as written in
Scriptures). Content with
godliness. What did achieve?
G!D forbid that I should glory
in myself, save in the one
eternal sacrifice of the One
who has the Name, Jesus, the
Christ, through whom
I am crucified unto the world,
and the world unto me. :-D
Did I achieve or hit the goal I set last
week or some time ago?
<i>This question I decline answer.
However, what does not work
for me, might help you in G!D-knows-what
Err. Well, I took up a habit of smoking
With the help of G!D, I have a testimony
that, as surely as the LORD lives, I did not resume
smoking after I decided to stop or quit
the habit. Wow, that makes me feel
really good. Thanks, G!D, for
believing in me, and enabling
me to very joyfully witness your works
in my life, and enabling me to be among
the Believers. to G!D be the glory for-ever
and ever. Amen.