In remembrance of Me (Christ Jesus, Isa, son of Miriam). 'Be merciful, as your Master (Lord) is merciful.' - Isa, Jesus, son of Mary
A-mong the stables / They found a ho-ly in-fant / Named Je-sus Christ
He came to bring peace / from the Al-migh-ty Jus[-]tice / G!d be with the world /
In a muf-fin crumb / They found a spot to chat-ter / and spark a fi-re
From Scriptures: 'they say
'that feels good' around fire
that they had started with
blocks of wood that they had had
cut, hewn, hauled - from buttressed trees
that are in forests -
with the help of G!D
Then, ah- 'that feels good' they say
loudly and softly (not nasty, sweetly
and even surprisingly pleasant
. a
litle painful (maybe)
and awe-strikingly
beautiful and mesmerising
After a while, they say to themselves,
shall I-
'shall I do- oh, yemmy,
and yummy
shall I do a detestable thing,
and worship
a block of wood,
or two blocks of wood
or three
or a pile of flesh
or a bag of bones
or a sack of intestines
or a house for maggots
or a body that is white
with death,
and feels cold to the touch,
and is filling up with
as a damp block of wood
grows infested with white
insects or moving bugs
in a
yawning mouth
of a barn
Compare if you will to
(oh, grateful or not)
what the Buddha
said to monks (who were)
with lust
on dead (naked)
bodies (lily-white)
in graveyards,
corpses. The Buddha
said, 'it is twiching
uncontrollably maybe,
in what some call 'rigor
mortis' , becoming stiff
, swelling maybe with time,
filling up with insects,
eggs of flies hatching inside
maggots crawling up and down,
bed of body is scorpions
and mushrooms
sores are filling up in body
as we or you or me or them
look on, or speak.
(or something like that)
No matter the day / Je-sus is always with you / For-e'er and e-ver / [no matter the sex, no matter your sexiness, no matter your grammer, or over-punctuation, Je-sus is always with you for-ever and ever and always]
In a dim kit-chen / I saw a lit-tle rab-bit / That had grown too old
Show me the mean-ing / And I will show you the cure / To the pain of [L]ife
Rab-bit is now dead / Wrap his bo-dy up in white / And down to new tombs!
[El] Shad-dai colours things blue / And turns them grey, black, red-gold / Moon-dust glitters too
They brought a new taste / G[!]d has ac-cursed in days past: 'You shall eat with pain'
['Thou shalt eat with pain'] huk-huk-hul ha-ha-ha (laughing) ha-ha-ha-ha it- still still- scary? laughing at laughing people? how about 'smirking'? 'the pursuit of worldly, exquisite as they may, wealth that is of the world, or the world, which in its present form is passing away, is associated to acts of foolishness of all kinds. Yes, that includes the pursuit of so-called knowledge.' (written in Scriptures, this, yes.) 'I want you to be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil, as much as everybody has heard about your obedience - that I rejoice over, everybody has heard about your obedience, and I rejoice.' 'Or you think it is said for no reason that the spirit of G!D is a cause of envy? You adulteresses! If you choose to make yourself friend of world, you make yourself enemy of G!D, who hath no beings attached, know you not?' (as written in Scriptures) So, G!D knows what evil is, and I do not know (know this, please, if I emphasise not enough). and 'the love of money of worldly wealth or false knowledge is the root of Evil.' and G!D knows what Evil is, and I do not. N' of course G!D is good, G!D loves justice, detests wickedness. swift and terrible in punishment that is severe and lasts long. 'Fear of G!D is beginning of wisdom. But fools despise sound guidance and instruction.'
The muf-fin was made / And they do not seek its joy / Because it was made
I have to re-turn / Walk-ing past the strangers here / They turned me a-way
Long days con-ti-nue / In an in-sti-tu-tion[-]al / Man-ner of baking
The birds out-side sing / While I hear the people scream / As I chew on it
In the cool of Day / The Lord G!d walks in gardens / Where men walked be-fore
Such was their joy / At see-ing G!d's only Son / They broke the quiet
'Lis-ten care-ful-ly!' / He ur-gent-ly car-ried me / On a school-bus trip
They are full of it / The thing that makes me write on / I am full of it
Dear Diary,
Scripture tells me not to say that in twenty years you will repay the wicked and un-just for what they have done, for is not G!d a good G!d? that question rings in my mind: Is G!d a G!d, who rewards the wicked?Estee the educator, and Garnyg the officer, with another man, the technologist, have rendered me zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
from the writer: mysterious marks that look that a snake with a pin struck through it. may or may not be the letter 'z' from the English alphabet.
