diff --git a/docs/api/hilbish/hilbish.runner/index.html b/docs/api/hilbish/hilbish.runner/index.html index 620835e..759d94f 100644 --- a/docs/api/hilbish/hilbish.runner/index.html +++ b/docs/api/hilbish/hilbish.runner/index.html @@ -9,9 +9,12 @@ language or script of their choosing. A good example is using it to write command in Fennel.

Runners are functions that evaluate user input. The default runners in Hilbish can run shell script and Lua code.

A runner is passed the input and has to return a table with these values. All are not required, only the useful ones the runner needs to return. -(So if there isn’t an error, just omit err.)

[command]: not-found will throw a command.not-found hook based on what [command] is.

[command]: not-executable will throw a command.not-executable hook.

Here is a simple example of a fennel runner. It falls back to +(So if there isn’t an error, just omit err.)

Here is a simple example of a fennel runner. It falls back to shell script if fennel eval has an error.

 1local fennel = require 'fennel'