Thank You, Compassionate and Most Merciful One

Pheng Heong TAN 2017-07-16 00:56:41 +08:00 committed by GitHub
parent a68b414f96
commit 145901a112
1 changed files with 270 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -9,6 +9,276 @@
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To the Compassionate and Most, Most Merciful One,
the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds. Who?
The All-knowing, All-hearing and All-knowing one,
who has no beings attached, even though - or, as
much as - many attach or give partners to the LORD G!D
Most High, in a way that misleads many people
<p>Now I give an account of a person who said to me, '
Do you know you have schizophrenia?'
<p>And I gladly boast about this label that those
who are of the world have given to me, for the sake of
the Son of Man, Christ Jesus, whom we call Teacher
and Lord, and whom I am not above.
<p>For is it not written in the Scriptures, that have the
breath of G!D in every word, the following, or something like it?
"How blessed are you who are labelled as something evil or
abnormal or even immoral because of Me, when you come in My name,"
the Son of Man said. "For that was how their ancestors - fathers -
treated those whom G!D sent to them: prophets, or prophetesses, oracles:
messengers who are not above the one who sends the message, truly, truly.
Jump with gladness; leap for joy; punch your hands into the air
with a heart that thrills
and swells with happiness; jump on couches, if you want, to borrow
a highly visible person's
actions that you may or may not be familiar with; for great is your
reward in Heaven. Yes, celebrate and rejoice on the day or hour
that that happens." :-)
<p>So glad.
<p>Exceedingly glad, joyful, hm-hm-hm-hm :-) (smirking maybe)
<p>Now, <strike>brothers and sisters</strike>, members of the same family:
breath of G!D is in every word of Scripture, is it not?
<p>Now in which part of Scripture does it say that there were only
twelve apostles or disciples or students of the Christ? Is it written
in Scripture that there is a limit on the number of students who study
what our Father, the LORD G!D, has sent to us: the sound
instruction of our patient, wise and understanding Lord and Teacher?
<p>It has come to my attention that people are saying the following about
our Teacher and Lord -
<p>Those who have hearing: those who have ears, let them hear -
<p>He is possessed by the demon!
<p>In this society you call 'modern', I have heard mockery and ridicule
that is pressed against the Christ, whom I am not above. And this is
what Scripture says:
<p>'The Son of Man strictly warned his disciples not to tell anybody about
what the Father has revealed to them. He said, "The Son of Man
must be mocked, ridiculed, spat upon, flogged, despised, rejected by men,
put to death, and then he will rise from the dead. The Son of Man
must go through much suffering."
<p>And this is what Scriptures say: "This calls for patient endurance.
This calls for wisdom."
<p>Brethren, I write to you from Singapore, in the year that you call -
if you were to borrow what those who are of the world call a calendar -
2016 - the year after 2016 - 2017.
<p>Stay near to the Lord, oh brethren of mine. Keep up regular praying,
and take heed to pray to the Father that you and your mouth
will be opened to what the Father is giving you.
<p>For the signs that the LORD G!D hath shown me include the following
words which may or may not be glad tidings to you:
<p>"There will be many who will claim to be the CHrist. Do not believe them.
For each one, ask a confession of them that the Son of Man
came in the flesh, and rose from the dead. If they confess such a testimony,
then they are of the Christ, whom G!D will reveal according to His ways,
which is above my ways. If they say otherwise, then they are of the
opposing force(s) to the Christ, which you have heard about - say,
in what some call the book of Revelations - and which are truly
in the world. For there will be many false prophets."
<p>A story has reached my awareness about a man who has followers
in the Philippines, for they have revered him as the Christ.
<p>Now, let yourself not be led into temptation, for does not our Teacher
himself warn the following: "How sorrowful it is (for you)
when you are welcomed
and given kingly treatment because of Me, when you come in My name.
For that was how their fathers - their ancestors - treated the false prophets:
people who say "as surely as the LORD lives" but surely they declare falsely.
<p>And I say this to you, who can hear: persevere and treat each other as how
our exceedingly loving and tender-hearted Teacher and Lord has loved us.