to a physician. Embittered of soul, I rest and become restless, - taking comfort in the affection of the family of believers and followers of Christ. 'You know of my way of life, my persecution at Antioch, my longsuffering, my patience...' wrote the apostle Paul, who cautioned in the same letter
from the writer:
As written in Scriptures:
'What then is Paul? What then
is Apollo?' (what)
'G!D loves not those who delight
in wickedness. Mischief-makers,
G!D loves not.' (from Scriptures
that some call the Quran)
'I want you to show mercy (love),'
says the LORD G!D, (as written
in Scriptures.) 'Not to offer
sacrifices. I want you to know me
Oh, thank You, oh Compassionate
and Most Merciful One, who is
swift and severe and terrible
in punishment: eternal abode
in Fire, at an hour when there
will be no (outside) help,
no intercession, and no hand
of compassion to be extended;
and then there will be angels
striking back and behind
and cheeks
and neck (décolletage, heads
shoulders, knees and toes,
knees and toes) of people who will
have displaced lips; and then
there will be weeping, and
stamping of feet, most sorrowful,
and grinding an' gnashing of teeth.
(ah, that feels extremely
satisfying, G!D, who reminds me
to leave the righteous anger
of G!D to G!D). afore-mentioned
may be verified to be recorded
in the Quran, the Bible and elsewhere
which may or may not be unknown
to me.
And so it is that what the Teacher
and Lord says is true: 'Blessed
are you who hunger and thirst
for righteousness, for you
will be satisfied.' so says the
Son of Man. As surely as the LORD
G!D, the Almighty One lives,
I hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for the wicked to have no peace, and
no rest, and for those who
fear G!D to be rewarded and exalted.
And as surely as the LORD lives,
I have been satisfied in great
and mighty ways that I did not know,
and G!D promises that... this:
'Call to Me, and I will show
you great and mighty things
which you do not know.'
'But mark this: there will be terrible times in the last days. They will be brutal, lovers of themselves rather than lovers of G!d, not lov'rs of the good... [or, not lovers of the Good, to be precise, for some glory in their shame, and say, 'I have done no wrong!']'
Gekeng the social worker is someone [whom] you should be on your guard against. G!d will pay them in retri-bution for what they have done to me. Be careful when you [very faint marks (as in, hand-writing, for context)] afflicted in Singapore with them.
from the writer: very faint marks again
G!d has given me a channel to [faint marks] (guessing the word is 'know') Him more. Diary, you just a vapour that appears for a little while, and then (guessing the word is... oh, G!D knows, and I do not know. Yes, G!D knows, and I do not know.) Doing guess-work: 'the Almighty causes lovers to scatter in the wind!'
[El] Shaddai darkens the evening with the descent of night, and raises the song of crickets up to the lights of the sky which He made, in epilogue to evening
[very faint marks]
May glory be to G!d[,] and may peace be with you in the name of the Lord Christ Jesus.
I am fading away, and repenting
I am going to meet
[faint marks again, perhaps fittingly so] Praise be to G!D Most High
Can one who hates justice govern the rising and setting of the sun, and the times when salmon going up-stream
'The mouth of a fool invites ruin. And a rod is for the back of he.. she... they who lack judgment'
'They say, "Peace, peace", but there is no peace! They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. 'Peace, peace,' they say, when there is no peace.' (Book of Jeremiah, chapter 6, verse 14). art thou, father in Heaven. our one and only Father. our one and only father, blessed art thou. ruler of the universe (and everything in it) hallowed is thy name. thy kingdom come!
'How do we know when we have reached perfect love? When there is no more fear' (from Scriptures)May the merit of joyous effort and such like be to exalt the Most Merciful and Compassionate One. Who? the Accepting of repentance, the oft-forgivin' and oft-returning.
Mysterious marks that look like a bee approaching a flower
She bangs / she bangs o is G!D woman or man / think for a moment / and you're dead / is this Heaven / or Hell / think for a moment / and / you're dead / HA!
Dear Diary,
How are you? May peace be with you with you, in the name of [or on the behalf of] the Lord [of ours], Jesus Christ.
Although I am persecuted, a reading of the [g]ospel might be as enlightening for you as it was for me: 'If the world hates you, remember that the world hated [M]e before you.' (Jn 15:18, Christian Community Bible)
G!d brought my non-Christian [']parents[']
to me in the evening. I was feeling blessed and later,
sad and sorrowful and confused. G!d gave
me the
opportunity so my parents and I spent the time with reading the
eating fruits (which I gave
thanks to G!d for[,] [for] blessing
Reflecting, I want to give thanks
to G!d for
the three
of us,
and the rest of us
who are residing at
the wards of Institue of
Mental Health, for our daily
bread, food, water, clothing
and shelter, and meat in
the evening
, and fruits
for for the three
of us (my [']father['],
my [']mother[']
and myself) Amen.
