package main import ( "hilbish/util" rt "" ) // #interface editor // interactions for Hilbish's line reader // The hilbish.editor interface provides functions to // directly interact with the line editor in use. func editorLoader(rtm *rt.Runtime) *rt.Table { exports := map[string]util.LuaExport{ /* "insert": {editorInsert, 1, false}, "setVimRegister": {editorSetRegister, 1, false}, "getVimRegister": {editorGetRegister, 2, false}, "getLine": {editorGetLine, 0, false}, "readChar": {editorReadChar, 0, false}, */ } mod := rt.NewTable() util.SetExports(rtm, mod, exports) return mod } // #interface editor // insert(text) // Inserts text into the Hilbish command line. // #param text string func editorInsert(t *rt.Thread, c *rt.GoCont) (rt.Cont, error) { if err := c.Check1Arg(); err != nil { return nil, err } text, err := c.StringArg(0) if err != nil { return nil, err } lr.rl.Insert(text) return c.Next(), nil } // #interface editor // setVimRegister(register, text) // Sets the vim register at `register` to hold the passed text. // #aram register string // #param text string func editorSetRegister(t *rt.Thread, c *rt.GoCont) (rt.Cont, error) { if err := c.Check1Arg(); err != nil { return nil, err } register, err := c.StringArg(0) if err != nil { return nil, err } text, err := c.StringArg(1) if err != nil { return nil, err } lr.rl.SetRegisterBuf(register, []rune(text)) return c.Next(), nil } // #interface editor // getVimRegister(register) -> string // Returns the text that is at the register. // #param register string func editorGetRegister(t *rt.Thread, c *rt.GoCont) (rt.Cont, error) { if err := c.Check1Arg(); err != nil { return nil, err } register, err := c.StringArg(0) if err != nil { return nil, err } buf := lr.rl.GetFromRegister(register) return c.PushingNext1(t.Runtime, rt.StringValue(string(buf))), nil } // #interface editor // getLine() -> string // Returns the current input line. // #returns string func editorGetLine(t *rt.Thread, c *rt.GoCont) (rt.Cont, error) { buf := lr.rl.GetLine() return c.PushingNext1(t.Runtime, rt.StringValue(string(buf))), nil } // #interface editor // getChar() -> string // Reads a keystroke from the user. This is in a format of something like Ctrl-L. func editorReadChar(t *rt.Thread, c *rt.GoCont) (rt.Cont, error) { buf := lr.rl.ReadChar() return c.PushingNext1(t.Runtime, rt.StringValue(string(buf))), nil }