Sang song of Moses, who is servant of G!D, and of the Lamb. (from book of Revelations, which? in Scriptures)
'Great and awe-inspiring are Your splendid deeds, Almighty One! Fabuloso.. fabulosa (fabulous) worthy of praises and odes... marvellous and miraculously powerful.
true and just are your ways and deeds, Ruler and king of the ages and the nations.'

G!D gave me a chance to have a set of leading questions. to you, who are alien to me, or foreign or unknown to me: in love of G!D, first and foremost, then, to love G!D - who hath called us to peace, a peace the world does not give - and to do something like loving G!D, that is, to love the unknown as the you - that is, to love neighbour as yourself - to love the other, who is unknown to me, as myself, giving you what G!D has given me, as freely as G!D has given me through the glorious riches of Christ Jesus.

three steps every meeting [in no particular order of importance]

  1. Share. You don't have to if you don't wanna. (Buddy: listen and ask questions to clarify, if needed. And of course, how to listen is a skill altogether delightful to practise.)
  2. Suggest. You can, if you want, ask your buddy for specific advice or help. (Buddy: offer ideas, options, and suggestions.)
  3. Set action. What will I work on this coming week-day or week-end or what. G!D knows what time measure you use, and I do not know. Yes, G!D knows, and I do not know. (Buddy: check that goal is something you can verify)

With G!D's help, I have an example of how to do the above. It is that which follows:
