// The fs module provides easy and simple access to filesystem functions and other // things, and acts an addition to the Lua standard library's I/O and fs functions. package fs import ( "strconv" "os" "strings" "hilbish/util" "github.com/yuin/gopher-lua" ) func Loader(L *lua.LState) int { mod := L.SetFuncs(L.NewTable(), exports) util.Document(L, mod, `The fs module provides easy and simple access to filesystem functions and other things, and acts an addition to the Lua standard library's I/O and fs functions.`) L.Push(mod) return 1 } var exports = map[string]lua.LGFunction{ "cd": fcd, "mkdir": fmkdir, "stat": fstat, "readdir": freaddir, } // cd(dir) // Changes directory to `dir` // --- @param dir string func fcd(L *lua.LState) int { path := L.CheckString(1) err := os.Chdir(strings.TrimSpace(path)) if err != nil { e := err.(*os.PathError).Err.Error() L.RaiseError(e + ": " + path) } return 0 } // mkdir(name, recursive) // Makes a directory called `name`. If `recursive` is true, it will create its parent directories. // --- @param name string // --- @param recursive bool func fmkdir(L *lua.LState) int { dirname := L.CheckString(1) recursive := L.ToBool(2) path := strings.TrimSpace(dirname) var err error if recursive { err = os.MkdirAll(path, 0744) } else { err = os.Mkdir(path, 0744) } if err != nil { L.RaiseError(err.Error() + ": " + path) } return 0 } // stat(path) // Returns info about `path` // --- @param path string func fstat(L *lua.LState) int { path := L.CheckString(1) pathinfo, err := os.Stat(path) if err != nil { L.RaiseError(err.Error() + ": " + path) return 0 } statTbl := L.NewTable() L.SetField(statTbl, "name", lua.LString(pathinfo.Name())) L.SetField(statTbl, "size", lua.LNumber(pathinfo.Size())) L.SetField(statTbl, "mode", lua.LString("0" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(pathinfo.Mode().Perm()), 8))) L.SetField(statTbl, "isDir", lua.LBool(pathinfo.IsDir())) L.Push(statTbl) return 1 } // readdir(dir) // Returns a table of files in `dir` // --- @param dir string // --- @return table func freaddir(L *lua.LState) int { dir := L.CheckString(1) names := L.NewTable() dirEntries, err := os.ReadDir(dir) if err != nil { L.RaiseError(err.Error() + ": " + dir) return 0 } for _, entry := range dirEntries { names.Append(lua.LString(entry.Name())) } L.Push(names) return 1 }