'You are my witnesses, whom I have chosen' (Bible)
Pheng Heong TAN 2017-06-06 01:02:05 +08:00 committed by GitHub
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<a href="http://phtan.github.io/music 001.jpg">composition 001</a> <a href="http://phtan.github.io/music 001.jpg">composition 001</a>
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'Tell no one about this,' Jesus said. 'Go home (to thy friends), and tell what G!D has done in your life.' (Mark 5:19) <br/>
'And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude Allah's favour on you; for ye were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, so that by His Grace, ye became brethren; and ye were on the brink of the pit of Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus doth Allah make His Signs clear to you: That ye may be guided.'
<a href=""http://corpus.quran.com/translation.jsp?chapter=3&verse=103>(chapter 3, verse 103)</a> <br/>
Your Almighty G!D and my Almighty G!D are the same G!D. He created Heaven and Earth and the Universe and everything in it. He is G!D of Abraham, and G!D of the prophets. <br/>
Compassionate and Merciful in the Most - G!D who is slow to anger, and oft-forgiving, Whom thou shalt not put to the test (as Scripture says). <br/>
In my folly I have prostituted myself to something that cannot help me at all. Detestably, I have taken a toilet-bowl (or a water-closet) - you know, a pipe that you poop in -
as a god. I have feared the wrath of a god of a toilet bowl, and attempted to please that god. Over a period of time, those attempts included: knelt in front of a toilet-bowl; bit a toilet-bowl. <br/>
'Save me,' I desperately cried to a toilet-bowl. <br/>
'The poor, deluded fool feeds on ashes. He trusts in something that cannot help him at all! Yet he cannot bring himself to reflect or think to himself: "Is this thing, that I am holding in my hand, a lie?" (Isaiah 44:20) <br/>
And yet, G!D has enabled me to write this, and I thank the Almighty Lord of lords, and King of kings; praise G!D, I do, for He has shown loving-kindness, and mercy that is in the Most High.
To G!D be the glory. <br/>
It took time. And terrors, admonishments (out of dear love), and signs and wonders, G!D has convinced me that He has paid a price to redeem a prostitute like myself. <br/>
'This observance will be for you like a sign on your hand and a reminder on your forehead that this law of the LORD is to be on your lips. For the LORD brought you out of Egypt with his mighty hand.'
<a href="http://biblehub.com/exodus/13-9.htm">
(Exodus 13:9, New International Version)
'You will tell your son: 'I do this, because the LORD, G!D of Abraham and the Prophets, has done wonders and marvels for me when He brought me out of Egypt.' (Exodus 13:8)
So, testify, as a witness of G!D, I shall.
Drugs - things: bitter in taste, white in colour, and smaller than a finger-nail in size. Those whom I turned to - shepherds, of renown in the land -
charged me money for those things, and kept me in a pen that I could not leave from, even if I asked nicely. <br />
'This thing gives me uneasiness. I wake up in the middle of the night to walk; I feel compelled. And it gives me convulsions in my hands sometimes.'
This I told them. <br/>
And they said, 'Here's another thing. Eat it. It controls the uneasiness of the thing that you talked about.' <br/>
'But,' they continued, 'It does things to you, even though it controls the thing that you talked about.' <br />
I did not know what they talked about. This thing, that thing. <br />
The shepherds - some of them, at least - intimidated me. 'If you do not do as we say,' they hinted, in a way that was not very nice, 'you will keep staying in this pen. You will not be let out.'
<br />
So, ate both things, I tremulously did. Indeed, I was afraid of consequences that men promised unto me, instead of fearing the Almighty One.
I wanted to get out of that pen. And so, I dis-obeyed not, but co-operated, although I have voiced my defiance to their ways a few times. <br />
<br />
'Finish your food,' they said. And I was afraid. So I ate, although I had been feeling very full at that point.
<br />
(Later they would give me a recipe for 'sayur lodeh', when I asked them how to make a certain mixture that I had eaten.)
'Drink water with your "medicine",' they said. And I was fed up. 'No,' I said. 'I am going to eat "medicine" without water. See, it enters my body just fine.' <br />
And they said, in a way that was not very nice, 'Drink water with the "medicine", or else.' <br />
I walked away, but I was anxious to get out of that pen, and keen to appear co-operative. (And they had others to talk to.) So, I returned to them, but they said, 'Don't worry. We've recorded that you were obedient enough. That is, that you have eaten "medicine".'
