--- name: Interface hilbish.jobs description: background job management layout: apidoc --- ## Introduction Manage interactive jobs in Hilbish via Lua. Jobs are the name of background tasks/commands. A job can be started via interactive usage or with the functions defined below for use in external runners. ## Object properties - `cmd`: The user entered command string for the job. - `running`: Whether the job is running or not. - `id`: The ID of the job in the job table - `pid`: The Process ID - `exitCode`: The last exit code of the job. - `stdout`: The standard output of the job. This just means the normal logs of the process. - `stderr`: The standard error stream of the process. This (usually) includes error messages of the job. ## Functions ### background() Puts a job in the background. This acts the same as initially running a job. ### foreground() Puts a job in the foreground. This will cause it to run like it was executed normally and wait for it to complete. ### start() Starts running the job. ### stop() Stops the job from running. ### add(cmdstr, args, execPath) Adds a new job to the job table. Note that this does not immediately run it. ### all() Returns a table of all job objects. ### disown(id) Disowns a job. This deletes it from the job table. ### get(id) Get a job object via its ID. ### last() -> Job Returns the last added job from the table.