'Nothing terrifies men more than losing their sense of self-importance.' (from a book that G!D gave me the chance to read, a comfort in this worldly life, a brief respite; and He who created all- ah- upon a command from G!D, all souls shall return to Him, as in a bugle blast, or a trumpet call, or a blow of a whistle. "Guard, then, against a day when t"ere will be no (outside) help, no intercession or intercessionary prayer, no compassion, no time to be so-called 'bought'." (from the Quran))

(so grateful) Thank You, O LORD. Teach us to number our days, so that we may live with wisdom. A lived thirty days, and he died. B lived twenty years, and he died then. C lived nine hundred years, and then he died. O, teach us wisdom, Most High One, through the Anointed One, whom G!D will reveal to whomever G!D chooses to reveal the Anointed One to, and I am not above the All-knowing, ah- All-hearing and All-knowing One, so how can I know whether there is someone who has never been seen before, whom G!D chooses to reveal the Anointed One to? (inspiration is the koan that is titled 'dharma that has never been preached' or something like that)

'I am sending you as sheeps among wolves. Therefore be as innocent as o- therefore, be as shrewd as snakes, or serpents, and as innocent as doves' - Jesus, to his students or disciples


The pursuit of money of the world and the desires of the world, oh, all of which are passing away in their present form, is associated with acts of foolishness of every kind. (as written in Scriptures).

Don't like me? Who likes truth? They do not like to hear what G!D has to say; I am not above G!D; I am not above the Christ either.

Who is more a fool than myself?

Even though I am nothing at all, I ought to be receiving commendations from many of you; those who have ears to hear, let them hear.

The help of a hypocrite is like the bite of wind on a blustery night during the season of winter. (as written in the Quran, which is the name that some have given to Scriptures)

Hello stranger, may peace be with you in the name (oh, joy, may joy be with you, too) on the behalf of our Lord and Teacher, Christ Jesus.

G!D has put it in Chrys the co-ordinator to be as though she were blind, deaf and dumb to the works of my god.

It is written in the Quran: 'They are as those who start a fire pain-stakingly. With sweat of their brows they make a light. When the light illumines all around them, G!D takes the light away from them, so that they are left in utter darkness. Their hearts are diseased, and they habitually dis-obey G!D and his commandments; so G!D has increased their transgressions.'

How beautiful are Your works, O Almighty One! You must not relent your anger from those who delight in wickedness!

Rejoice! I say again, rejoice in the Lord!

Does not our Teacher say the following: "Then it [the first unclean spirit who saw that the person is suitable for residence] goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first. That is how it will be with this wicked generation." (gospel of Matthew, chapter twelve, verse forty-five)

Is not a certain cultural product known as 'Resident Evil'?

Oh, the terrors that Chrys must be going through! And G!D has guided me to have this to say about Chrys, who - oh I fear G!D, greatly, and do not even dare to repeat a single word of what she has said -

"Therefore I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. Whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the one to come." (gospel of Matthew, chapter twelve, verses thirty-one to thirty-two) http://biblehub.com/bsb/matthew/12.htm

So, to follow in the foot-steps of those who have come before me, gladly I boast about what they have done to me, for the sake of the Christ; for I am strong when I am weak.

Chrys has received information about a trip to Germany. She will go together with Jing the technician. Perhaps- oh, that is if G!D is willing, of course. How boldly they disregard the just and true plans and judgments of the King of the ages - the King of the nations, whom I am of course not above - any-way, she has said that she wants to admit me into, ah- what she calls "hospital" - Institute of Mental Health. And she asked if the writer wants her to call for an "ambulance".

Several times it came to mind that - oh, "is it my fault that she is being like this?"

However, it is greatly re-assuring that G!D has shown me that mothers are recorded to have similar thoughts - "Am I a bad mother? Why is my child behaving like this? Is it my fault?"

G!D has revealed to me that it's not your fault, if you were an anxious mother, regarding what your child is doing.

So, it is not my fault that Chrys is doing what she is doing, and saying what she is saying. To put it in what you call psychiatric perspective, in light of the pending massive changes in her life-style, for a move to Germany - for several weeks, maybe - Chrys may or may not be experiencing 'separation anxiety', or a feeling of loss of control over her life.

Oh, simply, for the words that have come out of her mouth, G!D has done to her what G!D has seen fit to do. And who am I to not let the will of G!D be done? For the will of G!D is above my will, and I fear G!D greatly.

Our Teacher says - oh, the works of G!D are magnificently beautiful and splendid and great; definitely above my own, they are - our Teacher and Lord, the Christ, says: "He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters."

Chrys, whom G!D has put me into the vicinity of, has definitely and un-ambiguously declared separation from me and the One who sent me.

So, it is becoming clear to me - praise be to G!D - she is no longer within my concern.

Now, I tell you gladly what she has done. She molested me. I did not give her permission to touch me. She touched me. 'Molesting our prophet,' as it is written in the Quran.

She put a white pill, that tastes bitter, into my mouth. One pill, or two. For I spat out the first one, even though she forced water into my mouth.

Then G!D put it in me to give up resistance, and I was as a block of wood, or, I tried my best to be as a corpse.

(Our Teacher and Lord says, "There will be famines and earthquakes in those days. But these are all birthing pains. Where vultures gather, there a corpse is.")

And, she inserted a finger into my mouth. For the second pill that she had put in was somewhere around my left cheek, inside my mouth. She poked around in my mouth (without my permission, if I may remind myself), with her finger, touching the pill maybe.

To put in what you may or may not call a psy- oh, did someone say "projection" as in psychology?

She said to me, "You have to be fixed up. Are you going to spend your entire life like this?"

It may or may not be projection (as in psychology). G!D has put it in her to do it, simply speaking.

Then she said various things about G!D that I dare not repeat. Suffice to say, she is clearly blind- hm, in any-case, is there not a verse in Scripture that goes like this:

"Thus," saith the LORD G!D, "do I make fools out of the wise, and expose the lies of prophets."

So, out of fear of G!D, giving up - or - letting myself not be distressed over her soul's salvation, and to follow guidance, to not let myself grieve over her, for she is of the kind that lags behind. Or, in the words of our (patient and wise and tender-hearted) Teacher and Lord, Christ Jesus, whom I am not above:

"Make a tree good and its fruit will be good, or make a tree bad and its fruit will be bad; for a tree is known by its fruit. You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? For out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks. The good man brings good things out of his good store of treasure, and the evil man brings evil things out of his evil store of treasure. But I tell you that men will give an account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.”

"ah, what boldness they show for the Fire," as it is written in the Quran.

So, out of fear of G!D, I dare not do as she has done. It is written in Scriptures, "Enter not the house of the orphan (or fatherless), except to improve it."

