Glory is Yours, Papa; so is kingdom.

To the Compassionate and Most Merciful One be
glory for-ever and ever. Amen. Through Christ Jesus,
whom I am not above.

'You call me Teacher and Lord, and that is as it should be,
for that is what I am.' - Jesus (or, Isa)
Pheng Heong TAN 2017-07-12 02:09:02 +08:00 committed by GitHub
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commit 9ffd76508c
1 changed files with 187 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -9,8 +9,195 @@
<body> <body>
<p>It will be as in the days of the generation
of Noah. People marrying and giving in marriage,
eating an' drinking, were, knowing nothing
about flood that came upon them until it came,
and Noah and those whom G!D had commanded Noah
to take with him - Oh, Noah obeyed what
G!D told him. That is to say, he did not
say 'No' to G!D out of defiance (or wilfulness);
did he refuse to believe in the one whom
G!D has sent (You know the god I am talking
about: He who created the Universe and every-thing
in it, the All-knowing, All-hearing and All-seeing
Sovereign over the Day of Judgment who loves
justice and detests wickedness) - and when
destruction was complete, Noah asked G!D
for permission to dis-embark from where
G!D had spared him from destruction. (maybe
in the Quran, this is written)
<p>O prophet, your words will only be heeded-
your advice will only be heeded by those
who fear G!D, and are repentant, or otherwise
willing to reconcile themselves to Him. (as written
in the Quran). (the reader might want to compare
this to the parable of the sower and the seed
that Christ Jesus, son of Mary, gave, and which
is recorded in Scriptures that are known as
the Bible).
<p>Quit? Oh LORD, let not Your spirit away from me!
<p>On a point which may be elusive to people
in some parts of- any-way, elusive to some people-
is what exactly does it mean to say 'Thou
art my shepherd; I shall not want.'
<p>G!D has given me the grace to type
on a night in the tropics, so write I will,
gladly. G!D brought me to
<a href="">
a book
that is on- <br/><i>
(checking it up in an information store, the Internet
address of which is as follows)</i><br/>
a person who calls himself 'Great Fool'.
<p>In any case, a passage or idea from that book
is that on the way to enlightenment,
alms-taking is required. To put it in
a way that is a little more familiar
to the lay-man, or more precisely, those
people who reside in urban areas (that is,
not exactly pastoral), begging is required.
A better-sounding name, that book has given
that. Going to check information store again.
<p>Perchance the starting point may have
been forgotten. What does it mean to say,
'Thou art my shepherd. I shall not want'?
<p>How can one trust in a higher power that
feeds and clothes one unconditionally, unless
power is given over to the higher power in question
to feed and clothe one?
<p>What coming to mind is: Jesus. The disciples
began arguing among themselves about who
among them was the greatest in the kingdom
of Heaven. Taking a little one to Jesus,
Jesus said, 'Truly, truly, I tell you,
those who humble yourself as this little one
is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven.'
(among numerous other examples, of little
ones being a model to Man, that Jesus gave).
<p>You ever saw a little one - say, one year
of age, in your so-called modern measures
of time - suit up in tie and tuxedo, and
wait tables? Or pump petrol for others
at a gas station? Who feeds a one-year-old?
<p>You wanna be greatest in kingdom of Heaven?
How about you learn from a one-year-old about
trust in a world that feeds you, and clothes
you unconditionally, among other things
that a one-year-old can teach you, if you choose
to humble yourself?
<p>To emphasise on what Jesus - who is Teacher
and Lord, as it should be - said, verse from Bible:
And he said to them:
"Truly I tell you, unless you change and
become like little children, you will never
enter the kingdom of Heaven."
<a href="">
(Gospel of Matthew, chapter eighteen, verse three.
<p>So, back to the beginning. What does it mean
to you to say the following:
'Thou art my shepherd; I shall not want"
<p>On a some-what related note, G!D
has given me a chance to attend a lesson
or example of what some call homoletics.
'Big' word? Or complicated word?
How about this: how to communicate
more effectively?
<p>So one of the ideas during that demonstration
or lesson that came up in mind was the
art of repetition, which interestingly
enough, is a rather prominent feature
in classical music, or music from the
period of your development that some
have called 'the Classical period'.
<p>Maybe those who are familar with a certain
type of computers know it as 'copy-and-paste'.
So, the art of repetition (a concept that
G!D has introduced me to in a music course,
which is, of course, from the-LORD-who-will-provide)-
the art of repetition is how you 'copy-and-paste',
not just what you 'copy-and-paste'.
<p>So, parable of sower and seeds, coming to mind
<p>Hm. To sum up,
humble yourself as a little one.
If you do not, no kingdom of Heav'n.</li>
<li>you say 'Thou art my shepherd.
I shall not want'. What does that mean to you?
Are you even giving yourself a chance
to be shepherd-ed - clothed and fed unconditionally?
<p>So, having examples- but, demonstration
of homoletics included a clear warning to not
introduce to you - or the audience, or the
people you are preaching to - any new content
or points, (where) in the conclusion, or where
you have told your audience where you will end.
<p>My time is short, how-ever. G!D will take
my life - or what people of the world think
of as life, to be more accurately speaking -
according to His will, which is above my will.
<p>Sufficient for you, it is becoming clear,
that there are highly visible persons among
your urban (that isn't exactly pastoral)
societies who have attempted- not suicide-
mendiciary. (begging. taking alms.)
<p>So, to repeat, if you don't give a higher power
- or, a higher being who causes rain or water to fall from
the sky so that your thirst may be satisfied -
(oh, thank You for the rain, oh, Papa (Father)
who is Ruler of the Universe, whose name
is hallowed. Why, G!D, Your people have
created imitations of the sound of rain-drops
falling on surfaces, so that they may be
soothed or otherwise comforted, or find
a common humanity)-
to repeat, if you do not give a higher power
a chance to feed you un-conditionally, what is it
to you to spend time with words that have
the breath of G!D in them? What is it to you to
say or see the following: 'Thou art my shepherd;
I shall not want.'
<div><p> <div><p>
to have the no small honour to obey the guidance to have the no small honour to obey the guidance
that <a href=""> that <a href="">
the mighty helper of worm Jacob and little Israel the mighty helper of worm Jacob and little Israel