--- title: Hilbish description: layout: doc menu: docs: parent: "Signals" --- ## hilbish.exit Sent when Hilbish is going to exit. #### Variables This signal returns no variables.
## hilbish.vimMode Sent when the Vim mode of Hilbish is changed (like from insert to normal mode). This can be used to change the prompt and notify based on Vim mode. #### Variables `string` **`modeName`** The mode that has been set. Can be these values: `insert`, `normal`, `delete` or `replace`
## hilbish.cancel Sent when the user cancels their command input with Ctrl-C #### Variables This signal returns no variables.
## hilbish.notification Thrown when a [notification](../../features/notifications) is sent. #### Variables `table` **`notification`** The notification. The properties are defined in the link above.
+ `hilbish.vimAction` -> actionName, args > Sent when the user does a "vim action," being something like yanking or pasting text. See `doc vim-mode actions` for more info.