She (Chrys, that is) says she will wait. As it is written in the Quran, 'If they say, "We will wait" say, this, O prophet: "I, too, will wait"'

Well, Jesus said, "Be merciful, as your Master is merciful."

I'm glad that was over; it was only a few hours ago- before morning came, that that happened. (there was no light of the sun then)

As it is written in Scriptures, "Brothers and sisters, kin, brethren, members of the same family as I, I do not think I have made it my own, or that I have achieved perfection. One thing I do: forgetting what lies behind, and pushing onward, for the upward call of G!D through Christ Jesus."

G!D has chased them out from before me, while typing on computer. This is to fulfil the words of the LORD G!D: "You will look for your enemies, but find none."

Before closing letter, the words of our Lord and Teacher, the Christ: "It is inevitable for temptation to be in the world. But woe be those who tempt any of these little ones, or cause them- oh, to stumble - that is, to lose faith in G!D, who is good indeed - praise be to G!D - woe be to those who lead any of little ones into temptation! How sorrowful it is for them! Truly, truly, I tell you, it is better for them to tie a very heavy stone - a millstone, or a giant image of what some call the Buddha - around their necks, and let a river submerge them above their head-level."

(what mercy)

And because it came to mind, and may or may not be helpful to you, the saying that follows is well-known among people who practise Zen: 'When you see the Buddha, kill the Buddha! When you see your parents, kill your parents!'

To G!D be the glory, now. Amen. For-ever and ever.

And all the saints send greetings.

I don't know what to say. Well, I got a letter written.

And, I'm feeling a healthy sense of pride; proud of myself. Ah- Daddy who is in Heaven, you're the best at loving me, and caring for me, and watching over me, and rescuing me. I'm- ah- so happy- tears coming to eyes ('good tears,' some would say. 'tears of joy, they are. good tears.' ha-ha-ha-ha (laughing in a little frightened and happy way))

Rejoice! I say, again, rejoice in the Lord!

May the love of G!D be with you. And I am a servant of G!D, you- just in case, do not worship me! Worship G!D! For I am a servant of G!D, who has no beings attached, just like you. :-)

ha-ha-ha-ha (laughing happily)


'You learn from y- those you call brethren, but do you learn from enemies of yours?'

So, a person asked me, 'why do you need G!D?'

Later, they said, 'But maybe some people need G!D. Maybe they need healing.'

So, the following is something which doesn't help me (anymore) but may be helpful to others

Who? Those who think they have 'mental illness' - for it is said that a person who consumes the services of those who are in the mental health-care system is like a cookie that is being baked. According to the information that is given to the consumer (of services), the cookie will be shaped. And, well, if you've baked a cookie, you ever tried changing the shape of a cookie when it is hardened? Now, what if the cookie has feelings? :-)
Which is easier, to change a cookie's shape before baking, when the dough is soft, or when it is baked, when the cookie is crispy and warm and maybe even a little blackened? (overly blackened, if I may add- you heard of carcinogens?)

A line from a movie coming to mind: "An' that's the way the cookie crumbles" (nope, no prizes for guessing which movie that is) :-D

hm-hm-huh-huh (laughing) huk-hugu

So, guess what will happen if what they are told is that they are 'ill' or 'dis-ordered' throughout their consumption of services? It's not hard to imagine that they will spend a life-time trying to fight an 'illness' even when they leave the health-care system. Yes, those who tell you 'take your pills because you are sick' will not help you to ease the burden of taking your pills one bit (or ounce or gram).

('bit' being an information-unit that Man has made in his limited ways and mind, which are not above the ways and Mind of G!D Most High)

Where are they, ah- when you are sitting in a restaurant with someone you like (a date, that is), and you say, 'Oh, excuse one moment me please, I have to "take my pills"?'

Of course they are hypocrites; as the Teacher and Lord of ours, Christ Jesus, whom I am not above, says: 'Woe be to you, teachers of the Law, people of Pharisee (and people of Psychiatry, and people of Pills), you hypocrites!'

'Observe what they do, but do not do as they do, for they do not do as they say. They put a load on people's backs, but would not lift a single finger to ease it. Hypocrites, they are!'

In any case, since cookies are being baked in a way that G!D knows and I do not know - yes, G!D knows and I do not know - the following are some questions that you may or may not find helpful to ask yourself, depending on where you are at in your consumption of services from so-called peace-makers from the land of Psychiatry:

(oh, and the love of money (or worldly wealth, such as breadth of so-called knowledge) is the root of Evil), as written in Scriptures. And G!D knows what Evil is, and I do not know. And of course G!D is good; good indeed is G!D, the Most Merciful and Compassionate One, whom I am of course not above)

What questions?

If you want to make a recovery plan, in case of a - what do they call it - relapse:

Sharing an example:

Pink's -

Oh, laughing, because song comes to mind- 'Pinky and the Brain / Pinky and the Brain' - cartoon maybe - 'One does something / the other is insane' ha-ha-ha-ha-ha (and laughing still, delightfully)


And- Pink's warning signs: (can't stop laughing) :-D

And G!D, who has not a partner that is associated with G!D, is the Most Merciful and Compassionate One, All-knowing and All-seeing and All-hearing, and indeed He is the Most High, and not unmindful of your deeds. Glory be to G!D, and peace be upon those whom G!D favours.

Abraham said, oh- Abraham, whom G!D said of like this: 'He is my friend!' - Abraham said, 'as a form of kindness towards me, it should be known that you are- it should be known that I am your brother.'

T'was despite the promise that G!D made to Abraham. 'Your descendants will be as the stars in the night sky, and the grains of sand on the beach or sea-shore - as numerous as all those!' (wow)

So, one would expect that Abraham would be honoured as a patriach or an ancestor or a fore-father. So, why or what could be a reason that he says, 'Call me your brother, as a form of kindness towards me' (raising or cocking eyebrows)

So? Who has a possible suggestion?

Well, one out of the many possibilities, including one that is unknown to me, is that- what did Jesus Christ say when he ate and drank with sinners and prostitutes and the otherwise destitute?

'From now on, you shall call no one on Earth your father. You have only one father, and he is in Heaven.'

The practices of certain people come to mind. 'Call me Father,' or something like that.

Well, in any case, back to the starting question: Why would a person like Abraham want to be called a brother when he had descendants promised to him by the LORD G!D?

Well, isn't it a form of kindness to not be called a title that would be taken away from you eventually?

To put it in closer comparison, alternative order so you may perchance see, if you have eyes, and you can see - for some have sight, and are blind - let the reader understand - Abraham: Jesus: 'You have only one father.' Abraham: 'Call me your brother, as a form of kindness towards me.'

So, guess what knowledge did the LORD G!D put into Abraham, in a time when the Christ supposedly didn't get sent to the world?

Did someone say 'fore-shadow'? Or 'fore-tell'?