<p>For I write from among people who have unbelief in the works of G!D. They
put their trust in money and what they call "the system". Oh, the poor, deluded
fool feeds on ashes! Yet they cannot bring themselves to reflect (or think
to themselves): "Is this thing that I am holding in my hand a lie?"
<p>For I count myself a recipient of rebuke from the LORD G!D, who admonishes
me as a father disciplines his son out of dear love; I have set pearls
before swine, so to speak (that is to say, in a manner of speaking), swine
that trample on them, and then turn to attack me. This happened when the LORD
G!D has sent me warnings or guidance that goes something like this:
<p>"Do not set your pearls before swine, lest they trample on it, and then turn
to attack you."
<p>G!D has sent me to a place where the computer that using is surrounded with
<p>And I gladly boast about this rebuke from the Ruler of the Universe, as much
as this makes me a fool. This is to build you up, for we of the Spirit of G!D
work along-side each other, or, more precisely speaking, walk in each
other's shoes, along the same path.
<p>Furthermore, I tell you this: What our Teacher said is true:
<p>"Truly, truly, I tell you, you will say or quote this to my face, or to Me
otherwise: 'Physician, heal yourself!' No prophet is ever honoured in
his hometown. Elijah was sent to a widow else-where when there was
a famine in his hometown, as written in Scriptures."
<p>So, I may or may not be the only one, who has the Spirit of G!D, left.
Who else has the Spirit of G!D? G!D knows, and I do not know.
<p>Yet I tell you this, brethren. The LORD G!D has promised the following, which
are recorded in your society: "Will I bring a child to a womb, and then not deliver
<p>FOr it does not matter whether the world passes away or not; I seek everlasting
life through the Father, Son and the Spirit of G!D, who has no beings attached,
and who has no begotten son.
<p>He who has ears (or she, or they), let them hear.
<p>Am I in trouble? Am I in distress? Are you in trouble? Are you in distress?
Call to the LORD G!D - the Almighty Creator of all, who is Sovereign over
the Last Day - seek Him with all your heart, and if G!D is willing, you will
find G!D.
<p>So, an account of my life may be in order. I grew up in the area of Singapore
that is known as Clementi. I attended Jin Tai Primary School from the ages
of seven to twelve. Nan Hua High School (formerly known as Nan Hua
Secondary School), from the ages of thirteen to sixteen. National Junior
College, from the ages of seventeen to eighteen. From the ages
of nineteen to twenty-one, I was drafted into the Singapore Armed Forces,
as was made compulsory to a male that holds a Singapore citizenship.
'Conscription,' they call it. from the ages of twenty-one to the time
of writing, I attended courses, or otherwise enrolled into, National University
of Singapore.
<p>For four months I went to a foreign land that was known as Taiwan, for the
ostensible purpose of an exchange semester at National Taiwan University, which
at that time was located in the city of Taipei.
<p>Upon my return to Singapore, I was met with suspicions that I was possessed
by the devil, spiritually abused, and in a rather blatant outrage of human dignity,
surrounded by men when I was alone, and weak of body, and disoriented,
and sent into (what is known as) Institute of Mental Health
(formerly known as Woodbridge), where I was mercilessly kept
in a ward that I could not leave. This happened after I confessed that I followed
the teachings or sound instruction of our Teacher and Lord, Christ Jesus.
<p>How-ever, G!D has seen it that in His compassionate and
Most Merciful and mighty ways, which are above my ways,
the same diagnosis of schizophrenia that gave people the chance to think they
can ill-treat me or otherwise rob me of my free movement, physically speaking,
at least, was a ticket to dis-charge from the Singapore Armed Forces.
<p>I will not tell you what miltary people have told me; suffice to say G!D
has relieved me of a heavy yoke. And I say this boldly because I put my trust
in the LORD G!D, and not in men, or women, or captains, or sergeants, or
presidents, or misters, or missus, or colonels (what-have-you), or brigadier-generals.
Whoever is harbouring an intent to persecute me, give me what you have.
