Update now-page

Pheng Heong, Tan 2020-10-17 14:46:14 +08:00
parent 83d085271d
commit 557f7f9018
1 changed files with 30 additions and 34 deletions

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@ -3,47 +3,43 @@
<h3>What am I doing now?
<p>Earlier this month, I applied for an award worth SGD$15,000
to $20,000. (It is called "IMPART Award 2021", and the organisation behind
it is "Art Outreach"). The award supports emerging artists.
Right now, I am participating in an exchange of language and culture, with international people, as part of the organisation Mundo Lingo.
<p>The release of the results (of applications) is scheduled for
end-December 2020, if not early January 2021.
Mundo Lingo has a presence in many cities, and in light of the pandemic, we have moved from in-person gatherings to online chat-groups.
<p>So right now I am waiting for the results.
I do not ask for a salary for my work with Mundo Lingo - in my limited knowledge, nobody in Mundo Lingo gets a salary - but I do feel rewarded with friendships and what internationals share with me, about their home culture and language. (You may already know that I am teaching Singlish, or Singapore-flavoured English language, to at least one Burmese lady, as part of such work).
<p>I have joined online chat-groups that relate to my interests: language and cultural
exchange (the chat-group is called
<a href="https://t.me/ML_Singapore">Mundo Lingo</a>), and software development
(<a href="https://t.me/joinchat/AMjNsFh9UGJ9v56sF4KPjg">DevSg</a>), just
to name a few.
I believe in continuing education - in the hopes of learning the Indonesian
language, I've been having weekly chats with an England-based Indonesian,
over the Internet. (One hour each time).
<p>In this way, I have Internet-users whom I can serve. For example,
I've met a lady from Myanmar, who has early-stage breast cancer. I hope
my presence in her (online) life comforts her and cheers her up.
On 30th August 2020, I completed an online course, "Writing in the sciences",
which is from Stanford University. It has taken me eight weeks
and despite its name, I've found it helpful in improving my everyday language.
(<a href="https://www.coursera.org/account/accomplishments/certificate/B4KUFQ86VYVX">Here
is my certificate</a> - which cost USD$79 - if you're into that kind of thing.)
<p>In a video posted on LinkedIn, a CEO of a publishing company (Ms.
Juliana Chan of Wildtype Media) highlighted social capital and how it
differs from financial capital.
A good friend from Mundo Lingo, whom I shall call T - we've only ever met
over the Internet - said that T has early-stage breast cancer.
<p>So one could say I'm gathering social capital, in my time within
these online chat-groups. From a Biblical perspective, I am called to
serve mankind, and to "go and make disciples of all nations". (
<a href="https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2028%3A19-20&version=NIV">
The gospel of Matthew, Chapter 28, Verses 19 and 20</a>).
<p>T is only thirty-two years old, but T has high spirits in such a time,
which I thank God for.
<p>T has a schedule of cancer-treatment to follow, for at least
one year (starting from now).
<p>I want to support T - in emotional and spiritual terms, at
least - but first I have to take care of myself. I got some advice to care
for myself before caring for others.
<p>So I've been giving myself permission to enjoy myself: wine, movies,
books, classical music (such as Requiem(s) by various composers).
This was written on 18th September 2020.
<p><i>This was written on 17 October 2020.