From 1e32f304d9fa0dd55db5eb21a91bb5731efa07e8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Pheng Heong TAN
Honour your father and your mother,
+ that your days may be long upon the land
+ which the Lord your G!D is giving you.
+ (Exodus 20:12)
+ Jesus said, when people told him: 'Your mother
+ and brothers are outside the city that you
+ are teaching in. Waiting for you, they are!'
+ Oh, Jesus, son of Mary, said, 'my mother
+ and my brothers obey G!D and keep His
+ commandments.' (Jesus called himself
+ the Son of Man)
+ Jesus said, 'From now on, you shall call
+ no man on earth (or Earth - G!D knows,
+ and I do not know where or what Earth is. Yes,
+ G!D knows, and I do not know). You shall call
+ no man who is of the world your father.
+ You have only one father, and He is in Heaven.'
+ (G!D knows, and I do not know, where or what
+ Heaven is, except that G!D chooses to reveal
+ knowledge that is with Him to those whom He
+ chooses. And G!D knows, and I do not know,
+ whom He chooses.)
+ As Scriptures say, 'We are destined for
+ adoption.'
+ Jesus said to a man, 'Come, please follow Me.'
+ The man agreed ("Ok, I will follow you. Go with
+ you, I will."). Then he said, "But first,
+ let me bury my father."
+ Jesus said to the man, "Let the spiritually
+ dead bury the spiritually dead. Your duty
+ is to preach the kingdom of G!D."
+ As Scriptures say, "Do not think that I
+ have come to abolish the Law or the prophets.
+ Rather, I have come to fulfil them."
They say 'sar-let' now [/] + When they mean to say 'sa-lad' [/] + It's a hot-bed here! +
+ 'But the people were filled with
+ rage, and began to plot against Jesus.'
+ (from Scriptures).
+'If you are hated because of Me, remember, that the world and all those who
+ are of the world, and speak of the world,
+ and have minds of the world, hated Me before
+ you.' (from Scriptures)
Look-ing for dan-ger [/] +] On a moon-lit night I went [/] + From dogs to peo-ple +
+How o-ur G[!]d loves [/] + His hand draws the world to me [/] + I am but a tool +
++ Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly + love, in honour giving preference + to one another. (Romans 12:10). + + +
Unknown haiku