382 lines
13 KiB

In remembrance of Me (Christ Jesus, Isa, son of Miriam).
'Be merciful, as your Master (Lord) is merciful.' - Isa, Jesus, son of Mary
<a href="#do-not-return-wickedness-for-wickedness-take-heed">
See- see if there is any wicked way in me, Daddy, and lead me
in the way ever-lasting and true. Through Christ Jesus. Amen.
<a href="#san">
'Do not be overly angry, O Lord.
Do not be angry beyond measure
with us, O Judge over the Day
of Judgment!' ("repent, for the
kingdom of G!D - the kingdom
of Heaven - is near! It is not
far!" Jesus, the Christ, saying).
<a href="#quattro"
>Your- do not be afraid. Take courage.
Your father, who is in Heaven, your Father
is given great happiness to give you'
the kingdom' (as Scriptures have on record)
:-) ^_^
Blessed art thou, father in Heaven.
our one and only Father.
our one and only father, blessed art
ruler of the universe (and
everything in it)
hallowed is thy name.
thy kingdom come!
<a href="#five">'How do we know when we have reached perfect love? When there is no
more fear' (from Scriptures)</a>
<div id="san">
Dear Diary,
How are you?
May peace
[and the Life] be with you in
the name of the Lord Christ Jesus.
<p>from the writer:
:-) <br/>
'Do not err, my beloved
brethren,' wrote the apostle
Paul, 'every good gift
and every perfect gift
is from above, coming down
from the father of lights,
[the blessed Father, who
is unseen in front of men,
and who is in Heaven]
with whom there is no
variableness or changing
or turning of shadow
[nor excessively heavy
yokes like those that
teachers of the Law, and
Pharisees, and hypocrites,
lay down even on the very
<p>The Almighty has drawn evening across the
earth, and the man ponders on himself and
his G!d. He is a strange creation, he thinks,
growing as he appears, and also aware of his on[-]going
dis[-]appearance. For which part of his body is new,
or his bones, or his flesh, that will prompt a new
'Thing' in the world? [paragraph break] And yes,
the uncertainty of his existence threatens him,
and waits in hiding to be acknowledged, on the heels
of Recognition.
<p>G[!]d brought people to me to[-]day, Diary, and some
of the experience was pleasant, and some not so much.
Three of my former high-school class[-]mates arrived at the
ward, and G!d reminded me later of my vulnerability
amidst serving the Christ, when [H]e brought my [']father[']
to the ward (he is not a seeker of the Christ, nor is he seeking
Christ, as far as I can tell.)
<p>Do you speak Mandarin Chinese, or can you read it, at least?
<p><i>from the writer: Translating... :-) For the love of G!D,
and to the Most Merciful and Compassionate One be praise and
the glory.
<p>Although I do not count myself as having achieved perfection,
as if I were a mountain or statue that has been molded and
made perfect - oh, I do not count myself as such - and do not
have all the powers that G!D has to work great deeds that shelter
and transport Man, and nourish you and me, and do not know
all the rigid instructions, of the world, that lays a yoke
on-to one such that one turns to the direction where the sun
sets, or plucks hair out from the nostrils of one - oh,
I feel a load that is yoked upon me, instead, in
the plentiful harvest of the fields that G!D has given me to
tend, as if I ought to forge a bow or axe for myself out-side of
the houses of happy people who put the proverbial cart before the horse,
among these blurring definitions (of myself)
that G!D has caused in a baptism of fire to a disobedient
one such as myself, who seems doomed to be as clouds
of dust and ash - what with the sword, that He has plunged into
my soul, that is tormenting me greatly - I speak, in an effort
to make my humanity heard, the following: if G!D has given me
this worldly life as a comfort - a form of mercy
from the Most Merciful and Compassionate One, or a brief respite -
then what they have done to me falls short of what lets
the light of the Most Merciful One - who created us, and is working
great and mighty wonders in His immeasurable splendour and
ways that are above my own - shine;
they do not glorify their Maker, who is maker of all. I see
room for the Lamb to do the will of the one who sent the Lamb. I see
room for work that reconciles the below to the above. I see
a gap to be filled. And how great the cry must be
to He-who-provides, from where they are! Oh, to imagine
the saltiness that remains on their hearts after their tears
have dried! To borrow an expression
from the one and only Teacher,
if this happens in the green, what more in the dry!
<p><i>Mysterious marks that look like armies or soldiers
<p>Where G!D has sent me to is where wild people
have the comfort of their shelters and women, and yet
bake bread that leaves people half-hungry after they eat it.
Not a joyous effort at all, are all these plucking of nostril-hairs,
and turning to the direction where the sun sets. To the extent
that they have turned the commandments of G!D to suit the desires
of their hearts, they are all alike, regardless of their
positions in society, gender identity, sexual identity, and
the number of years that they have lived (or the number
of wrinkles
on their fore-head). And these are people who are made
in the likeness of their Maker! How outrageous! I am
greatly anxious and distressed for these people whom
G!D offers His covenant to. My lowly heart is beset with
with unexpressed emotions, as if my heart were in a sealed
jar that is becoming a little too cramped, or as if the heat
of summer had been poured into a drink that leaves me burning
upon consumption. Oh, to whom shall I turn the ancient
trees and mountains of my soul towards: G!D who clothes me,
or those whom G!D has destroyed since long ago in plagues
and floods and earthquakes that only those who are like Noah
can be spared from? Who am I to model myself after? Or who
am I to speak up for? Or rest my weary soul against? O! How
I have spent nights sitting, by my lonesome, under the shifts
and changes of the moon, wishing to be with You, enjoying
the lush abundance of what G!D provides in his covenant with
an oppressed, persecuted and doomed one such as myself!
