alias(cmd, orig) > Sets an alias of `cmd` to `orig` appendPath(dir) > Appends `dir` to $PATH complete(scope, cb) > Registers a completion handler for `scope`. A `scope` is currently only expected to be `command.`, replacing with the name of the command (for example `command.git`). `cb` must be a function that returns a table of "completion groups." A completion group is a table with the keys `items` and `type`. `items` being a table of items and `type` being the display type of `grid` (the normal file completion display) or `list` (with a description) cwd() > Returns the current directory of the shell exec(cmd) > Replaces running hilbish with `cmd` goro(fn) > Puts `fn` in a goroutine highlighter(cb) > Sets the highlighter function. This is mainly for syntax hightlighting, but in reality could set the input of the prompt to display anything. The callback is passed the current line as typed and is expected to return a line that will be used to display in the line. hinter(cb) > Sets the hinter function. This will be called on every key insert to determine what text to use as an inline hint. The callback is passed 2 arguments: the current line and the position. It is expected to return a string which will be used for the hint. inputMode(mode) > Sets the input mode for Hilbish's line reader. Accepts either emacs for vim interval(cb, time) > Runs the `cb` function every `time` milliseconds. Returns a `timer` object (see `doc timers`). multiprompt(str) > Changes the continued line prompt to `str` prependPath(dir) > Prepends `dir` to $PATH prompt(str, typ?) > Changes the shell prompt to `str` There are a few verbs that can be used in the prompt text. These will be formatted and replaced with the appropriate values. `%d` - Current working directory `%u` - Name of current user `%h` - Hostname of device read(prompt) -> input? > Read input from the user, using Hilbish's line editor/input reader. This is a separate instance from the one Hilbish actually uses. Returns `input`, will be nil if ctrl + d is pressed, or an error occurs (which shouldn't happen) run(cmd, returnOut) -> exitCode, stdout, stderr > Runs `cmd` in Hilbish's sh interpreter. If returnOut is true, the outputs of `cmd` will be returned as the 2nd and 3rd values instead of being outputted to the terminal. runnerMode(mode) > Sets the execution/runner mode for interactive Hilbish. This determines whether Hilbish wll try to run input as Lua and/or sh or only do one of either. Accepted values for mode are hybrid (the default), hybridRev (sh first then Lua), sh, and lua. It also accepts a function, to which if it is passed one will call it to execute user input instead. timeout(cb, time) > Runs the `cb` function after `time` in milliseconds Returns a `timer` object (see `doc timers`). which(binName) > Searches for an executable called `binName` in the directories of $PATH