🌺 The flower shell. A comfy and nice little shell for Lua fans!

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Hilbish is a extensible shell (framework). It was made to be very customizable via the Lua programming language. It aims to be easy to use for the casual people but powerful for those who want to tinker more with their shell, the thing used to interface with most of the system. The motivation for choosing Lua was that its simpler and better to use than old shell script. It's fine for basic interactive shell uses, but that's the only place Hilbish has shell script; everything else is Lua and aims to be infinitely configurable. If something isn't, open an issue! # Table of Contents - [Screenshots](#Screenshots) - [Installation](#Installation) - [Prebuilt Bins](#Prebuilt-binaries) - [AUR](#AUR) - [Nixpkgs](#Nixpkgs) - [Manual Build](#Manual-Build) - [Getting Started](#Getting-Started) - [Contributing](#Contributing) # Screenshots

# Installation ## Prebuilt binaries Go [here](https://nightly.link/Rosettea/Hilbish/workflows/build/master) for builds on the master branch. ## AUR [![AUR maintainer](https://img.shields.io/aur/maintainer/hilbish?logo=arch-linux&style=flat-square)](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/hilbish) Arch Linux users can install Hilbish from the AUR with the following command: ```sh yay -S hilbish ``` [![AUR maintainer](https://img.shields.io/aur/maintainer/hilbish?logo=arch-linux&style=flat-square)](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/hilbish-git) Or from the latest `master` commit with: ```sh yay -S hilbish-git ``` ## Nixpkgs Nix/NixOS users can install Hilbish from the central repository, nixpkgs, through the usual ways. If you're new to nix you should probably read up on how to do that [here](https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Cheatsheet). ## Manual Build ### Prerequisites - [Go 1.17+](https://go.dev) ### Build First, clone Hilbish. The recursive is required, as some Lua libraries are submodules. ```sh git clone --recursive https://github.com/Rosettea/Hilbish cd Hilbish go get -d ./... ``` To build, run: ``` make dev ``` Or, if you want a stable branch, run these commands: ``` git checkout $(git describe --tags `git rev-list --tags --max-count=1`) make build ``` After you did all that, run `sudo make install` to install Hilbish globally. # Getting Started At startup, you should see a message which says to run a `guide` command. This guide is a *very* simple and basic step through text of what Hilish is and where to find documentation. Documentation is primarily viewed via the in shell `doc` command. Autogenerated function docs and general docs about other things are included there, so be sure to read it. Using Hilbish is the same as using any other Linux shell, with an addition that you can also run Lua. Hilbish can also act as an enhanced Lua REPL via `hilbish.runnerMode 'lua'`. To switch back to normal, use `hilbish.runnerMode 'hybrid'`. # Contributing Any kind of contributions are welcome! Hilbish is very easy to contribute to. Read [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) as a guideline to doing so. **Thanks to everyone below who's contributed!** *Made with [contributors-img](https://contrib.rocks).* # License Hilbish is licensed under the [MIT license](LICENSE). [Images and assets](assets/) are licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0