package completers

import (


func completeLocalPath(last string) (string, *readline.CompletionGroup) {

	// Completions
	completion := &readline.CompletionGroup{
		Name:        "(console) local path",
		MaxLength:   10, // The grid system is not yet able to roll on comps if > MaxLength
		DisplayType: readline.TabDisplayGrid,
		TrimSlash:   true,
	var suggestions []string

	// Any parsing error is silently ignored, for not messing the prompt
	processedPath, _ := ParseEnvironmentVariables([]string{last})

	// Check if processed input is empty
	var inputPath string
	if len(processedPath) == 1 {
		inputPath = processedPath[0]

	// Add a slash if the raw input has one but not the processed input
	if len(last) > 0 && last[len(last)-1] == '/' {
		inputPath += "/"

	var linePath string // curated version of the inputPath
	var absPath string  // absolute path (excluding suffix) of the inputPath
	var lastPath string // last directory in the input path

	if strings.HasSuffix(string(inputPath), "/") {
		linePath = filepath.Dir(string(inputPath))
		absPath, _ = expand(string(linePath)) // Get absolute path

	} else if string(inputPath) == "" {
		linePath = "."
		absPath, _ = expand(string(linePath))
	} else {
		linePath = filepath.Dir(string(inputPath))
		absPath, _ = expand(string(linePath))       // Get absolute path
		lastPath = filepath.Base(string(inputPath)) // Save filter

	// 2) We take the absolute path we found, and get all dirs in it.
	var dirs []string
	files, _ := ioutil.ReadDir(absPath)
	for _, file := range files {
		if file.IsDir() {
			dirs = append(dirs, file.Name())

	switch lastPath {
	case "":
		for _, dir := range dirs {
			if strings.HasPrefix(dir, lastPath) || lastPath == dir {
				tokenized := addSpaceTokens(dir)
				suggestions = append(suggestions, tokenized+"/")
		filtered := []string{}
		for _, dir := range dirs {
			if strings.HasPrefix(dir, lastPath) {
				filtered = append(filtered, dir)

		for _, dir := range filtered {
			if !hasPrefix([]rune(lastPath), []rune(dir)) || lastPath == dir {
				tokenized := addSpaceTokens(dir)
				suggestions = append(suggestions, tokenized+"/")


	completion.Suggestions = suggestions
	return string(lastPath), completion

func addSpaceTokens(in string) (path string) {
	items := strings.Split(in, " ")
	for i := range items {
		if len(items) == i+1 { // If last one, no char, add and return
			path += items[i]
		path += items[i] + "\\ " // By default add space char and roll

func completeLocalPathAndFiles(last string) (string, *readline.CompletionGroup) {

	// Completions
	completion := &readline.CompletionGroup{
		Name:        "(console) local directory/files",
		MaxLength:   10, // The grid system is not yet able to roll on comps if > MaxLength
		DisplayType: readline.TabDisplayGrid,
		TrimSlash:   true,
	var suggestions []string

	// Any parsing error is silently ignored, for not messing the prompt
	processedPath, _ := ParseEnvironmentVariables([]string{last})

	// Check if processed input is empty
	var inputPath string
	if len(processedPath) == 1 {
		inputPath = processedPath[0]

	// Add a slash if the raw input has one but not the processed input
	if len(last) > 0 && last[len(last)-1] == '/' {
		inputPath += "/"

	var linePath string // curated version of the inputPath
	var absPath string  // absolute path (excluding suffix) of the inputPath
	var lastPath string // last directory in the input path

	if strings.HasSuffix(string(inputPath), "/") {
		linePath = filepath.Dir(string(inputPath)) // Trim the non needed slash
		absPath, _ = expand(string(linePath))      // Get absolute path

	} else if string(inputPath) == "" {
		linePath = "."
		absPath, _ = expand(string(linePath))
	} else {
		linePath = filepath.Dir(string(inputPath))
		absPath, _ = expand(string(linePath))       // Get absolute path
		lastPath = filepath.Base(string(inputPath)) // Save filter

	// 2) We take the absolute path we found, and get all dirs in it.
	var dirs []string
	files, _ := ioutil.ReadDir(absPath)
	for _, file := range files {
		if file.IsDir() {
			dirs = append(dirs, file.Name())

	switch lastPath {
	case "":
		for _, file := range files {
			if strings.HasPrefix(file.Name(), lastPath) || lastPath == file.Name() {
				if file.IsDir() {
					suggestions = append(suggestions, file.Name()+"/")
				} else {
					suggestions = append(suggestions, file.Name())
		filtered := []os.FileInfo{}
		for _, file := range files {
			if strings.HasPrefix(file.Name(), lastPath) {
				filtered = append(filtered, file)

		for _, file := range filtered {
			if !hasPrefix([]rune(lastPath), []rune(file.Name())) || lastPath == file.Name() {
				if file.IsDir() {
					suggestions = append(suggestions, file.Name()+"/")
				} else {
					suggestions = append(suggestions, file.Name())


	completion.Suggestions = suggestions
	return string(lastPath), completion

// expand will expand a path with ~ to the $HOME of the current user.
func expand(path string) (string, error) {
	if path == "" {
		return path, nil
	home := os.Getenv("HOME")
	if home == "" {
		usr, err := user.Current()
		if err != nil {
			return "", err
		home = usr.HomeDir
	return filepath.Abs(strings.Replace(path, "~", home, 1))