Jesus said, 'I have not much more time to
speak with you. The ruler of
this world is approaching.
He has no power over Me,
yet I will do the will of the one
who sent Me, so that the world
will know that I love my Father.
If you really loved me, you will
be glad that I am going to my Father,
for He is greater than I.'
'I am leaving you now, but I will come
again, and we will be together forever
and always, walking along
the straight path to the lasting wealth
from my Father - a wealth the world does not give,
a wealth I bring, and
will not be taken
away from you. And surely I will
always be with you, forever and always
until the very end of the world,
and the true end of the age,
and the passing away of this generation.'
'There are many rooms in my Father's house.
I am going there to prepare one for you.'
As Scriptures say, 'For we of the spirit of G!D have different abilities according to the action of the Spirit of G!D in our lives. Just as a body has different members with different functions, so, too, we are of one body - through the Anointed One, Jesus, who calls himself the Son of Man - and have different gifts in the same body. If your gift is teaching, teach. If your gift is devotion to G!D, which may or may not be done in secret before men, then devote yourself to G!D. (For what you do in secret before men, the All-knowing, All-seeing and All-hearing One will know, and your reward is with Him, who is not unmindful of your deeds.'
Poems that I wro te with G!D's help during a stay at a ward in an institute of mental health, where and when there was involuntary medication (bitter-tasting white things were pressured into you) and restrictions on your coming and going from that place - effectively an arrest in a prison of sorts, as dainty as the fittings of the interiors may be. Blaming no-one; it was a journey towards G!D - He sends trials. As Scriptures say, this calls for patient endurance and wisdom and vigilance and sobriety. (not society, for as Jesus said, to what shall I compare this generation? they are like children calling out to others in a market-place: 'We sang a dirge, but you did not cry. We played a song, but you did not dance.' And as Scriptures exhort, 'Save yourselves from this perverse generation! Repent [of your wrong-doings against G!D, who is the Most Accepting of repentance], and be baptised into the Father (who is given great happiness to give the kingdom to you, so do not be afraid; take courage), the Son (who obeys the Father to the point of death, so that the world will know love for the Father - not love for the world), and the Holy Spirit (on which G!D knows best - yes, G!D knows and I, a servant of G!D, do not know).
Also, to unknown persons - forces, beings, angels, demons, rulers in the sky above or the earth below, fellows in the Spirit of G!D (for if G!D is our help, who can condemn us, as Scriptures have on record), the unknown- oh, and the one who calls himself... herself... themselves... a fairy, too - in my life who have prayed for me, or helped me in one way or another, psychically or in visible ways or in unknown ways (G!D knows and I do not know), praise be to G!D.The Al-migh-ty lives / in be-tween them and in them / How great is my G!d!
Eve-ning will come soon / By the work of Shad-dai's hand / He brings Day to rest
from the writer: 'Wow! Great and marvellous are your deeds, oh Almighty One' and sang the song of Moses, who is servant of G!D, and of the Lambwrite G!d a new song; / Tell me the works of your G!d / I will meet you there
Pri-son-er of Man? / No more am I kept confined / Than this cage on me
I will praise my G!d / As sure-ly as He brings Day / Af-ter He brings Night
In the Lord I rest / All my hopes; from all my sins / He brings me res-cue
from the writer: Ha-ha-ha-ha (laughing). Remembering (*laughing*) G!D brought me to a (fellow) creation of His, who lampooned- imitated- my use ofCome be-fore the Lord, / Sing-ing and dan-cing men, / For He brings me joy!
from the writer: (laughing, non-stop, can't seem to stop) that (fellow) creation of G!D- his haiku, he was all about the 'Dalai Lama'. (Dalai Lama this, Dalai Lama that) (can't seem to stop laughing) And (then) raccoons (in other things, unknown things, other forms unknown forms). And mandalas.
All my sto-len things - /
Did not make re-sti-tu-tion; /
Here I'm con-fes-sing
G!d help me repent!
Shad-dai brings me food / And I'll sing praises of Him [missing syllable] / For His migh-ty works
from the writer: As the Quran says, 'If you ask the birds what they sing of, they will tell you, 'Praise [be] to the Creator of all the Earths!'Sa-cri-fi-cial Lamb / How great is my G!d on High / To provide for us!
from the writer: 'He who oppresses the poor reproaches (or, is hostile to) his Maker, (for as written in the Quran, oppression is more wicked than other crimes. Resist, and stand up, and fight, until the oppression is no more. And prophet, say this, to those who rise against you: 'Gather you your advisors and counsellors and tacticians and generals, make a careful plan , then throw you your rod!' For the LORD G!D is the Best at planning. And my fear is the fear of the Sovereign over the Here-after. (who will judge between the fat and the scrawny; He will judge one kind of animal from the other (from the Bible). And He is faithful to His promise(s). The Most Faithful to promises, the LORD is.) And if they say, prophet, that 'We will wait', then, say, prophet: 'I, too, wait with you. I will wait with you.') But he who honours Him has mercy on the needy. (Proverbs 14:31)The Son of Man, Christ / Je-sus was the Cru-ci-fied / And what a great love!
As Scriptures have on record: 'Overwhelming victory is ours'They keep food co-ming / In the wrath of G!D I shake; / Christ's enough for me!
'He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord, and He will pay back what he has given.' (Proverbs 19:17)Hum-bly I bow down; / The Al-migh-ty one has me / in His migh-ty hand
They vented on me / E-mo-tion in the nur-ses / All rain down on me
'And whoever gives one of these little ones only a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple, assuredly, I say to you, he shall by no means lose his reward.' (Matthew 10:42)Unknown haiku