I was sorrowful at letting Christ go to his Father; while I meditated, tears came
from the writer: [Mister Chopra addressed this somewhere - on a web-site maybe, of course, with G!D's help, that's one way to cope with changes that arise with spiritual growth... flower bear fruit, might be painful to bear fruit maybe, hm :-) (smiling)]
I felt like pressure inside me
had been released. I know
I ought to be glad, but Jesus would
be going (and while
loving me) and coming to you
The writer, or editor, if you will,
is undecided whe'er to correct- oops-
suggest the word
'going' instead of
'coming' - suffice to say
that in a book that's entitled
"Praise to a formless god"
it is written that "No coming, no going."
Another portion - oh G!D help me
to keep from becomin' proud -
is that "is the fruit latent in the seed?
is the seed latent in the fruit?"
Another still, yet, from G!D-knows-who-and-I-do-not-know
Chicken lays an egg /
Who would have held pee in, oh! /
How ridiculously simple!
I'm glad [Oh] I'm glad. I'm glad. I'm not sad, Christ is loved.
Talk to you [a]nother time, beloved.
Thank you, Jesus. May the Christ be blessed.
In Christ's love.
mark that looks like the letter 'G'. ('mark', as in hand-writing)
'G' for good, maybe :-)
Mysterious marks that look like [four] tongues of flame
Dear Diary ,
They fed me food and meds / I was denied when fasting / Oh, G!d, Your creatures
Tumbling wood-blocks / Next to a volume of pulp / I get a break-down
The sky rumbles in / On the fourth day of my death / My bones stop jiggling
Water pours into drain / Cold air brushes past early / On a bird's morning
Dear Dear Diary,
May peace be with you, in the name of the Lord [of ours], Christ Jesus.
[El] Shaddai moves the woman with [H]is mighty hand, and I do not dare to lay with her if she appears.
I am fading in and out on the second day. G!d put me on
from the writer: faint marks, as in hand-writing
new accommodation.
Dear Diary,
Many are the clouds that [El] Shaddai draws from the curves of the sea
And with [H]is mighty hand He brings forth a dark green clam from the depth [that] He hides from the knowledge of Man in His wrath which abideth until belief in the Son
A swinging sword /
brought forth by G!D /
from Mary
Dear Diary, May peace with you, in the name of the son of the Almighty, Christ Jesus, [who is] Lord. [whom I am not above]
The man with emerald skin of crystalline substance appeared before me. His eyes were ablaze, and out of his mouth was a double-edged sword, and in his hand was the Star of David, and encountering him by the river, I saw that his feet were like bronze that had passed through fire, as I fell to his feet.
'Peace!' he said. 'Calamity will come soon, but I am with you until the end of the age.'
The writer thinking whether to record suspicions of idol-worship or a flashing reminder of a certain... what people call psycho-analyst - who was known for seeing visions or images, which he then (reportedly) used, or other-wise applied, to contribute to society. 'King', 'lover', and G!D-knows-what-and-I-do-not-know. 'Archetypes' they called it. (or otherwise named it.) 'magician' . ha-ha-ha-ha. (laughing) ^^ Oh they accused Jesus and his disciples of trickery or slights of hand or feints or sorcery or working their portion from G!D with the help of demons or sons of demons! O! hahahahahahaha. (laughing)
Thanksgiving for Return from Captivity.
A Song of Ascents.
When the LORD brought back the captive ones of Zion,
We were like those who dream.
Then our mouth was filled with laughter
And our tongue with joyful shouting;
Then they said among the nations,
“The LORD has done great things for them.”
The LORD has done great things for us;
We are glad.
Restore our fortunes, O LORD,
As the streams in the South. (as the streams
that You cause to gush in arid deserts)
(as written in Scriptures. (they call it
'New American Standard Bible'; other names, too, they have
for Scriptures. Names that G!D knows, and I do not know.
Yes, G!D knows, and I do not know.))
(laughing, can't stop) seemingly crazy man
I praise You, G!D, for You have shown lovingkindness
'What will you have me do?' said I to the man, knelt.
'Go your way, Daniel,' said he. 'Peace!'