O, Jehovah!
<p>oh, in the heat of the day, I have felt humiliation.
<p><i>marks that I cannot understand now,
but will come to understand afterward, if
G!D is willing. :-)
<div id="quattro">
<p>Dear Diary,
Strangled and a-ware /
I comb fingers in-to ash /
as I dis-ap-pear
They fold the-ir hands /
As they sit a-cross from me /
How do I praise G!d
They came on a day /
When it was cold and wind-less /
They came suddenly
Tiles and small stock-piles /
Bring on a cas-cade of fear /
and the stop in me
They pushed some bis-cuit /
and mix-ture to me at tea /
They shan't break my fast!
On a ce-real crack /
The rai-sin traced me as best /
as a dry <strike>hump</strike>lump
The wild crane stands fast /
A-mong te rol-ling grass field /
As he jour-neys past
They are in a war /
They are wield-ing seen weapons /
But we, un-seen, win
They are in a war /
They are seen wielding weapons /
But we win, unseen
To make a dam burst /
It is im-por-tant to risk /
Flood-ing the ri-ver
How many swallows /
Follow the si-lence as well /
As a stag-nant pond?
How many swallows follow the
selection of an old
Day comes and night goes /
Silk-i-ly e-nough on wings /
of a red fea-ther
The bumblebee flies /
Listening to the sounds of snorts /
and grumbling hammers
<i>from the writer: Lest they
tramply on them, and then turn
and attack you, do not set
your pearls before swine.'
(hur-hur-huk) (laughing)
This is from Scriptures.
The bumblebee flies /
But tastes its own honey in /
no such haste as Man
On the equator
/ of a rectangle that curls
/ up leaving I
Isn't it curious?
In between the lines the bird /
Makes its victory
<div id="five">
Dear Diary,
How are you? May peace be with you
in the name of the Lord Christ Jesus.
<p>If I had a wing / I would not flap but / boldly cover me
<i>from the writer: If G[!]d had a wing / would He use it
to carry / The sound of the trees
Am I so vulnerable
<i>from the writer: 'With gladness I boast about thorn
in flesh (that was given to me to torment me, and to keep
me from being proud - a messenger of the one who calls himself
the Angel of Light), delight in weaknesses, and gladly boast
about troubles, persecutions, oppression from people unknown
and known to me, hardships, emotional turns and swoops and
flights, tribulations, for the sake of the One with the Name
(Christ).' (from Scriptures)
Am I so vulnerable that a[n] offer of a mixture is
tempting? Are you?
They have familiarity with toxins. It's so embittering,
disappointing and upsetting! Oh!
<p>from the writer: 'Remorseful, huh. Regrets? Or not? For the sake
of the Christ, huh. The Anointed One who calls himself the
son of Man. "Three times I asked the Lord to remove it
from me. What? The thing causing (me) pain. The thorn in flesh.
He said: My grace is sufficient for you. Good enough. Enough for
you, my grace is. My power is greatest in weakness.
(as has been recorded in Scriptures)
<p>On the day of the Sabbath, Shaddai settles into his [or His]
resting place after his work of the Creation.
<p>The awesome G!d is with you, Diary, and He will
<strike>peso</strike> personally go ahead of you before them.
Oh, such mercy, as Pope Francis said: so much mercy, especially
for confessors!
<p>G!d sent four former high school
<p><i>from the writer: (laughing) hur-hur-hur-hur. Four... form.. er...
form-er... four.. form... four... for... It's too funny! :-D ^.^ (still
laughing) ha- G!D is better comedian than I am :-D Thanks, Daddy :-) ^.^
G!d sent four former high school friends to me in the evening.
When I looked on the gifts which one brought to me, I saw the
words: 'When you only see one set of footprints in
the sand, it is because I was carrying you.' That was awesome!
Scripture says that you ought to
say, 'If this is G!d's will, we will
live and also do this or that,' instead
of boasting that tomorrow you will
go to this or that city, live there for
a few years and make a profit. This is a
reminder from G!d to me about my limits
and capabilities.
<p>You are <strike>like</strike> an open
book, Diary, and I trust G!d will involve
you in his [or His]
plan as he [or He] sees fit.
I received many blessings from the Father
today. I am especially grateful as I had prayed
to die, earlier.
<p>G!d is telling me that there is more
to me that he sees, other than what I see[,] and what they see.
The word of G!d is a lamp unto thy path[,] and a
light unto thy feet.
The context is the words I saw earlier in a [']Christian[']
publication, on the trees and tents that G!d sees in a group
of wanderers and ex-slaves.
They call for bed-time / <br/>
On a summer night in trop-ics / <br/>
What a silent moon!
From the writer: they call for bed-time / on a Sabbath that Lord rules /
how patient Lord is!