I got baptised at a church earlier this year.
And other Christians have supported me, such as offering me jobs. In fact, I took up a job from them, as an assistant to nurses, at a hospital.
But the Covid restrictions are harsh right now, so I plan to take a break until August 2022, to see if the authorities change the restrictions
In the meantime, I'm selling some pictures I made: Https://tonychen.bigcartel.com
I've been reading the books I've wanted to, but never gotten around to.
And I got sick of the "social media" aspects of Goodreads.com (such as Likes and Follows), so I just made a HTML file to track my reading instead: Https://phtan.github.io/books.html
Here's something I've been thinking about: what do people want in such times? I'm trying to build - or cultivate - reciprocal relationships. "You need to give in order to receive," Derek Sivers wrote.
Updated on 27 October 2021, from Singapore.
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