'Great and marvellous are your deeds, O Almighty One'. sang the song of Moses, who is servant of G!D, and of the Lamb. Fabulosa and fabuloso and deserving of every superlative, and miraculously wonderful and magnificently beautiful, O, Your deeds, You who have no beings attached. (G!D haz no beings attached.) (laughing) ha-ha-ha-ha
Dear Diary, How are you? May peace [and the Life] be with you in the name of the Lord Christ Jesus.
from the writer:
'Do not err, my beloved brethren,' wrote the apostle Paul, 'every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the father of lights, [the blessed Father, who is unseen in front of men, and who is in Heaven] with whom there is no variableness or changing or turning of shadow [nor excessively heavy yokes like those that teachers of the Law, and Pharisees, and hypocrites, lay down even on the very aged]'.
The Almighty has drawn evening across the earth, and the man ponders on himself and his G!d. He is a strange creation, he thinks, growing as he appears, and also aware of his on[-]going dis[-]appearance. For which part of his body is new, or his bones, or his flesh, that will prompt a new 'Thing' in the world? [paragraph break] And yes, the uncertainty of his existence threatens him, and waits in hiding to be acknowledged, on the heels of Recognition.
G[!]d brought people to me to[-]day, Diary, and some of the experience was pleasant, and some not so much. Three of my former high-school class[-]mates arrived at the ward, and G!d reminded me later of my vulnerability amidst serving the Christ, when [H]e brought my [']father['] to the ward (he is not a seeker of the Christ, nor is he seeking Christ, as far as I can tell.)
Do you speak Mandarin Chinese, or can you read it, at least?
from the writer: Translating... :-) For the love of G!D, and to the Most Merciful and Compassionate One be praise and the glory.
Although I do not count myself as having achieved perfection, as if I were a mountain or statue that has been molded and made perfect - oh, I do not count myself as such - and do not have all the powers that G!D has to work great deeds that shelter and transport Man, and nourish you and me, and do not know all the rigid instructions, of the world, that lays a yoke on-to one such that one turns to the direction where the sun sets, or plucks hair out from the nostrils of one - oh, I feel a load that is yoked upon me, instead, in the plentiful harvest of the fields that G!D has given me to tend, as if I ought to forge a bow or axe for myself out-side of the houses of happy people who put the proverbial cart before the horse, among these blurring definitions (of myself) that G!D has caused in a baptism of fire to a disobedient one such as myself, who seems doomed to be as clouds of dust and ash - what with the sword, that He has plunged into my soul, that is tormenting me greatly - I speak, in an effort to make my humanity heard, the following: if G!D has given me this worldly life as a comfort - a form of mercy from the Most Merciful and Compassionate One, or a brief respite - then what they have done to me falls short of what lets the light of the Most Merciful One - who created us, and is working great and mighty wonders in His immeasurable splendour and ways that are above my own - shine; they do not glorify their Maker, who is maker of all. I see room for the Lamb to do the will of the one who sent the Lamb. I see room for work that reconciles the below to the above. I see a gap to be filled. And how great the cry must be to He-who-provides, from where they are! Oh, to imagine the saltiness that remains on their hearts after their tears have dried! To borrow an expression from the one and only Teacher, if this happens in the green, what more in the dry!
Mysterious marks that look like armies or soldiers
Where G!D has sent me to is where wild people have the comfort of their shelters and women, and yet bake bread that leaves people half-hungry after they eat it. Not a joyous effort at all, are all these plucking of nostril-hairs, and turning to the direction where the sun sets. To the extent that they have turned the commandments of G!D to suit the desires of their hearts, they are all alike, regardless of their positions in society, gender identity, sexual identity, and the number of years that they have lived (or the number of wrinkles on their fore-head). And these are people who are made in the likeness of their Maker! How outrageous! I am greatly anxious and distressed for these people whom G!D offers His covenant to. My lowly heart is beset with with unexpressed emotions, as if my heart were in a sealed jar that is becoming a little too cramped, or as if the heat of summer had been poured into a drink that leaves me burning upon consumption. Oh, to whom shall I turn the ancient trees and mountains of my soul towards: G!D who clothes me, or those whom G!D has destroyed since long ago in plagues and floods and earthquakes that only those who are like Noah can be spared from? Who am I to model myself after? Or who am I to speak up for? Or rest my weary soul against? O! How I have spent nights sitting, by my lonesome, under the shifts and changes of the moon, wishing to be with You, enjoying the lush abundance of what G!D provides in his covenant with an oppressed, persecuted and doomed one such as myself! O, Jehovah!