Isn't it cruel to have a title that will be stripped away from you eventually? Isn't it a form of kindness to have that title voluntarily given away? To be kind to one-self, to give away a thing that doesn't last, voluntarily, and cheerfully, and happily - isn't that a great kindness for oneself and for others?

If you're interested, you could ask around about renunciation, or (relatedly) a way of living that is not about worldly gain, but about liberation of others and one-self from needless agony? If not for others, than for one-self. Why would I want something that doesn't last? Quite obviously, this... hm. Well, G!D knows what to do with web-site- the LORD G!D knows best what to do with you and me and afore-mentioned and web-site and the universe and the sun and the moon (awe-spiring... not conspiring. Awe-spiring... awe-inspiringly great and marvellous and splendidly wondrous are Your deeds, oh Almighty King of kings, Lord of lords, who is Compassionate and Most Merciful, and just and true in Your judgment and ways, You who are oft-forgiving, and is swift and terrible and severe in punishment, for you love justice and detest wickedness, and loves not those who delight in wickedness.)

To the Compassionate and Most, Most Merciful One, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds. Who? The All-knowing, All-hearing and All-knowing one, who has no beings attached, even though - or, as much as - many attach or give partners to the LORD G!D Most High, in a way that misleads many people

Now I give an account of a person who said to me, ' Do you know you have schizophrenia?'

And I gladly boast about this label that those who are of the world have given to me, for the sake of the Son of Man, Christ Jesus, whom we call Teacher and Lord, and whom I am not above.

For is it not written in the Scriptures, that have the breath of G!D in every word, the following, or something like it? "How blessed are you who are labelled as something evil or abnormal or even immoral because of Me, when you come in My name," the Son of Man said. "For that was how their ancestors - fathers - treated those whom G!D sent to them: prophets, or prophetesses, oracles: messengers who are not above the one who sends the message, truly, truly. Jump with gladness; leap for joy; punch your hands into the air with a heart that thrills and swells with happiness; jump on couches, if you want, to borrow a highly visible person's actions that you may or may not be familiar with; for great is your reward in Heaven. Yes, celebrate and rejoice on the day or hour that that happens." :-)

So glad.

Exceedingly glad, joyful, hm-hm-hm-hm :-) (smirking maybe)

Now, brothers and sisters, members of the same family: breath of G!D is in every word of Scripture, is it not?

Now in which part of Scripture does it say that there were only twelve apostles or disciples or students of the Christ? Is it written in Scripture that there is a limit on the number of students who study what our Father, the LORD G!D, has sent to us: the sound instruction of our patient, wise and understanding Lord and Teacher?

It has come to my attention that people are saying the following about our Teacher and Lord -

Those who have hearing: those who have ears, let them hear -

He is possessed by the demon!

In this society you call 'modern', I have heard mockery and ridicule that is pressed against the Christ, whom I am not above. And this is what Scripture says:

'The Son of Man strictly warned his disciples not to tell anybody about what the Father has revealed to them. He said, "The Son of Man must be mocked, ridiculed, spat upon, flogged, despised, rejected by men, put to death, and then he will rise from the dead. The Son of Man must go through much suffering."

And this is what Scriptures say: "This calls for patient endurance. This calls for wisdom."

Brethren, I write to you from Singapore, in the year that you call - if you were to borrow what those who are of the world call a calendar - 2016 - the year after 2016 - 2017.

Stay near to the Lord, oh brethren of mine. Keep up regular praying, and take heed to pray to the Father that you and your mouth will be opened to what the Father is giving you.

For the signs that the LORD G!D hath shown me include the following words which may or may not be glad tidings to you:

"There will be many who will claim to be the CHrist. Do not believe them. For each one, ask a confession of them that the Son of Man came in the flesh, and rose from the dead. If they confess such a testimony, then they are of the Christ, whom G!D will reveal according to His ways, which is above my ways. If they say otherwise, then they are of the opposing force(s) to the Christ, which you have heard about - say, in what some call the book of Revelations - and which are truly in the world. For there will be many false prophets."

A story has reached my awareness about a man who has followers in the Philippines, for they have revered him as the Christ.

Now, let yourself not be led into temptation, for does not our Teacher himself warn the following: "How sorrowful it is (for you) when you are welcomed and given kingly treatment because of Me, when you come in My name. For that was how their fathers - their ancestors - treated the false prophets: people who say "as surely as the LORD lives" but surely they declare falsely.

And I say this to you, who can hear: persevere and treat each other as how our exceedingly loving and tender-hearted Teacher and Lord has loved us.

For I write from among people who have unbelief in the works of G!D. They put their trust in money and what they call "the system". Oh, the poor, deluded fool feeds on ashes! Yet they cannot bring themselves to reflect (or think to themselves): "Is this thing that I am holding in my hand a lie?"

For I count myself a recipient of rebuke from the LORD G!D, who admonishes me as a father disciplines his son out of dear love; I have set pearls before swine, so to speak (that is to say, in a manner of speaking), swine that trample on them, and then turn to attack me. This happened when the LORD G!D has sent me warnings or guidance that goes something like this:

"Do not set your pearls before swine, lest they trample on it, and then turn to attack you."

G!D has sent me to a place where the computer that using is surrounded with swine.

And I gladly boast about this rebuke from the Ruler of the Universe, as much as this makes me a fool. This is to build you up, for we of the Spirit of G!D work along-side each other, or, more precisely speaking, walk in each other's shoes, along the same path.

Furthermore, I tell you this: What our Teacher said is true:

"Truly, truly, I tell you, you will say or quote this to my face, or to Me otherwise: 'Physician, heal yourself!' No prophet is ever honoured in his hometown. Elijah was sent to a widow else-where when there was a famine in his hometown, as written in Scriptures."

So, I may or may not be the only one, who has the Spirit of G!D, left. Who else has the Spirit of G!D? G!D knows, and I do not know.

Yet I tell you this, brethren. The LORD G!D has promised the following, which are recorded in your society: "Will I bring a child to a womb, and then not deliver it?"

FOr it does not matter whether the world passes away or not; I seek everlasting life through the Father, Son and the Spirit of G!D, who has no beings attached, and who has no begotten son.

He who has ears (or she, or they), let them hear.

Am I in trouble? Am I in distress? Are you in trouble? Are you in distress? Call to the LORD G!D - the Almighty Creator of all, who is Sovereign over the Last Day - seek Him with all your heart, and if G!D is willing, you will find G!D.

So, an account of my life may be in order. I grew up in the area of Singapore that is known as Clementi. I attended Jin Tai Primary School from the ages of seven to twelve. Nan Hua High School (formerly known as Nan Hua Secondary School), from the ages of thirteen to sixteen. National Junior College, from the ages of seventeen to eighteen. From the ages of nineteen to twenty-one, I was drafted into the Singapore Armed Forces, as was made compulsory to a male that holds a Singapore citizenship. 'Conscription,' they call it. from the ages of twenty-one to the time of writing, I attended courses, or otherwise enrolled into, National University of Singapore.

