local bait = require 'bait' local lunacolors = require 'lunacolors' bait.catch('job.done', function(job) if not hilbish.opts.notifyJobFinish then return end local notifText = string.format(lunacolors.format [[ Background job with ID#%d has exited (PID %d). Command string: {bold}{yellow}%s{reset}]], job.id, job.pid, job.cmd) if job.stdout ~= '' then notifText = notifText .. '\n\nStandard output:\n' .. job.stdout end if job.stderr ~= '' then notifText = notifText .. '\n\nStandard error:\n' .. job.stderr end hilbish.messages.send { channel = 'jobNotify', title = string.format('Job ID#%d Exited', job.id), summary = string.format(lunacolors.format 'Background job with command {bold}{yellow}%s{reset} has finished running!', job.cmd), text = notifText } end)