Rescue me, O Almighty Merciful one, from the trap my enemies set for me. My enemies scorn me on all sides; my friends are afraid of me, and turn away when they see me on the streets; I am in distress. But I put my trust in you, O LORD, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Ruler of the Universe, G!D of Abraham, G!D of the prophets, the Fear of Isaac, Most Merciful Redeemer of Israel, the Only Holy One
Increase, do not decrease, said the LORD, G!D of Abraham (it is written in the Bible)
John answered and said, “A man can receive nothing unless it has been given him from heaven." (John 3:27)
Do not repeat what your enemies say about you, lest your aides repeat them too
Let yourselves not be led into what you have no knowledge of
'I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life' - Jesus, Son of Man
'let the wrong continue to do wrong. let the right continue to right,' so it is written in wondrous book: breathed with G!D's help - Bible, a Holy Book.
The first few months within the publication of a book is the time to do publicity for it, when the book is a baby, somebody wrote in a book.
In that spirit, publicise a wiki that I created.
Create a working page to iterate on in future. The domain host
will hold my domain for 2 years based on the credit I have
with the domain host people. It's time to start using the
domain, and I wanted a quick place to show visitors.