Thank You, G!D; this is Your will for me

In everything give thanks, for
this is G!D's will for you in
Christ Jesus.
Pheng Heong TAN 2017-07-14 01:48:03 +08:00 committed by GitHub
parent 67518cad6e
commit 270531f57c
1 changed files with 175 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -5,8 +5,181 @@
In remembrance of Me (Christ Jesus, Isa, son of Miriam). In remembrance of Me (Christ Jesus, Isa, son of Miriam).
'Be merciful, as your Master (Lord) is merciful.' - Isa, Jesus, son of Mary 'Be merciful, as your Master (Lord) is merciful.' - Isa, Jesus, son of Mary
</head> </head>
<body><p> <body><div>
<a href="#i-am-nothing-at-all"> <p>Dear Diary,
Scripture tells me not to say that in
twenty years you will repay the wicked
and un-just for what they have
done, for is not G!d a good G!d?
that question
rings in my
mind: Is G!d a G!d, who rewards the wicked?
Estee the educator, and
Garnyg the officer, with another man,
the technologist, have
rendered me
<p><i>from the writer: mysterious
marks that look that a snake
with a pin struck through it.
may or may not be the letter 'z' from
the English alphabet.
<p>to a physician. Embittered of soul,
I rest and become restless, -
taking comfort in the affection
of the family of believers
and followers of Christ.
'You know of my way of life,
my persecution at
Antioch, my longsuffering,
my patience...' wrote the
Paul, who cautioned in the
same letter
<p><i>from the writer:
As written in Scriptures:
'What then is Paul? What then
is Apollo?' (what)
'G!D loves not those who delight
in wickedness. Mischief-makers,
G!D loves not.' (from Scriptures
that some call the Quran)
'I want you to show mercy (love),'
says the LORD G!D, (as written
in Scriptures.) 'Not to offer
sacrifices. I want you to know me
Oh, thank You, oh Compassionate
and Most Merciful One, who is
swift and severe and terrible
in punishment: eternal abode
in Fire, at an hour when there
will be no (outside) help,
no intercession, and no hand
of compassion to be extended;
and then there will be angels
striking back and behind
and cheeks
and neck (décolletage, heads
shoulders, knees and toes,
knees and toes) of people who will
have displaced lips; and then
there will be weeping, and
stamping of feet, most sorrowful,
and grinding an' gnashing of teeth.
(ah, that feels extremely
satisfying, G!D, who reminds me
to leave the righteous anger
of G!D to G!D). afore-mentioned
may be verified to be recorded
in the Quran, the Bible and elsewhere
which may or may not be unknown
to me.
And so it is that what the Teacher
and Lord says is true: 'Blessed
are you who hunger and thirst
for righteousness, for you
will be satisfied.' so says the
Son of Man. As surely as the LORD
G!D, the Almighty One lives,
I hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for the wicked to have no peace, and
no rest, and for those who
fear G!D to be rewarded and exalted.
And as surely as the LORD lives,
I have been satisfied in great
and mighty ways that I did not know,
and G!D promises that... this:
'Call to Me, and I will show
you great and mighty things
which you do not know.'
<p>'But mark this: there will be
terrible times in the last days.
They will be brutal, lovers of
themselves rather than lovers
of G!d, not lov'rs of the
good... [or,
not lovers of the Good, to be
precise, for some glory in
their shame, and say, 'I have
done no wrong!']'
<p>Gekeng the social worker
is someone [whom] you should be
on your guard against. G!d will
pay them in retri-bution for
what they have done to me.
Be careful when you
faint marks (as in, hand-writing,
for context)]
afflicted in Singapore with them.
<p><i>from the writer: very
faint marks again
<p>G!d has given me a channel
to <i>
[faint marks] (guessing the word
is 'know')
</i> Him more.
Diary, you just a vapour that
appears for a little while,
and then
<i>(guessing the word is...
oh, G!D knows, and I do not
know. Yes, G!D knows, and
I do not know.)
Doing guess-work: 'the Almighty
causes lovers to scatter in the wind!'
<p>[El] Shaddai darkens the evening
with the descent of night, and raises
the song of crickets up to
the lights of the sky which
He made, in epilogue to evening
<p><i>[very faint marks]
<p>May glory be to G!d[,]
and may peace be with you
in the name of the Lord Christ
<p>I am fading away, and repenting
<p>I am going to meet
<p><i>[faint marks again, perhaps
fittingly so] Praise be to G!D
Most High
<a href="#i-am-nothing-at-all">
'They say, "Peace, peace", but there is no peace! 'They say, "Peace, peace", but there is no peace!
They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious.
'Peace, peace,' they say, when there is no peace.' (Book 'Peace, peace,' they say, when there is no peace.' (Book