Hello Daddy, I love You so

Help me G!D to love You above
all others
Pheng Heong TAN 2017-07-24 04:17:50 +08:00 committed by GitHub
parent 33c4d8b4cd
commit 84553155e7
1 changed files with 100 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -59,6 +59,106 @@
<p>What? You say, a few strong
men are killing people on the
behalf of the Compassionate
and Most Merciful One who loves
justice and detests wickedness,
the All-knowing, All-hearing and All-seeing
one who has no beings attached,
the Creator of the Universe and everything
in it, creator of you and me, even me-
the Judge - the One and Only Judge -
the Sovereign over the Last Day - am I
hearing that a few strong-men are-
courageously killing people in the name of
G!D Most High, or sacrificing themselves
in martyr-dom, in the name of G!D-knows-who?
<p>Well, it is written in Scriptures:
(for those who have ears, let them hear)
"The LORD G!D declares, 'I the LORD G!D
want you to show love (mercy), not to offer
sacrifices. I want you to know me (G!D)
I want you to know G!D, rather than
burn offerings.
(book of Hosea, chapter six, verse six)
<a href="http://biblehub.com/hosea/6-6.htm"
<p>"Take heed," it is written in Scriptures.
"There will be terrible times
in the last days. People will be lovers
of themselves, brutal, not lovers of the
good (that is, not lovers of G!D who is
good, and true in deed and word). That is
to say, they will pervert justice.
You know of my longsuffering, patient
endurance, and my persecutions at Antioch
and elsewhere." (second book of Timothy,
chapter three, verse three
<a href="https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2%20Timothy+3")
<p>What's the song again?
'You love-
you give love a bad name?'
How 'bout "What name you think
you giving G!D Most High?"
<p>But like the apostle Paul who was named
Saul, who persecuted people, and later
became a student of Christ Jesus, a disciple,
that is, those who kill people, killing
brutally - yes, agony, great distress,
absolutely, great upset and worry
and sorrow, you will go through when
those whom you love dearly die in
such a way that you lose what you
have perceived them to be like - as much
as that may be so, the plans of G!D
are higher than the plans of Man, and
the thoughts of G!D are higher than the
(plentiful) thoughts of Man. Honestly,
I do not know what to say. To focus
on Scripture, which have the breath
of G!D in every word, who would have
thought that Paul would become a disciple
of the Christ? </p>
<p>"You may have heard it
said like this: 'love those whom
you have received love from; hate
your enemies.' Truly, to you, I say, '
Love your enemies. Do good to those
who do you harm. Then you will be
children of the Most High" These
are words from the Son of Man - the
Anointed One called himself the Son
of Man - and I am not above the Christ;
neither am I above G!D
<p>I have no ability to control whether
harm or benefit comes upon you. In truth,
I have no ability (or power) to control
whether harm or benefit comes upon me.
If I had that ability, I would have
given myself many benefits already.
<p>If you- great sorrow- I'm h- obviously
enough, I am having difficulty
communicating - I don't know what to say.
I'm just glad you're reading this.
<p>There is a woman. She has mysterious tics.
Adapting from a book that G!D in His mercy
allowed me to read - a book that Señorita