'For ten G!D-obeying people, I won't destroy city'

G!D wanna destroy
city. Abraham talked to G!D.
G!D said, 'for a number of people
who, in fear of G!D, obey G!D 
and keep commandments of G!D,
I will not destroy city'.

Then G!D turned from Abraham,
for G!D had been on way to destroy city -
'The outcry is too great! I- destroy city!' G!D said -

"Abraham continued on his journeys, and headed
to the deserts"

or sumthin' like that. It's in Scriptures, if you wanna -
interest, intuition, calling, G!D-given motivation 
or motivation, passion, inspiration - whatever
you call it, in the words of (Mister) Jobs,
trust that it will all work out somehow.
Pheng Heong TAN 2017-07-17 18:44:48 +08:00 committed by GitHub
parent 4ce71df4ae
commit 237c2b34da
1 changed files with 100 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -9,6 +9,106 @@
<div><p>'You learn from y- those you call brethren, but do you learn
from enemies of yours?'
<p>So, a person asked me, 'why do you need G!D?'
<p>Later, they said, 'But maybe some people need G!D. Maybe they need
<p>So, the following is something which doesn't help me (anymore)
but may be helpful to others
<p>Who? Those who think they have 'mental illness' - for it is said
that a person who consumes the services of those who are in
the mental health-care system is like a cookie that is being baked.
According to the information that is given to the consumer (of services),
the cookie will be shaped. So, guess what will happen if what they are
told is that they are 'ill' or 'dis-ordered' throughout their
consupmtion of services? It's not hard to imagine that
they will spend a life-time trying to fight an 'illness' even
when they leave the health-care system. Yes, those who tell
you 'take your pills because you are sick' will not help
you to ease the burden of taking your pills one bit (or ounce or gram).
<p>('bit' being an information-unit that Man has made in his limited ways and mind,
which are not above the ways and Mind of G!D Most High)
<p>Where are they, ah- when you are sitting in a restaurant with someone you
like (a date, that is), and you say, 'Oh, excuse one moment me please, I have
to "take my pills"?'
<p>Of course they are hypocrites; as the Teacher and Lord of ours, Christ
Jesus, whom I am not above, says: 'Woe be to you, teachers of the Law,
people of Pharisee (and people of Psychiatry, and people of Pills),
you hypocrites!'
<p>'Observe what they do, but do not do as they do, for they do not
do as they say. They put a load on people's backs, but would not lift
a single finger to ease it. Hypocrites, they are!'
<p>In any case, since cookies are being baked in a way that G!D knows
and I do not know - yes, G!D knows and I do not know - the following
are some questions that you may or may not find helpful to ask yourself,
depending on where you are at in your consumption of services from
so-called peace-makers from the land of Psychiatry:
<p>(oh, and the love of money (or worldly wealth, such as breadth of so-called
knowledge) is the root of Evil), as written in Scriptures. And G!D knows
what Evil is, and I do not know. And of course G!D is good; good indeed
is G!D, the Most Merciful and Compassionate One, whom I am of course not above)
<p>What questions?
<p>If you want to make a recovery plan, in case of a - what do they call it -
<li>what are the early warning signs?
<li>And what to do in a 'relapse'?
And what to do to help in moving on?
<p>Sharing an example:
<p>Pink's -
<p><i>Oh, laughing, because song comes to mind- 'Pinky and the Brain /
Pinky and the Brain' - cartoon maybe - 'One does something / the other
is insane' ha-ha-ha-ha-ha (and laughing still, delightfully)
<p>And- Pink's warning signs: <i>(can't stop laughing) :-D</i>
<li>Withdrawing socially from colleagues
<i>(now-adays they call it a 'social detox')</i>
<li>Neglecting studies and/or work
<i>I was dis-oriented, and eventually went to practice meditation;
How can a car with no petrol carry on? You think a pill that is
white in colour, and bitter to the taste, gonna help a car
to move when it runs out of petrol? Obviously, it is ineffective
and inadequate - some people do not want to point out
the elephant in the room, proverbially speaking - but,
to learn from those whom G!D has brought me to, maybe what doesn't
help for me might help for others.
<p>And G!D, who has not a partner that is associated with G!D, is the
Most Merciful and Compassionate One, All-knowing and All-seeing
and All-hearing, and indeed He is the Most High, and not unmindful
of your deeds. Glory be to G!D, and peace be upon those
whom G!D favours.
<div><p>Abraham said, oh- Abraham, whom G!D said of like this: 'He is my friend!' -
Abraham said, 'as a form of kindness towards me, it should be known that you
are- it should be known that I am your brother.'