Taste and see that G!D is good!

O, taste and see that the LORD G!D is good! Blessed
are those who take refuge in him.

Do not rejoice that the evil king Ahaz is dead, for
his son takes over his throne. A serpent births an adder
more wicked than itself, quick and dangerous. Flee,
o poor people of Israel, flee to fortified cities! (Bible. Book of Isaiah maybe) 

'I want you to be wise about what is good, and innocent about
what is evil.' (Scriptures) G!D knows, and I do not know what evil is.
Yes, G!D knows, and I do not know.
Pheng Heong TAN 2017-06-17 23:25:04 +08:00 committed by GitHub
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@ -648,6 +648,164 @@ life].
What kind of hurt or trauma or woundedness did I have, in the past,
that is lying stagnant now?
'Do not kill your children for fear of want, for
the LORD G!D will provide.' (from the Bible)
fifteenth day of the first month
of the 105th year
since a nation was
given a worldly comfort by the LORD, it is.
<i>from the writer: Praise be to G!D, who daily
loads or lays benefits upon us, even reconciliation
to godliness or G!D: a reconciliation that
no one of the world can give. For as
Scriptures say, human effort is nothing -
I went to a lecture on Operating-Systems today.
I also went to a talk on what it feels like
to be dealing with 'depression' and recovery
[from it].
It is the fourteenth day of the first month
of the 105th year since G!D let Man name a
nation with a name that G!D taught Man
instead of angels (whom G!D
asked what the name was, and who said,
'Yes, G!D, we do not know', and who were
taught the name by Man when G!D commanded Man
to teach them the name)
Joanna A, my [']rehabilitation counsellor['], said
yesterday that circumstances that cause stress
can cause a [']relapse[']. She talked about
warning signs of a [']relapse['], and actions to
take during a [']relapse[']. The latter includes
calling her, or checking myself into
[']hospital[']. I find it ridiculous and
counter-intuitive that when stress arises
[or rises] you run away from the stress-causing
factor, rather than find ways to cope
with it, or de-stress, such as getting enough
sleep, or exercising regularly, or
talking to people in support groups or
study groups for undergraduates.
<i>Praise be to G!D, who rescues us from
the mouths of the wicked, as a good shepherd
rescues his flocks from the mouths
of shepherds that eat mutton (or lamb
chops) and the fattest portions
of fattened calves, and dress themselves
in wool, instead of feeding or tending or caring
to flocks. Oh, G!D says, too, that He will
ask an account of those shepherds, or hold
them responsible for what happened, and those
shepherds will not eat again. He will judge
between the fat sheep and the scrawny sheep,
G!D says. And this is in Scripture. G!D says
He will care for His flocks Himself, and watch
over them. And G!D is the Most Faithful
to promises He makes. Thank you, Daddy :-)
How can I fight back at [']schizophrenia[']?
This is in contrast to improving the quality
of life while coping with [']schizophrenia[']
<i>from the writer: Ha-ha-ha (laughing).
There is a card that has the name of
'Schizophrenia' in the Tarot card deck.
And G!D hath brought me to a person who
had a Tarot card deck, and G!D hath brought
me to draw the 'Schizophrenia' card with
His will, which is sovereign (over all),
for who is better at planning than He?
So, out of curiosity, what does so-called
knowledge of so-called schizophrenia
have to do with godliness? Does not the Bible
have on record, 'Turn away from godless
chatter, and those who have opposing ideas
with their so-called knowledge, or
false knowledge?' For knows more than G!D?
'Who among you can tell what will happen
tomorrow? Come, step forward, let us gather
and argue the case. Gather you your fortune-
tellers and diviners.' (from Scriptures).
What do we, those of us with 'schizophrenia',
in, in this battle? Where do I come in?
Oh, Father, help us to be more like Jesus,
who is always available to the marginalised
in society, and who does not seek praise: Lord,
you said, 'My Father is greater than I'. You are
humble, Lord. Draw me closer to you, Lord
Jesus Christ. Through Jesus Christ[,] amen.
<i>from the writer: I cried out to Jehovah,
the blessed Father who rules the Universe,
and whose name is hallowed, and He heard me
and listened. Even me, a wicked, ungrateful
thievess and a prostitute with a lowly heart,
and poor spirit - a worm! - even me.
The song 'Amazing grace' comes to mind:
Amazing grace / How sweet the sound / that saved
a wretch like me / I once was lost /
But now am found / [da-da-da-da-da]. Sing like
never before, o my soul /
praise His holy name.<br/>
G!D hath no begotten son. And G!D hath no
beings attached. Abraham laid the foundation
of the house when he cried out to G!D: 'Our
Lord! Save
me and my descendants from idol worshippers!' (from
the Quran) <br/>
Praise be to G!D, who brings every kind
of fruit in boundless measure: houses I did
not build, fruits that I did not sow seeds of.
Someone else, who is wiser than myself,
said that we need to pray as if it depends on G!D,
and work as if it depends on us.
Go home, my people,
and lock your doors!
Hide yourselves for a little while
until the Lords anger has passed.
Look! The Lord is coming from heaven
to punish the people of the earth for their sins.
The earth will no longer hide those who have been killed.
They will be brought out for all to see.
<a href="https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah+26%3A20-21&version=NLT">
(Isaiah 26:20-21, New Living Translation)
It is the thirteenth day of the first month
of the 105th year since a nation's prayer was heard
by the LORD, who heard it, and answered it.
I went to a family therapist today. Christopher
L was good at putting my [']father['] into a
positive, compassionate, [and] knowledgable
light. I was surprised that my father
was aware of some of the dynamic[s] between
my [']siblings['] and myself. <br/><br/>
I feel the pressure to make every pocket of
time count. It is as if I'm on a giant rolling
ball, running to keep my balance. It's exciting
to me, at this point, when the semester begins.