For four months I went to a foreign land that was known as Taiwan, for the ostensible purpose of an exchange semester at National Taiwan University, which at that time was located in the city of Taipei.

Upon my return to Singapore, I was met with suspicions that I was possessed by the devil, spiritually abused, and in a rather blatant outrage of human dignity, surrounded by men when I was alone, and weak of body, and disoriented, and sent into (what is known as) Institute of Mental Health (formerly known as Woodbridge), where I was mercilessly kept in a ward that I could not leave. This happened after I confessed that I followed the teachings or sound instruction of our Teacher and Lord, Christ Jesus.

How-ever, G!D has seen it that in His compassionate and Most Merciful and mighty ways, which are above my ways, the same diagnosis of schizophrenia that gave people the chance to think they can ill-treat me or otherwise rob me of my free movement, physically speaking, at least, was a ticket to dis-charge from the Singapore Armed Forces.

I will not tell you what miltary people have told me; suffice to say G!D has relieved me of a heavy yoke. And I say this boldly because I put my trust in the LORD G!D, and not in men, or women, or captains, or sergeants, or presidents, or misters, or missus, or colonels (what-have-you), or brigadier-generals. Whoever is harbouring an intent to persecute me, give me what you have. For the LORD G!D is the best at planning. Who among you can tell what will happen tomorrow? Would you argue a case with the All-knowing, All-hearing and All-seeing One who created the heavens and all the earths, and you and your very selves? Yes, devise a careful plan, gather your psychiatrists and psychologists and your advisers and what-have-you - personal assistants that help you draft your public speeches maybe - and give me what you have. The best you have, come at me. I have made my mailing address public, together with my e-mail address. For I fear G!D greatly, and with the wisdom that comes from fearing G!D, make the following observations:

I happily write, o siblings. Excited and filled with gladness, I am. Encourage one another, please, or do the work that G!D has put in you to do. And this absolutely counts as a warning to those who are lazy.

Now to the blessed Father be glory - to G!D be the glory for-ever and ever. Amen.

I pray for more workers to be sent, O kin in the same family as I. For the harvest is plenty, but the workers are few. So pray for more workers to be sent. The Teacher's words, not mine. And yet does the Teacher himself not say that the student, who is not above the teacher, but who is training fully, will be like the teacher? Through the name of the Christ, whom G!D will reveal to whom-ever G!D chooses to reveal - I make this prayer, Father who is blessed indeed.


May the grace and peace and joy of being in fellowship with our Lord and Teacher, Christ Jesus, and the love of G!D, and the fellowship of those who are of the Spirit of G!D - who has no beings attached, as a reminder - be with you.

I am afraid that divisions among you will cause unnecessary trouble. Buddhists, Christians, Jews, Gentiles (or outsiders), or people who identify with 'New Age', or Muslims, those who study the Tao Te Ching, or Zhuangzi (or Zhuang-zhou) - the list goes on - is it not written in the Scriptures or what some call the Bible the following?

There is no division. There is no Jew or Gentile, no male or female, no artist or programmer - all are one through Christ Jesus.

G!D will reveal it to those whom G!D chooses to reveal it to, regarding what I am saying. I leave it to G!D to decide on this matter. Those who can hear, let them hear.

To G!D, the Most Merciful and Compassionate One be glory for-ever and ever. Why, is not the first and greatest and fore-most commandment to love G!D with all of what-e'er? All of me, all of you? O, they love idols as much as they should love G!D; and they have led many astray. And G!D has no beings attached, to remind you again.

So the saying is true, as written in Scriptures: 'The dog returns to its vomit'. And swine, after washing in water, roll in the mud. As surely as the LORD - the Holy One of Israel - lives, I have witnessed this.

If it helps you, brethren, the Quran is said to confirm the gospel and revelations. And it is as a purifier for your mind.

And let not their blatant incense-burning and kow-tows in front of carven images deceive you into thinking that what they do is right in the eyes of G!D, who says "Thou shalt not take for worship any before the LORD G!D, who has no beings attached."

G!D will do to stubborn idol-worshippers what G!D will do. And indeed human effort is nothing, so happily I finish this writing with praise to G!D for His lovingkindness: wonders, signs and terrors: remembering. Thank You for milk, Papa (Father). G!D is good!

"Little ones, yet for a little while more, I am with you. You will seek Me, but you will not find Me. But what I told the Jews (or the insiders), I tell you now. Where I am going, you cannot come." - Jesus, son of Mary (gospel of John, chapter 13, verse 33) http://biblehub.com/john/7-34.htm

People began to leave the preacher from where the preacher was preaching. And just as the apostle Paul said when people left him from where he ah- preached, while enduring persecutions in his life patiently - so, too, will I say what Paul said, for what Paul said was the words of the LORD G!D who reveals what He says from long ago: “Declare this in the house of Jacob And proclaim it in Judah, saying, ‘Now hear this, O foolish and senseless people, Who have eyes but do not see; Who have ears but do not hear. ‘Do you not fear Me?’ declares the LORD. ‘Do you not tremble in My presence? For I have placed the sand as a boundary for the sea, An eternal decree, so it cannot cross over it. Though the waves toss, yet they cannot prevail; Though they roar, yet they cannot cross over it.' ‘But this people has a stubborn and rebellious heart; They have turned aside and departed. (Jeremiah book, chapter five, verses twenty to twenty-three)

Coming into mind, a warning from the Teacher, Christ Jesus, whom I am not above: 'What sorrow awaits you who are praised by the crowds, for their ancestors also praised false prophets.' (book of Luke, chapter six, verse twenty-six)

Thank You, Everlasting G!D who has no beings attached, who loves justice, and detests wickedness: The Compassionate and Most Merciful One.

The end of a beginning is better than, or superior to, the beginning of the beginning itself. If not, then the end of a thing is as powerful as its beginning. And the patient in spirit is better than, or superior to, the proud in spirit. (from book of Ecclesiates maybe).

As surely as the LORD - the Holy One of Israel, who is called the creator of all the Earths - as surely as the LORD lives, the following promises, that He makes from long ago, have been fulfilled in my life, and I count myself trustworthy as someone who thinks he has the spirit of G!D - that is, I confess that the Son of Man came in the flesh - eating and drinking and having flesh and bones - and rose from the dead. Yes, the Son of Man came in the flesh, and rose from the dead: this I have witnessed, as surely as the LORD G!D lives.

