-- Greenhouse is a simple text scrolling handler for terminal programs. -- The idea is that it can be set a region to do its scrolling and paging -- job and then the user can draw whatever outside it. -- This reduces code duplication for the message viewer -- and flowerbook. local ansikit = require 'ansikit' local lunacolors = require 'lunacolors' local terminal = require 'terminal' local Page = require 'nature.greenhouse.page' local Object = require 'nature.object' local Greenhouse = Object:extend() function Greenhouse:new(sink) local size = terminal.size() self.region = size self.start = 1 self.offset = 1 -- vertical text offset self.sink = sink self.pages = {} self.curPage = 1 self.keybinds = { ['Up'] = function(self) self:scroll 'up' end, ['Down'] = function(self) self:scroll 'down' end, ['Ctrl-Left'] = self.previous, ['Ctrl-Right'] = self.next, ['Ctrl-N'] = function(self) self:toc(true) end, } self.isToc = false self.tocPage = nil self.tocPageIdx = 1 self.tocOffset = 1 return self end function Greenhouse:addPage(page) table.insert(self.pages, page) end function Greenhouse:updateCurrentPage(text) local page = self.pages[self.curPage] page:setText(text) end function Greenhouse:draw() local workingPage = self.pages[self.curPage] local offset = self.offset if self.isToc then offset = self.tocOffset workingPage = self.tocPage end local lines = workingPage.lines self.sink:write(ansikit.getCSI(self.start .. ';1', 'H')) self.sink:write(ansikit.getCSI(2, 'J')) -- the -2 negate is for the command and status line for i = offset, offset + (self.region.height - self.start) do if i > #lines then break end self.sink:writeln('\r' .. lines[i]:gsub('\t', ' '):sub(0, self.region.width - 2)) end self.sink:write '\r' self:render() end function Greenhouse:render() end function Greenhouse:scroll(direction) if self.isToc then if direction == 'down' then self:next(true) elseif direction == 'up' then self:previous(true) end return end local lines = self.pages[self.curPage].lines local oldOffset = self.offset if direction == 'down' then self.offset = math.min(self.offset + 1, #lines) elseif direction == 'up' then self.offset = math.max(self.offset - 1, 1) end if self.offset ~= oldOffset then self:draw() end end function Greenhouse:update() self:resize() if self.isToc then self:toc() end self:draw() end function Greenhouse:resize() local size = terminal.size() self.region = size end function Greenhouse:next(toc) local oldCurrent = toc and self.tocPageIdx or self.curPage local pageIdx = math.min(oldCurrent + 1, #self.pages) if toc then self.tocPageIdx = pageIdx else self.curPage = pageIdx end if pageIdx ~= oldCurrent then self.offset = 1 self:update() end end function Greenhouse:previous(toc) local oldCurrent = toc and self.tocPageIdx or self.curPage local pageIdx = math.max(self.curPage - 1, 1) if toc then self.tocPageIdx = pageIdx else self.curPage = pageIdx end if pageIdx ~= oldCurrent then self.offset = 1 self:update() end end function Greenhouse:jump(idx) if idx ~= self.curPage then self.offset = 1 end self.curPage = idx self:update() end function Greenhouse:keybind(key, callback) self.keybinds[key] = callback end function Greenhouse:toc(toggle) if not self.isToc then self.tocPageIdx = self.curPage end if toggle then self.isToc = not self.isToc end -- Generate a special page for our table of contents local tocText = string.format([[ %s ]], lunacolors.cyan(lunacolors.bold '―― Table of Contents ――')) local genericPageCount = 1 for i, page in ipairs(self.pages) do local title = page.title if title == 'Page' then title = 'Page #' .. genericPageCount genericPageCount = genericPageCount + 1 end if i == self.tocPageIdx then title = lunacolors.invert(title) end tocText = tocText .. title .. '\n' end self.tocPage = Page('TOC', tocText) self:draw() end function Greenhouse:input(char) end function Greenhouse:initUi() local ansikit = require 'ansikit' local bait = require 'bait' local commander = require 'commander' local hilbish = require 'hilbish' local terminal = require 'terminal' local Page = require 'nature.greenhouse.page' local done = false bait.catch('signal.sigint', function() ansikit.clear() done = true end) bait.catch('signal.resize', function() self:update() end) ansikit.screenAlt() ansikit.clear(true) self:draw() hilbish.goro(function() while not done do local c = read() self:keybind('Ctrl-D', function() done = true end) if self.keybinds[c] then self.keybinds[c](self) else self:input(c) end --[[ if c == 27 then local c1 = read() if c1 == 91 then local c2 = read() if c2 == 66 then -- arrow down self:scroll 'down' elseif c2 == 65 then -- arrow up self:scroll 'up' end if c2 == 49 then local c3 = read() if c3 == 59 then local c4 = read() if c4 == 53 then local c5 = read() if c5 == 67 then self:next() elseif c5 == 68 then self:previous() end end end end end goto continue end ]]-- ::continue:: end end) while not done do -- end ansikit.screenMain() end function read() terminal.saveState() terminal.setRaw() local c = hilbish.editor.readChar() terminal.restoreState() return c end return Greenhouse