'Rejoice in the Lord. I say again, rejoice!'

'Therefore, brethren, brothers, sisters: stay true and near to the Lord.' (from the Bible)
'They are grieved when some Good comes to you; they rejoice when 
some ill befalls you in your pursuit of G!D' (from the Quran)
'I am sending you as lambs among wolves.
Therefore be as shrewd as snakes, and as innocent as doves.' - the Son of Man, Jesus,
son of Mary
Pheng Heong TAN 2017-06-21 03:14:53 +08:00 committed by GitHub
parent 1e32f304d9
commit d705bd3951
1 changed files with 127 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -630,10 +630,137 @@ Therefore thus says the Holy One of Israel,
love, in honour giving preference
to one another. (Romans 12:10).
<p>Jour-neys in Tai-wan [/]
Leave me
after being courteous
af-ter cour-te-sy [/]
The Tai-wan-ese died
They call one 'Pas-tor' [/]
And an-o-ther a pop star [/]
I stay in the queue
Men love to be called 'Rabbi',
'Pastor', you get the drift.
They love to be greeted in the
market-places, given honourable
seats in synagogues, and
the best places in public.
But you, do not desire to be
called 'Rabbi', 'Pastor', 'Teacher',
'Instructor', 'Professor', 'Leader',
because you have
only one Teacher, Rabbi,
Pastor, Instructor, Professor, Leader,
and he is
the Anointed One, and you
are all brethren (brothers, sisters,
family) through the Anointed
One. (from Scriptures)
They make friends with me [/]
As cer-tain-ly as sha-dows [/]
Flic-ker in the light
<i>Go into all the world and preach
the gospel to every creature. (Mark
:-D <br/>
'Little ones, continue
doing what you are doing, for
your Father approves.' (from
(hur-hur-hur) (hmph-hmph-hm-ph-hm-ff)
(chuckling, can't stop) (or giggling)
The Son of Man rose [/]
With his migh-ty hand G!d raised [/]
His Son from the dead
<p>The guides are enough [/]
The time has come to re-pent [/]
And ac-know-ledge G!d
<i>Praise be to G!D, who keeps His
promises, surely. As
Scriptures record, 'Your
hearts will swell with joy
(and your heart of hearts),
and you will be like calves
let out to green pasture.'
<p>G!d for-sook the Christ [/]
On the day of His Pass-ion [/]
He went to the Cross
<i>Sing to the Lord, all the earth;
Proclaim the good news of His
salvation from
day to day.
(1 Chronicles 16:23)
<p>The cake was gone then [/]
The sham-poo skipped by me too [/]
What a great boo-hoo!
The big cake was it [/]
In a game of 'you missed it' [/]
'tWas a half-<strike>
baked treat!
<p>Cake was before me [/]
As I queued up behind him [/]
They saw the cake
Call to Me, and I will answer you,
and show you great and mighty things,
which you do not know.
(Jeremiah 33:3)
<p>Unknown haiku
<p><i>Unknown Scripture (or word of G!D)