  1. "So do not be afraid, Jacob, my servant; do not be dismayed, Israel," says the LORD. "For I will bring you home again from distant lands, and your children return from their exile. Israel will return to a life of peace and quiet and ease , and no one will terrorize them." (book of Jeremiah, chapter thirty, verse ten) http://biblehub.com/jeremiah/30-10.htm
  2. 'And I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I am the Lord, when I shall lay my vengeance upon them.' (book of Ezekiel, chapter twenty-five, verse 17) https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ezekiel+25&version=KJV
  3. This is what the LORD says: “I will give Jerusalem a river of peace and prosperity. The wealth of the nations will flow to her. Her children will be nursed at her breasts, carried in her arms, and held on her lap. I will comfort you there in Jerusalem as a mother comforts her child.” (book of Isaiah, chapter sixty-six, verses twelve to thirteen) http://biblehub.com/nlt/isaiah/66.htm
  4. "Do not be afraid, you worm Jacob, little Israel, do not fear, for I myself will help you," declares the LORD, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel." (Indeed I am a worm. Indeed I am a little one who is trying to be even more little than a little one) (book of Isaiah, chapter forty-one, at verse fourteen, for your convenience)
  5. "I (G!D who has no beings attached) will make an everlasting covenant (or agreement) with them that I will do them good and not turn away from them; and I will put in their heart a fear and reverential awe of Me, so that they will not turn away from Me." (book of Jeremiah, chapter 32, verse 40) https://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/Jeremiah%2032%3A40
  6. "Your eyes will shine, and your heart will thrill with joy, for merchants from around the world will come to you. They will bring you the wealth of many lands." (verse 5, chapter 60, Book of Isaiah) http://biblehub.com/isaiah/60-5.htm
  7. "But for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. And you will go free, (or go out, or pour forth) leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture, frolicking." (book of Malachi, chapter 4, verse 2) https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Malachi+4:2
  8. "But I would feed you with the finest of the wheat, And with honey from the rock I would satisfy you." (book of Psalm, chapter 81, verse 16)
  9. "But there is no peace for the wicked," says the LORD. (verse 22, chapter 48, book of Isaiah)
  10. A promise that G!D knows, and I do not know. Yes, G!D knows, and I do not know.

Praise be to G!D, who cherishes and sustaines the worlds.


It will be as in the days of the generation of Noah. People marrying and giving in marriage, eating an' drinking, were, knowing nothing about flood that came upon them until it came, and Noah and those whom G!D had commanded Noah to take with him - Oh, Noah obeyed what G!D told him. That is to say, he did not say 'No' to G!D out of defiance (or wilfulness); neither did he refuse to believe in the one whom G!D has sent (You know the god I am talking about: He who created the Universe and every-thing in it, the All-knowing, All-hearing and All-seeing Sovereign over the Day of Judgment who loves justice and detests wickedness) - and when destruction was complete, Noah asked G!D for permission to dis-embark from where G!D had spared him from destruction. (maybe in the Quran, this is written)

O prophet, your words will only be heeded- your advice will only be heeded by those who fear G!D, and are repentant, or otherwise willing to reconcile themselves to Him. (as written in the Quran). (the reader might want to compare this to the parable of the sower and the seed that Christ Jesus, son of Mary, gave, and which is recorded in Scriptures that are known as the Bible).

Quit? Oh LORD, let not Your spirit away from me!

On a point which may be elusive to people in some parts of- any-way, elusive to some people- is what exactly does it mean to say 'Thou art my shepherd; I shall not want.'

G!D has given me the grace to type on a night in the tropics, so write I will, gladly. G!D brought me to a book that is on-
(checking it up in an information store, the Internet address of which is as follows)
a person who calls himself 'Great Fool'.

In any case, a passage or idea from that book is that on the way to enlightenment, alms-taking is required. To put it in a way that is a little more familiar to the lay-man, or more precisely, those people who reside in urban areas (that is, not exactly pastoral), begging is required. A better-sounding name, that book has given that. Going to check information store again.


Or more precisely, 'mendicancy'.

Perchance the starting point may have been forgotten. What does it mean to say, 'Thou art my shepherd. I shall not want'?

How can one trust in a higher power that feeds and clothes one unconditionally, unless power is given over to the higher power in question to feed and clothe one?

What coming to mind is: Jesus. The disciples began arguing among themselves about who among them was the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven. Taking a little one to Jesus, Jesus said, 'Truly, truly, I tell you, those who humble yourself as this little one is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven.' (among numerous other examples, of little ones being a model to Man, that Jesus gave).

You ever saw a little one - say, one year of age, in your so-called modern measures of time - suit up in tie and tuxedo, and wait tables? Or pump petrol for others at a gas station? Who feeds a one-year-old?

You wanna be greatest in kingdom of Heaven? How about you learn from a one-year-old about trust in a world that feeds you, and clothes you unconditionally, among other things that a one-year-old can teach you, if you choose to humble yourself?

To emphasise on what Jesus - who is Teacher and Lord, as it should be - said, verse from Bible: And he said to them: "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven." (Gospel of Matthew, chapter eighteen, verse three. http://biblehub.com/matthew/18-3.htm)

So, back to the beginning. What does it mean to you to say the following: 'Thou art my shepherd; I shall not want"

On a some-what related note, G!D has given me a chance to attend a lesson or example of what some call homoletics. 'Big' word? Or complicated word? How about this: how to communicate more effectively?

So one of the ideas during that demonstration or lesson that came up in mind was the art of repetition, which interestingly enough, is a rather prominent feature in classical music, or music from the period of your development that some have called 'the Classical period'.

Maybe those who are familar with a certain type of computers know it as 'copy-and-paste'. So, the art of repetition (a concept that G!D has introduced me to in a music course, which is, of course, from the-LORD-who-will-provide)- the art of repetition is how you 'copy-and-paste', not just what you 'copy-and-paste'.

So, parable of sower and seeds, coming to mind again.

Hm. To sum up,

So, having examples- but, demonstration of homoletics included a clear warning to not introduce to you - or the audience, or the people you are preaching to - any new content or points, (where) in the conclusion, or where you have told your audience where you will end.

My time is short, how-ever. G!D will take my life - or what people of the world think of as life, to be more accurately speaking - according to His will, which is above my will.

Sufficient for you, it is becoming clear, that there are highly visible persons among your urban (that isn't exactly pastoral) societies who have attempted- not suicide- mendiciary. (begging. taking alms.)

So, to repeat, if you don't give a higher power - or, a higher being who causes rain or water to fall from the sky so that your thirst may be satisfied - (oh, thank You for the rain, oh, Papa (Father) who is Ruler of the Universe, whose name is hallowed. Why, G!D, Your people have created imitations of the sound of rain-drops falling on surfaces, so that they may be soothed or otherwise comforted, or find a common humanity)- to repeat, if you do not give a higher power a chance to feed you un-conditionally, what is it to you to spend time with words that have the breath of G!D in them? What is it to you to say or see the following: 'Thou art my shepherd; I shall not want.'

to have the no small honour to obey the guidance that the mighty helper of worm Jacob and little Israel has given me (even me), offering a service that is in obedience to the following verse:
Blow the ram's horn at new moon, and again at full moon to call a festival! (Psalm 81:3)

G!D knows, and I do not know what will happen. :-)

Nevertheless, a verse from Scripture, every word of which has the breath of G!D in them, seems fitting:
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8)

May the love of G!D - who instructs me to say to those who ask if I want to convert to their religion (or otherwise turn to, or enter into their practices) the following: 'Nay, I would rather the religion of the True Abraham, and worship the Almighty One, who created the sky above and the earth below and everything in the Universe, and who judges over the Last Day - be with my enemies, for G!D is the Compassionate and Most Merciful One, who is oft-returning and oft-forgiving.

