title: Command
layout: doc
    parent: "Signals"

## command.preexec
Thrown right before a command is executed.

#### Variables
`string` **`input`**  
The raw string that the user typed. This will include the text
without changes applied to it (argument substitution, alias expansion,

`string` **`cmdStr`**  
The command that will be directly executed by the current runner.


## command.exit
Thrown after the user's ran command is finished.

#### Variables
`number` **`code`**  
The exit code of what was executed.

`string` **`cmdStr`**  
The command or code that was executed

## command.not-found
Thrown if the command attempted to execute was not found.
This can be used to customize the text printed when a command is not found.
local bait = require 'bait'
-- Remove any present handlers on `command.not-found`

local notFoundHooks = bait.hooks 'command.not-found'
for _, hook in ipairs(notFoundHooks) do
	bait.release('command.not-found', hook)

-- then assign custom
bait.catch('command.not-found', function(cmd)
	print(string.format('The command "%s" was not found.', cmd))

#### Variables
`string` **`cmdStr`**  
The name of the command.

## command.not-executable
Thrown when the user attempts to run a file that is not executable
(like a text file, or Unix binary without +x permission).

#### Variables
`string` **`cmdStr`**  
The name of the command.