The wondrous works my god has done in my life

  1. In late 2013 A.D. or early 2014, I was alone at night on a long stretch of road. Before I knew it, I had a pack of dogs, which had lined themselves down the road, barking at me. I did not see how I could leave. Just when I thought I was in a terrible situation, a stranger came by in a car. I waved to him and miraculously, that stranger stopped for me and let me in. I thank my god for that rescue. That stranger would drop me off in a place that was better-lit (by street-lamps), and did not charge me any money for the ride.
  2. This happened between the years 2016 A.D. to 2018 A.D. In Indonesia, I was feeling thirsty. I was on a mini-bus then, and if I had brought water with me, I had run out of it. Looking around, , I saw a water-bottle in a dustbin (or trash-can) that was inside the bus. Long story short, I drank it. And I thank my god that he gives me what is needful for me. As it is written, the Lord is my shepherd; I shall not be in want. (Psalm 23)
  3. A man who was physically bulkier than me sat on top of me as I laid down on the bed, stomach down. He unbuckled my belt and I had the impression that he wanted sexual activities with me. I shook my head. "You don't want [it]," he said, and left the hotel room that we were both in. I don't think I had that much influence over his decision to leave. Maybe my god rescued me. My god is my saviour and my Rock.

A longer story about God and me

At some point in time between the years 2013 and 2017, I was acutely aware that something was just not quite right with my life. I've felt that way, before 2013, I guess, but it had become something I just could not ignore. I somehow ended up doing the following:

Long story short, I felt better after reading verses from the Bible. Epistles (or letters) by the apostle Paul helped me, in particular. I grew to fear God, in a gradual process.

As I read more about God from the Bible, I discovered, or realised, that I have done things that God finds abominable. For example, God says in the Old Testament that "thou shalt not steal (you shall not steal)". (Exodus 20:15).

I asked God to help me be a better person, if only to end my suffering, if only to feel better. It seemed that I could not help myself feel better, no matter how much I tried. I guess it could be said that I tried to repent. I am still trying to repent.

I think God loves me. He is giving me kindness. For example, I have sunshine most of the time (I need sunshine). And God made the sun. Plus, I grew to believe someone, or some being, or an existence other than my own, died in my place. Like, I believe I deserved to be struck dead after doing things that God doesn't like - in other words, I should have died for my sins (including stealing). But someone called Jesus, whom I would later address as Lord Jesus, suffered the punishment for my sins. I believe God is forgiving. I frequently ask God to forgive me. Lord Jesus has said, "Forgive, and you will be forgiven". So I try to forgive others whom I encounter in everyday life. It could be the staff of a restaurant who abruptly cleans the table I'm at, without so much as a smile at me. Lord Jesus taught mankind a prayer that includes the line, "Father in Heaven [...], forgive us our debts, as we have forgiven our debtors". So, I ask God to be nice to that particular member of the restaurant-staff who did not smile at me, who seemed so robot-like to me. I do this in the hopes that I myself am forgiven.

Long story short, and as a way to summarise the above, I note the following:

  1. I felt distressed, severely so
  2. I exhausted all the ways I could find to make myself feel better, without success
  3. I came across verses in the Bible. Or, as I now believe, God sent the Bible to me, in His generosity.
  4. I asked God for wisdom to understand what I have read in the Bible. (And if I have wisdom now, I believe it was God who gave it to me. And I believe God is still giving wisdom to me, as I write this - consider me a fool!)
  5. I acted based on what I read in the Bible.
  6. I am happy now. I am in God's care.