So, to bless those who curse me, as the Scriptures have on record, so that I may be a son of the Most High, the following are people who may or may not be more helpful than myself in attending to you.

O taste and see that G!D is good! Blessed are those who take refuge in Him, and keep the faith, and resist temptation and love Him and obey His commandments and fear Him, and keep His commandments.

It is the 106th year since G!D helped a foolish fool who spoke up for worthless idols - carven images that cannot save his soul, nor help him restore his saltiness, if he were salt that had lost his saltiness - and it is the twelth month since G!D chased the mischief-makers - those who delight in wickedness, and say, 'We are peace-makers', when it is they who are surely the mischief-makers or those who delight in mischief or wickedness - away from before a subject of mockery, and ridicule, and torture, and torment, and severe programming, of mind, that damages psyche. (not the mythological Psyche, daughter of Eros and G!D-knows-who-and-I-do-not-know). And it is the thirteenth day of a month that has an unknown day.

'Who are the people you admire and what values or traits do they have that you want to take on?' https://www.evernote.com/shard/s423/sh/3d2b285a-728e-4d83-bfc4-41c5949eff93/43c2d4eeb33f5e6bcfcc1c6a8c5b93bb

Who are the people you admire and what values or traits do they have that you want to take on? 你欣赏的人是谁?他们有什么你想要采取的原则或特征?

So, it's your turn. What about you? Who do you admire, and what are traits in them that you want to nurture in yourself? If you're interested, a related concept is self-differentiation. And the context is - well, huh, a somewhat obscure, or maybe not, topic - of 'ego enmeshment' (you can check it up on the Internet, or [with] a family therapist, maybe) - or on a brazenly spiritual note, renunciation, or liberation from suffering, which may or may not involve doing some voluntary (and definitely painful) separation of self from others. A popular song-singer (Or song-writer) goes: 'I've just gotta find who I am / and who I'm not / I won't give up on us / who I am / what I am / who I'm not / what I'm not / I won't give up on us' or something like that.

What? Ya, uh, so took some time, thought I've lost myself, but seems kinda, that was ne'er me in the first place / never was me / what I thought was me / was never me / So, bombastic, big words / family therapy / for me / may just help me / put words that seem / small but can be big / and mighty with the / help of G!D / All I'm sayin' is / If you're thinkin' you're crazy / you're probably going somewhere / hey, I'm happy / And it feels great to shout it out / even though G!D may be the only one / who hears me / I'm still happy / G!D, I love You, O LORD, King of the Universe / Hey, hey, hey, hey / praise and glory and kingdom / and power are yours, O / blessed Father who is in / Heaven / (G!D knows me, I don't know me, I do not know me)

My god, G!D, the Compassionate and Most Merciful One- with His help, I have a collection of talks, or what others did learn from their experiences, and surely, G!D, who brought me to all these, is good. To my enemies, especially, G!D loves you, so with His blessings, which He hath gi

ven me, giving all these as blessings to my enemies - for the love of G!D. For the love of G!D. For the love of G!D.

man: 'I fear G!D!' woman: 'Good. That makes you decent. A gentleman.'
(from a book that G!D brought me before, the title of which G!D knows, and I do not know. Yes, G!D knows, and I do not.)

boy: 'If everybody has these gifts, why are they not successful or happy?'
ex-military-man: 'They do not believe that they can be successful or happy.' (from a book that G!D have brought me before: Cohen, A. H. 'How good can it get?: what I learnt from the richest man in the world', or something like that. Hampton Roads Publishing Company. Charlottesville, VA: Canada).

Every generation has to un-earth their own wisdom for themselves (or them-self). They hav' to discover their own wisdom for themselves. They have to go on their own adventure; they have to choose to start adventuring, or otherwise make Wisdom their sister.
(from a book that G!D has brought me before: Villoldo, A. 'Illumination: the shaman's way of healing'. Hay House, Inc. New York City, NY: the United States of America.)

'Unhealed emotions' called out to me as I browsed through pages. The words 'unhealed emotions' called out, with G!D's help, to me.

My god, o Almighty One, Creator of the Universe . as surely as the LORD G!D lives, the words of the LORD were fulfilled in my life: 'A woman will surround a man. I will do a thing never seen before. A woman will protect a man.' (this is from Scriptures). O Judge over the Day of Judgment, glory is Yours.
When does tiger not run from sheep? When does tiger not run after sheep? When does sheep not run from tiger :-) *_* ('Wolves - man is the wolf of man', G!D reminds me of a quote from somewhere) Stone tiger stares at stone sheep. No running, no hiding. No flinching. Stone sheep does not run from stone tiger. ^_^

'I am sending you as sheep among wolves. Lambs. Therefore, be as shrewd as snakes, and as innocent as doves.' - Jesus, son of Mary, who calls uses the title 'Son of Man' for himself.

What? What are you looking at? Can't you see tis about you? (Can't you see that it is about you?) Supposedly one of the quotes that G!D has brought me before, from a Mister Homeless Kodo. Mister Suzuki. ( whom G!D has also shown me to have human foibles, especially in it: (what) faith in the one whom G!D has sent, and trust in a higher Mind. But who am I to comment? 'For we are indeed not perfect. If we were perfect, we would be a perfect man, able to control every part of our body, or every organ - for example, anus (or burps or farts or thoughts or itches) - at will. So, not many of you, brethren, should become teachers, for we are indeed judged more strictly, or stringently, than others.' (from Scriptures).

So, something G!D gave me, now giving as freely as it was received. So in certain village, people live and glory themselves in their shameful nakedness. And they do not know it, so they are disgraced. (like the well-known story of the emperor with no clothes, but another story that is, for another time.) (and indeed I am nothing at all.) So, G!D has mercifully and compassionately brought me before a set of questions to hold hands, if you will, of those who chase money or riches of the world. They are as follows:

The inspiration this time is the chronicles of the jourmeys of the children of Israel, which are written in Scriptures.

The undergraduate went to a meditation group. Then he went to a meditation group , departing from there.

Tell me, how would you represent your so-called family, if I- members of your so-called family - if I gave you all the letters that are used to write this paragraph to make words? You may only use the letters (of the alphabet) that appear in this paragraph. For example, if I gave you the words, 'held pee in' only, you could use the letters in those three words to form the words that follow: 'i need help'. In the same way, for I have not much more time to speak with you, could- how would you- what words can you- what words would you use, from the words that you can discover from the letters in this paragraph - what words would you use to describe each member of what you consider your family?

'For we brought nothing into the world, andb neither can we carry anything out of it. 8But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with these. 9Those who want to be rich, however, fall into temptation and become ensnared by many foolish and harmful desires that plunge them into ruin and destruction. 10For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. By craving it, some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows. Fight the Good Fight 11But you, O man of God, flee from these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, perseverance, and gentleness. ' (prologue of Timothy, chapter 6) http://biblehub.com/bsb/1_timothy/6.htm

Since two are longer two, but are now one, let them not be separated, for G!D hath enjoined them. (gospel of Matthew)

What are you doing here?
Go back where you came from.
I have had enough.
I am the only one left.
Get up and eat.
(book of Kings. where ? Scriptures. Bible.)

'Two is better than one. if one falls down, the other can restore the one. But if one goes at G!D-knows-what-and-I-do-not-know alone, he... she... they... how sorrowful it is for them!' (from Scriptures. book of Ecclesiastes, maybe.)

'Beth Haran and an unknown thing, and fortified cities, and folds for sheep[, the children of Gad built].' (from book of Numbers)

'Those who have two sets of clothing, give one to the one who has none.' - Isa

'My enemies scorn and despise me on all sides. My friends are afraid of me, and turn away when they see me on the streets. But I put my trust in you, O LORD G!D. Rescue me from the traps my enemies set for me. Silence the lips of those who defy godliness with their arrogant words, and lofty speech that come from diseased hearts and eyes that pride compasses. I praise You. G!D. for You have shown lovingkindness, even to a worm, and a little one, and a wicked, ungrateful thievess (or thief) and a prostitute with a lowly heart and a poor spirit, such as myself. (a psalm from Scriptures)

As Scriptures say, 'How abundant are the good things that you have stored up for those who fear you, that you bestow in the sight of all, on those who take refuge in you.'

Resources for people who have been labelled with 'schizophrenia', in the hopes that G!D will assure you that everything is going to be okay (as Jesus said, 'You do not understand now, but you will come to understand later.'). [writing about what helped me cope with self-doubt and what were, frankly, terrors and a sense of destruction and helplessness is one way (out of others which may be unknown to me) of giving as freely as I have received (which was what Jesus taught: 'Freely you have received. Now freely give.' ^_^ ) ] With G!D's help, reading the information from the following web-sites helped me feel more well-equipped, capable, and competent and comforted and empowered. If G!D is willing, you may go there, and if they do not have the same effect on you, it's not your fault - do not beat yourself up too much; you do not have to do that, even though there is a tendency to; or, there can be a tendency to. G!D knows, and I do not know, what you are going through. G!D knows best what to do with you. I'm just glad, if you have been labelled with 'schizophrenia', (or other psychiatric labels or labels of other kinds) that you have come or visited web-site. The LORD be with you.

Motivation for effort often comes from the following verse from the Bible: 'You have a reputation for being alive, but you are dead! Wake up! Strengthen what remains.' Glory be to G!D for-ever and ever. Amen.

More haiku from a ward, I have, with the help of the Lord of lords :-)

Haiku from a ward, I have, with G!D's help!

The Son of Man is coming

Is anyone thirsty? Come and drink— even if you have no money! Come, take your choice of wine or milk— it’s all free! (Isaiah 55:1)

Fear the Lord G!D. That is all you need to know. (Proverbs 1:7)
But fools despise instruction and wisdom.

This will be a sign to you. Scriptures write too: when the hour comes that life bursts forth out of the fig tree, that is, the tree puts out its green leaves, and its bark turns tender, you will know that summer is near.

Let your light so shine before men, that your Father, who is in Heaven, is glorified.

Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong: They are the ones to attain felicity. (Chapter Name:Al-Emran. Verse No:104)

Want a volunteer? Here , if you will, and if G!D is willing ^_^

Commit history on Github, of development, with G!D's help, is there, which you may go if G!D is willing.

composition 001
Jesus died on the cross a tree, and was resurrected
Ivory from elephant tusks fill piano keys - Jehovah's gift
Rolling logs mash each other into pulp which dries to paper. How generous
Kingdom and seeds; saviour and sower. He said, 'Peace'

Diary project

'Tell no one about this,' Jesus said. 'Go home (to thy friends), and tell what G!D has done in your life.' (Mark 5:19)
'And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude Allah's favour on you; for ye were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, so that by His Grace, ye became brethren; and ye were on the brink of the pit of Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus doth Allah make His Signs clear to you: That ye may be guided.' (chapter 3, verse 103)
Your Almighty G!D and my Almighty G!D are the same G!D. He created Heaven and Earth and the Universe and everything in it. He is G!D of Abraham, and G!D of the prophets.
Compassionate and Merciful in the Most - G!D who is slow to anger, and oft-forgiving, Whom thou shalt not put to the test (as Scripture says).
In my folly I have prostituted myself to something that cannot help me at all. Detestably, I have taken a toilet-bowl (or a water-closet) - you know, a pipe that you poop in - as a god. I have feared the wrath of a god of a toilet bowl, and attempted to please that god. Over a period of time, those attempts included: knelt in front of a toilet-bowl; bit a toilet-bowl.
'Save me,' I desperately cried to a toilet-bowl.
'The poor, deluded fool feeds on ashes. He trusts in something that cannot help him at all! Yet he cannot bring himself to reflect or think to himself: "Is this thing, that I am holding in my hand, a lie?" (Isaiah 44:20)
And yet, G!D has enabled me to write this, and I thank the Almighty Lord of lords, and King of kings; praise G!D, I do, for He has shown loving-kindness, and mercy that is in the Most High. To G!D be the glory.
It took time. And terrors, admonishments (out of dear love), and signs and wonders, G!D has convinced me that He has paid a price to redeem a prostitute like myself.
'This observance will be for you like a sign on your hand and a reminder on your forehead that this law of the LORD is to be on your lips. For the LORD brought you out of Egypt with his mighty hand.' (Exodus 13:9, New International Version)
'You will tell your son: 'I do this, because the LORD, G!D of Abraham and the Prophets, has done wonders and marvels for me when He brought me out of Egypt.' (Exodus 13:8)
So, testify, as a witness of G!D, I shall. Drugs - things: bitter in taste, white in colour, and smaller than a finger-nail in size. Those whom I turned to - shepherds, of renown in the land - charged me money for those things, and kept me in a pen that I could not leave from, even if I asked nicely.
'This thing gives me uneasiness. I wake up in the middle of the night to walk; I feel compelled. And it gives me convulsions in my hands sometimes.' This I told them.
And they said, 'Here's another thing. Eat it. It controls the uneasiness of the thing that you talked about.'
'But,' they continued, 'It does things to you, even though it controls the thing that you talked about.'
I did not know what they talked about. This thing, that thing.
The shepherds - some of them, at least - intimidated me. 'If you do not do as we say,' they hinted, in a way that was not very nice, 'you will keep staying in this pen. You will not be let out.'
So, ate both things, I tremulously did. Indeed, I was afraid of consequences that men promised unto me, instead of fearing the Almighty One. I wanted to get out of that pen. And so, I dis-obeyed not, but co-operated, although I have voiced my defiance to their ways a few times.