For the LORD G!D is the best at planning. Who among you can tell what will
happen tomorrow? Would you argue a case with the All-knowing, All-hearing
and All-seeing One who created the heavens and all the earths, and you
and your very selves? Yes, devise a careful plan, gather your
psychiatrists and psychologists and your advisers and what-have-you -
personal assistants that help you draft your public speeches maybe -
and give me what you have. The best you have, come at me. I have made
my mailing address public, together with my e-mail address. For I fear G!D
greatly, and with the wisdom that comes from fearing G!D, make the following observations:
<li>I know nothing other than what G!D lets me know. This is a fulfillment of what
our Lord has said: "Every tree that my Father in Heaven did not plant will be torn
out from the roots." For this reason, even though computer science concepts were
'taught' to me, for that was my subject matter (or area of study) at university, I have abandoned
interest in all of those, for the sake of answering the upward call of G!D
through Christ Jesus.
<li>I happily leave this matter in the capable and loving hands of the blessed Father in Heaven,
whose name is hallowed. Draconian 'laws'? Abuse of human rights? G!D will do to
me and to you what G!D sees fit to do. A promise that the LORD G!D made comes to mind,
a promise that the LORD fulfils from long ago: 'All those who devour you
shall be devoured". Further, "Those who scoff at you will be scoffed at."
<li>Victory is ours, brethren, overwhelmingly so. Never let yourself think otherwise.
For the losers are those who reject faith, or deny truth. And on the
matters that you dispute on, the LORD G!D will reveal the truth to you
on the Last Day, or in His ways and will, which are higher than mine.
<p>I happily write, o siblings. Excited and filled with gladness, I am. Encourage
one another, please, or do the work that G!D has put in you to do. And this absolutely
counts as a warning to those who are lazy.
<p>Now to the blessed Father be glory - to G!D be the glory for-ever and ever. Amen.
<p>I pray for more workers to be sent, O kin in the same family as I. For the harvest
is plenty, but the workers are few. So pray for more workers to be sent. The Teacher's words,
not mine. And yet does the Teacher himself not say that the student, who is not
above the teacher, but who is training fully, will be like the teacher? Through the name
of the Christ, whom G!D will reveal to whom-ever G!D chooses to reveal - I make this prayer,
Father who is blessed indeed.
<p>May the grace and peace and joy of being in fellowship with our Lord and Teacher,
Christ Jesus, and the love of G!D, and the fellowship of those who are of the
Spirit of G!D - who has no beings attached, as a reminder - be with you.
<p>I am afraid that divisions among you will cause unnecessary trouble.
Buddhists, Christians, Jews, Gentiles (or outsiders), or people who identify
with 'New Age',
or Muslims, those who study the Tao Te Ching, or Zhuangzi (or Zhuang-zhou) -
the list goes on - is it not written in the Scriptures or what some
call the Bible the following?
<p>There is no division. There is no Jew or Gentile, no male or female,
no artist or programmer - all are one through Christ Jesus.
<p>G!D will reveal it to those whom G!D chooses to reveal it to, regarding
what I am saying. I leave it to G!D to decide on this matter. Those
who can hear, let them hear.
<p>To G!D, the Most Merciful and Compassionate One be glory for-ever and ever.
Why, is not the first and greatest and fore-most commandment to love G!D
with all of what-e'er? All of me, all of you? O, they love idols as much
as they should love G!D; and they have led many astray. And G!D has no beings
attached, to remind you again.
<p>So the saying is true, as written in Scriptures: 'The dog returns to its vomit'.
And swine, after washing in water, roll in the mud. As surely
as the LORD - the Holy One of Israel - lives, I have witnessed this.
<p>If it helps you, brethren, the Quran is said to confirm the gospel
and revelations. And it is as a purifier for your mind.
<p>And let not their blatant incense-burning and kow-tows in front of carven
images deceive you into thinking that what they do is right in the eyes
of G!D, who says "Thou shalt not take for worship any before the LORD G!D,
who has no beings attached."
<p>G!D will do to stubborn idol-worshippers what G!D will do. And indeed human
effort is nothing, so happily I finish this writing with praise to G!D for
His lovingkindness: wonders, signs and terrors: remembering. Thank You for
milk, Papa (Father). G!D is good!
<div>"Little ones, yet for a little while more, I am with you. <div>"Little ones, yet for a little while more, I am with you.
You will seek Me, but you will not find Me. But You will seek Me, but you will not find Me. But
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