Hello Daddy, I love You :-)

Praise be to G!D, and glory too (amen) Through Christ Jesus 
(determined face)
Pheng Heong TAN 2017-07-16 06:40:18 +08:00 committed by GitHub
parent 145901a112
commit d69bc9ea76
1 changed files with 68 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -9,6 +9,74 @@
<div><p>Abraham said, oh- Abraham, whom G!D said of like this: 'He is my friend!' -
Abraham said, 'as a form of kindness towards me, it should be known that you
are- it should be known that I am your brother.'
<p>T'was despite the promise that G!D made to Abraham. 'Your descendants
will be as the stars in the night sky, and the grains of sand on the beach or
sea-shore - as numerous as all those!' (wow)
So, one would expect that Abraham would be honoured as a patriach or
an ancestor or a fore-father. So, why or what could be a reason
that he says, 'Call me your brother, as a form of kindness towards me'
(raising or cocking eyebrows)
<p>So? Who has a possible suggestion?
<p>Well, one out of the many possibilities, including one that is unknown to me,
is that- what did Jesus Christ say when he ate and drank with sinners
and prostitutes and the otherwise destitute?
<p>'From now on, you shall call no one on Earth your father. You have
only one father, and he is in Heaven.'
<p>The practices of certain people come to mind. 'Call me Father,' or something
like that.
<p>Well, in any case, back to the starting question: Why would a person
like Abraham want to be called a brother when he had descendants promised
to him by the LORD G!D?
<p>Well, isn't it a form of kindness to not be called a title that would
be taken away from you eventually?
<p>To put it in <strike>closer comparison,</strike>
alternative order
so you may perchance see, if you have eyes,
and you can see - for some have sight, and are blind - let the reader understand -
Jesus: 'You have only one father.'
Abraham: 'Call me your brother, as a form of kindness towards me.'
<p>So, guess what knowledge did the LORD G!D put into Abraham, in a time
when the Christ supposedly didn't get sent to the world?
<p>Did someone say 'fore-shadow'? Or 'fore-tell'?
<p>Isn't it cruel to have a title that will be stripped away from you
eventually? Isn't it a form of kindness to have that title voluntarily
given away? To be kind to one-self, to give away a thing that
doesn't last, voluntarily, and cheerfully, and happily - isn't that
a great kindness for oneself and for others?
<p>If you're interested, you could ask around about renunciation,
or (relatedly) a way of living that is not about worldly gain, but about liberation
of others and one-self from needless agony? If not for others, than
for one-self. Why would I want something that doesn't last? Quite
obviously, this... hm. Well, G!D knows what to do with web-site-
the LORD G!D knows best what to do with you and me and afore-mentioned
and web-site and the universe and the sun and the moon (awe-spiring... not
conspiring. Awe-spiring... awe-inspiringly great and marvellous and
splendidly wondrous are Your deeds, oh Almighty King of kings, Lord
of lords, who is Compassionate and Most Merciful, and just and true
in Your judgment and ways, You who are oft-forgiving, and is
swift and terrible and severe in punishment, for you love
justice and detest wickedness, and loves not those who
delight in wickedness.)
To the Compassionate and Most, Most Merciful One,
the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds. Who?