<br />
Anyhow, this story is becoming godless.
<br />
Long story short, they left me. they care nothing for me. <br />
All your lovers have forgotten you;
they care nothing for you;
for I have dealt you the blow of an enemy,
the punishment of a merciless foe,
because your guilt is great,
because your sins are flagrant. (Jeremiah 30:14, ESV)
Alas! That day is so great
there is none like it;
it is a time of distress for Jacob;
yet he shall be saved out of it. (Jeremiah 30:7)
'For I will restore health to you,
and your wounds I will heal,'
declares the Lord,
'because they have called you an outcast:
"It is Zion, for whom no one cares!" (Jeremiah 30:17)
<br />
<br />
Therefore all who devour you shall be devoured,
and all your foes, every one of them, shall go into captivity;
those who plunder you shall be plundered,
and all who prey on you I will make a prey.' (Jeremiah 30:16)
<br />
'For I am with you to save you,'
declares the Lord;
'I will make a full end of all the nations
among whom I scattered you,
but of you I will not make a full end.
I will discipline you in just measure,
and I will by no means leave you unpunished.' (Jeremiah 30:11)
<br />
'Then fear not, O Jacob my servant, declares the Lord,
nor be dismayed, O Israel;
for behold, I will save you from far away,
and your offspring from the land of their captivity.
Jacob shall return and have quiet and ease,
and none shall make him afraid.' (Jeremiah 30:10)
<br />
Indeed, as it is written in the Bible, G!D exalts those who humble themselves before Him, and humbles those who exalt themselves before Him.
<br />
<br /> For it is written in the Bible: '
Now you are slaves
of other nations,
but I will break the chains
and smash the yokes
that keep you in slavery.
Then you will be my servants,
and I will choose a king for you
from the family of David.'
(Jeremiah 30:8-9, CEV)
<br />
Almighty One, great are your deeds! Fabulous, marvellous!
<br />
<br />
For is it not written in the Bible: 'Your hearts will swell with joy - even your heart of hearts - and you will be as calves let out to pasture.'
<br />
I praise You, G!D, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful; that I know full well. (from the Bible)
<br />
And it is written in the Quran: 'If good touches you, it distresses them; but if harm strikes you, they rejoice at it. And if you are patient and fear Allah , their plot will not harm you at all. Indeed, Allah is encompassing of what they do.'
< a href="http://corpus.quran.com/translation.jsp?chapter=3&verse=120">(Chapter 3, verse 120)</a>
<br />
'Bless those who persecute you. Dont curse them; pray that God will bless them. Be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep.'
<a href="http://biblehub.com/nlt/romans/12.htm">
(Romans 12:14-15, NLT)
<br />
'Dear friends, never take revenge. Leave that to the righteous anger of God. For the Scriptures say,
“I will take revenge;
I will pay them back,”
says the LORD.
“If your enemies are hungry, feed them.
If they are thirsty, give them something to drink.
In doing this, you will heap
burning coals of shame on their heads.”
Dont let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good.'
(Romans 12:19-21, NLT)
<br />
'Be merciful, as your Master is merciful.' - Jesus
<br />
So, G!D admonishes and sets trials and obstacles. Admonishes out of dear love. Trials, so that if you overcome, a reward is for you, with the LORD, G!D of Abraham. (Book of Revelations, if you're interested.)
<br />
Happily ever after, by a servant of G!D who created Heaven and Earth - G!D who knows all, hears all and sees all (G!D knows and you do not) - G!D who knows the hearts and minds of men, G!D who loves justice, and detests wickedness.
<br />
So remind me, G!D, to fear You, and to humble myself before You, and to let Your will be done, not mine.
<br />
'And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.'
<a href="https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Philippians+4%3A19&version=NLT">
(Phillipians 4:19, NLT)
<br />
For it is written in the Quran: 'Bring glad tidings, invite them to your LORD, practice charity openly and secretly, and do righteousness that is godly - it is not righteousness to turn to the
East or the West, but it is righteousness to obey G!D, and to keep His commandments.'
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