--- title: Runner Mode description: Customize the interactive script/command runner. layout: doc menu: docs: parent: "Features" --- Hilbish allows you to change how interactive text can be interpreted. This is mainly due to the fact that the default method Hilbish uses is that it runs Lua first and then falls back to shell script. In some cases, someone might want to switch to just shell script to avoid it while interactive but still have a Lua config, or go full Lua to use Hilbish as a REPL. This also allows users to add alternative languages like Fennel as the interactive script runner. Runner mode can also be used to handle specific kinds of input before evaluating like normal, which is how [Link.hsh](https://github.com/TorchedSammy/Link.hsh) handles links. The "runner mode" of Hilbish is customizable via `hilbish.runnerMode`, which determines how Hilbish will run user input. By default, this is set to `hybrid` which is the previously mentioned behaviour of running Lua first then going to shell script. If you want the reverse order, you can set it to `hybridRev` and for isolated modes there is `sh` and `lua` respectively. You can also set it to a function, which will be called everytime Hilbish needs to run interactive input. For more detail, see the [API documentation](../../api/hilbish/hilbish.runner) The `hilbish.runner` interface is an alternative to using `hilbish.runnerMode` and also provides the shell script and Lua runner functions that Hilbish itself uses. ## Functions These are the "low level" functions for the `hilbish.runner` interface. + setMode(mode) > The same as `hilbish.runnerMode` + sh(input) -> table > Runs `input` in Hilbish's sh interpreter + lua(input) -> table > Evals `input` as Lua code These functions should be preferred over the previous ones. + setCurrent(mode) > The same as `setMode`, but works with runners managed via the functions below. + add(name, runner) > Adds a runner to a table of available runners. The `runner` argument is either a function or a table with a run callback. + set(name, runner) > The same as `add` but requires passing a table and overwrites if the `name`d runner already exists. + get(name) > runner > Gets a runner by name. It is a table with at least a run function, to run input. + exec(cmd, runnerName) > Runs `cmd` with a runner. If `runnerName` isn't passed, the current runner mode is used.