package main import ( "errors" "fmt" "io" "os" "strings" "hilbish/util" //herror "hilbish/errors" rt "" //"" ) var errNotExec = errors.New("not executable") var errNotFound = errors.New("not found") var runnerMode rt.Value = rt.NilValue func runInput(input string, priv bool) { running = true cmdString := aliases.Resolve(input) hooks.Emit("command.preexec", input, cmdString) currentRunner := runnerMode rerun: var exitCode uint8 var cont bool var newline bool // save incase it changes while prompting (For some reason) input, exitCode, cont, newline, runnerErr, err := runLuaRunner(currentRunner, input) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err) cmdFinish(124, input, priv) return } // we only use `err` to check for lua eval error // our actual error should only be a runner provided error at this point // command not found type, etc err = runnerErr if cont { input, err = continuePrompt(input, newline) if err == nil { goto rerun } else if err == io.EOF { lr.SetPrompt(fmtPrompt(prompt)) } } if err != nil && err != io.EOF { if exErr, ok := util.IsExecError(err); ok { hooks.Emit("command." + exErr.Typ, exErr.Cmd) } else { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err) } } cmdFinish(exitCode, input, priv) } func reprompt(input string, newline bool) (string, error) { for { /* if strings.HasSuffix(input, "\\") { input = strings.TrimSuffix(input, "\\") + "\n" } */ in, err := continuePrompt(input, newline) if err != nil { lr.SetPrompt(fmtPrompt(prompt)) return input, err } return in, nil } } func runLuaRunner(runr rt.Value, userInput string) (input string, exitCode uint8, continued bool, newline bool, runnerErr, err error) { term := rt.NewTerminationWith(l.MainThread().CurrentCont(), 3, false) err = rt.Call(l.MainThread(), runr, []rt.Value{rt.StringValue(userInput)}, term) if err != nil { return "", 124, false, false, nil, err } var runner *rt.Table var ok bool runnerRet := term.Get(0) if runner, ok = runnerRet.TryTable(); !ok { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "runner did not return a table") exitCode = 125 input = userInput return } if code, ok := runner.Get(rt.StringValue("exitCode")).TryInt(); ok { exitCode = uint8(code) } if inp, ok := runner.Get(rt.StringValue("input")).TryString(); ok { input = inp } if errStr, ok := runner.Get(rt.StringValue("err")).TryString(); ok { runnerErr = fmt.Errorf("%s", errStr) } if c, ok := runner.Get(rt.StringValue("continue")).TryBool(); ok { continued = c } if nl, ok := runner.Get(rt.StringValue("newline")).TryBool(); ok { newline = nl } return } func handleLua(input string) (string, uint8, error) { cmdString := aliases.Resolve(input) // First try to load input, essentially compiling to bytecode chunk, err := l.CompileAndLoadLuaChunk("", []byte(cmdString), rt.TableValue(l.GlobalEnv())) if err != nil && noexecute { fmt.Println(err) /* if lerr, ok := err.(*lua.ApiError); ok { if perr, ok := lerr.Cause.(*parse.Error); ok { print(perr.Pos.Line == parse.EOF) } } */ return cmdString, 125, err } // And if there's no syntax errors and -n isnt provided, run if !noexecute { if chunk != nil { _, err = rt.Call1(l.MainThread(), rt.FunctionValue(chunk)) } } if err == nil { return cmdString, 0, nil } return cmdString, 125, err } /* func execSh(cmdString string) (input string, exitcode uint8, cont bool, newline bool, e error) { _, _, err := execCommand(cmdString, nil) if err != nil { // If input is incomplete, start multiline prompting if syntax.IsIncomplete(err) { if !interactive { return cmdString, 126, false, false, err } newline := false if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "unclosed here-document") { newline = true } return cmdString, 126, true, newline, err } else { if code, ok := interp.IsExitStatus(err); ok { return cmdString, code, false, false, nil } else { return cmdString, 126, false, false, err } } } return cmdString, 0, false, false, nil } */ func splitInput(input string) ([]string, string) { // end my suffering // TODO: refactor this garbage quoted := false cmdArgs := []string{} sb := &strings.Builder{} cmdstr := &strings.Builder{} for _, r := range input { if r == '"' { // start quoted input // this determines if other runes are replaced quoted = !quoted // dont add back quotes //sb.WriteRune(r) } else if !quoted && r == '~' { // if not in quotes and ~ is found then make it $HOME sb.WriteString(os.Getenv("HOME")) } else if !quoted && r == ' ' { // if not quoted and there's a space then add to cmdargs cmdArgs = append(cmdArgs, sb.String()) sb.Reset() } else { sb.WriteRune(r) } cmdstr.WriteRune(r) } if sb.Len() > 0 { cmdArgs = append(cmdArgs, sb.String()) } return cmdArgs, cmdstr.String() } func cmdFinish(code uint8, cmdstr string, private bool) { util.SetField(l, hshMod, "exitCode", rt.IntValue(int64(code))) // using AsValue (to convert to lua type) on an interface which is an int // results in it being unknown in lua .... ???? // so we allow the hook handler to take lua runtime Values hooks.Emit("command.exit", rt.IntValue(int64(code)), cmdstr, private) }