--- @meta local fs = {} --- Returns an absolute version of the `path`. --- This can be used to resolve short paths like `..` to `/home/user`. function fs.abs(path) end --- Returns the "basename," or the last part of the provided `path`. If path is empty, --- `.` will be returned. function fs.basename(path) end --- Changes Hilbish's directory to `dir`. function fs.cd(dir) end --- Returns the directory part of `path`. If a file path like --- `~/Documents/doc.txt` then this function will return `~/Documents`. function fs.dir(path) end --- Match all files based on the provided `pattern`. --- For the syntax' refer to Go's filepath.Match function: https://pkg.go.dev/path/filepath#Match --- --- function fs.glob(pattern) end --- Takes any list of paths and joins them based on the operating system's path separator. --- --- function fs.join(...path) end --- Creates a new directory with the provided `name`. --- With `recursive`, mkdir will create parent directories. --- --- -- This will create the directory foo, then create the directory bar in the --- -- foo directory. If recursive is false in this case, it will fail. --- fs.mkdir('./foo/bar', true) function fs.mkdir(name, recursive) end --- Returns a list of all files and directories in the provided path. function fs.readdir(path) end --- Returns the information about a given `path`. --- The returned table contains the following values: --- name (string) - Name of the path --- size (number) - Size of the path in bytes --- mode (string) - Unix permission mode in an octal format string (with leading 0) --- isDir (boolean) - If the path is a directory --- --- function fs.stat(path) end return fs