oh, in the heat of the day, I have felt humiliation. 我受到委屈了,日记。想像在十字架(或者,树)上, 耶稣叫喊:【阿爸,父亲!为什么你放弃了我?】我认为 生活是值得的,感到幸福,是他的牺牲,让我有 改变和希望。他的名字,耶稣。
marks that I cannot understand now, but will come to understand afterward, if G!D is willing. :-)
Dear Diary,
Strangled and a-ware /
I comb fingers in-to ash /
as I dis-ap-pear
They fold the-ir hands /
As they sit a-cross from me /
How do I praise G!d
They came on a day /
When it was cold and wind-less /
They came suddenly
Tiles and small stock-piles /
Bring on a cas-cade of fear /
and the stop in me
They pushed some bis-cuit /
and mix-ture to me at tea /
They shan't break my fast!
On a ce-real crack /
The rai-sin traced me as best /
as a dry humplump
The wild crane stands fast /
A-mong te rol-ling grass field /
As he jour-neys past
They are in a war /
They are wield-ing seen weapons /
But we, un-seen, win
They are in a war /
They are seen wielding weapons /
But we win, unseen
To make a dam burst /
It is im-por-tant to risk /
Flood-ing the ri-ver
How many swallows /
Follow the si-lence as well /
As a stag-nant pond?
How many swallows follow the
selection of an old
Day comes and night goes /
Silk-i-ly e-nough on wings /
of a red fea-ther
The bumblebee flies /
Listening to the sounds of snorts /
and grumbling hammers
from the writer: Lest they
tramply on them, and then turn
and attack you, do not set
your pearls before swine.'
(hur-hur-huk) (laughing)
This is from Scriptures.
The bumblebee flies /
But tastes its own honey in /
no such haste as Man
On the equator
/ of a rectangle that curls
/ up leaving I
Isn't it curious?
In between the lines the bird /
Makes its victory
Dear Diary, How are you? May peace be with you in the name of the Lord Christ Jesus.
If I had a wing / I would not flap but / boldly cover me
from the writer: If G[!]d had a wing / would He use it to carry / The sound of the trees
Am I so vulnerable
from the writer: 'With gladness I boast about thorn
in flesh (that was given to me to torment me, and to keep
me from being proud - a messenger of the one who calls himself
the Angel of Light), delight in weaknesses, and gladly boast
about troubles, persecutions, oppression from people unknown
and known to me, hardships, emotional turns and swoops and
flights, tribulations, for the sake of the One with the Name
(Christ).' (from Scriptures)
Am I so vulnerable that a[n] offer of a mixture is
tempting? Are you?
They have familiarity with toxins. It's so embittering,
disappointing and upsetting! Oh!
from the writer: 'Remorseful, huh. Regrets? Or not? For the sake of the Christ, huh. The Anointed One who calls himself the son of Man. "Three times I asked the Lord to remove it from me. What? The thing causing (me) pain. The thorn in flesh. He said: My grace is sufficient for you. Good enough. Enough for you, my grace is. My power is greatest in weakness. (as has been recorded in Scriptures) "'
On the day of the Sabbath, Shaddai settles into his [or His] resting place after his work of the Creation.
The awesome G!d is with you, Diary, and He will
peso personally go ahead of you before them.
Oh, such mercy, as Pope Francis said: so much mercy, especially for confessors!
G!d sent four former high school
from the writer: (laughing) hur-hur-hur-hur. Four... form.. er... form-er... four.. form... four... for... It's too funny! :-D ^.^ (still laughing) ha- G!D is better comedian than I am :-D Thanks, Daddy :-) ^.^ >.<
G!d sent four former high school friends to me in the evening. When I looked on the gifts which one brought to me, I saw the words: 'When you only see one set of footprints in the sand, it is because I was carrying you.' That was awesome!
Scripture says that you ought to say, 'If this is G!d's will, we will live and also do this or that,' instead of boasting that tomorrow you will go to this or that city, live there for a few years and make a profit. This is a reminder from G!d to me about my limits and capabilities.
You are like an open
book, Diary, and I trust G!d will involve
you in his [or His]
plan as he [or He] sees fit.
I received many blessings from the Father today. I am especially grateful as I had prayed to die, earlier.
G!d is telling me that there is more
to me that he sees, other than what I see[,] and what they see.
The word of G!d is a lamp unto thy path[,] and a
light unto thy feet.
The context is the words I saw earlier in a [']Christian[']
publication, on the trees and tents that G!d sees in a group
of wanderers and ex-slaves.
They call for bed-time /
On a summer night in trop-ics /
What a silent moon!
From the writer: they call for bed-time / on a Sabbath that Lord rules / how patient Lord is!