'Finish your food,' they said. And I was afraid. So I ate, although I had been feeling very full at that point.
(Later they would give me a recipe for 'sayur lodeh', when I asked them how to make a certain mixture that I had eaten.)
'Drink water with your "medicine",' they said. And I was fed up. 'No,' I said. 'I am going to eat "medicine" without water. See, it enters my body just fine.'
And they said, in a way that was not very nice, 'Drink water with the "medicine", or else.'
I walked away, but I was anxious to get out of that pen, and keen to appear co-operative. (And they had others to talk to.) So, I returned to them, but they said, 'Don't worry. We've recorded that you were obedient enough. That is, that you have eaten "medicine".'
Anyhow, this story is becoming godless.
Long story short, they left me. they care nothing for me.
All your lovers have forgotten you; they care nothing for you; for I have dealt you the blow of an enemy, the punishment of a merciless foe, because your guilt is great, because your sins are flagrant. (Jeremiah 30:14, ESV)
Alas! That day is so great there is none like it; it is a time of distress for Jacob; yet he shall be saved out of it. (Jeremiah 30:7)
'For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal,' declares the Lord, 'because they have called you an outcast: "It is Zion, for whom no one cares!" (Jeremiah 30:17)
Therefore all who devour you shall be devoured, and all your foes, every one of them, shall go into captivity; those who plunder you shall be plundered, and all who prey on you I will make a prey.' (Jeremiah 30:16)
'For I am with you to save you,' declares the Lord; 'I will make a full end of all the nations among whom I scattered you, but of you I will not make a full end. I will discipline you in just measure, and I will by no means leave you unpunished.' (Jeremiah 30:11)
'Then fear not, O Jacob my servant, declares the Lord, nor be dismayed, O Israel; for behold, I will save you from far away, and your offspring from the land of their captivity. Jacob shall return and have quiet and ease, and none shall make him afraid.' (Jeremiah 30:10)
Indeed, as it is written in the Bible, G!D exalts those who humble themselves before Him, and humbles those who exalt themselves before Him.
For it is written in the Bible: ' Now you are slaves of other nations, but I will break the chains and smash the yokes that keep you in slavery. Then you will be my servants, and I will choose a king for you from the family of David.' (Jeremiah 30:8-9, CEV)
Almighty One, great are your deeds! Fabulous, marvellous!
For is it not written in the Bible: 'Your hearts will swell with joy - even your heart of hearts - and you will be as calves let out to pasture.'
I praise You, G!D, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful; that I know full well. (from the Bible)
And it is written in the Quran: 'If good touches you, it distresses them; but if harm strikes you, they rejoice at it. And if you are patient and fear Allah , their plot will not harm you at all. Indeed, Allah is encompassing of what they do.' (Chapter 3, verse 120)
'Bless those who persecute you. Don’t curse them; pray that God will bless them. Be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep.' (Romans 12:14-15, NLT)
'Dear friends, never take revenge. Leave that to the righteous anger of God. For the Scriptures say, “I will take revenge; I will pay them back,” says the LORD. Instead, “If your enemies are hungry, feed them. If they are thirsty, give them something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals of shame on their heads.” Don’t let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good.' (Romans 12:19-21, NLT)
'Be merciful, as your Master is merciful.' - Jesus
So, G!D admonishes and sets trials and obstacles. Admonishes out of dear love. Trials, so that if you overcome, a reward is for you, with the LORD, G!D of Abraham. (Book of Revelations, if you're interested.)
Happily ever after, by a servant of G!D who created Heaven and Earth - G!D who knows all, hears all and sees all (G!D knows and you do not) - G!D who knows the hearts and minds of men, G!D who loves justice, and detests wickedness.
So remind me, G!D, to fear You, and to humble myself before You, and to let Your will be done, not mine.
'And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.' (Phillipians 4:19, NLT)
For it is written in the Quran: 'Bring glad tidings, invite them to your LORD, practice charity openly and secretly, and do righteousness that is godly - it is not righteousness to turn to the East or the West, but it is righteousness to obey G!D, and to keep His commandments.'

In the Quran, it is written: 'Take Sadaqah (alms) from their wealth in order to purify them and sanctify them with it, and invoke Allah for them. Verily! Your invocations are a source of security for them, and Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower.'
Chapter Name:Al-Tawba Verse No:103
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With the help of the LORD G!D, who is Most Merciful, I've contributed to the following projects:

To you who think you have 'mental illness', and are trying to 'control' that with abominations that are man-made, the Bible has a verse, oh the G!D-breathed Word that is suitable for rebuking and disciplining so that you are wise for salvation through the Christ: 'A house divided cannot stand'

On people who are involved with the death penalty: executioner, legal procedure people. The Bible has said, 'Put away your swords, For those who live by the sword will die by the sword.'
And that is supposedly a gift from the Lord Christ Jesus. 'Those who have Ears, let them hear,’goes another part of the Bible.

Now when Jesus was asked 'Are you Son of G!d' Jesus said 'It is as you say. Furthermore, I tell you now that I am resurrecting in three days after my death, by the power given me by my Father in Heaven' 'Blasphemy,' they said, sending Jesus to crucifixion (Thy will be done on Heaven, and thy will be done on earth as on Heaven. O blessed are you, Father in Heaven, King of the Universe, Ruler of Heaven. Hallowed be thy name.) Apostle Paul said, 'My execution of Christians was before the Lord Christ Jesus appeared to me, saying, 'Why are you killing me?' Now, conscience of mine, it is clear before G!d and man.' It is written in the Bible, 'Christ- the Christ lives in me.' And it written in the Bible. What? Paul was preaching to people who heard him, but they began leaving After hearing him say. What? You hear always but do not understand

Routine that is awkward and painful is no longer music to my ears / Often, people don't always take care of themselves / Why don't they love themselves / Birds came in, red / and purple too / That's what they turned my skin into / Ain't that a sharp pain there / Oh, why do they hurt me so / My kiss to them / Lets my blood out / They continue chirping / Perhaps this is the time / to say it's- / o / it's not okay / why do my tears flow / oh, joy / ow / it's time to die, the birds say / death-songs come softly / please forgive them, Heavenly Compassionate Father / Boom