From 9db08d1c23d06985bad394980c84fa6ff823cc29 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: sammy-ette
Hilbish’s sample configuration is usually located in hilbish.dataDir .. '/.hilbishrc.lua'
You can print that path via Lua to see what it is: print(hilbish.dataDir .. '/.hilbishrc.lua')
As an example, it will usually will result in /usr/share/hilbish/.hilbishrc.lua
on Linux.
To edit your user configuration, you can copy that file to hilbish.userDir.config .. '/hilbish/init.lua'
-which follows XDG on Linux and MacOS, and is located in %APPDATA% on Windows.
As the directory is usually ~/.config
on Linux, you can run this command to copy it:cp /usr/share/hilbish/.hilbishrc.lua ~/.config/hilbish/init.lua
Now you can get to editing it. Since it’s just a Lua file, having basic
-knowledge of Lua would help. All of Lua’s standard libraries and functions
-from Lua 5.4 are available. Hilbish has some custom and modules that are
-available. To see them, you can run the doc
command. This also works as
-general documentation for other things.