-- The preload file initializes everything else for our shell -- Currently it just adds our builtins local fs = require 'fs' local commander = require 'commander' local bait = require 'bait' commander.register('cd', function (args) bait.throw('cd', args) if #args > 0 then local path = '' for i = 1, #args do path = path .. tostring(args[i]) .. ' ' end local ok, err = pcall(function() fs.cd(path) end) if not ok then if err == 1 then print('directory does not exist') end bait.throw('command.exit', err) else bait.throw('command.exit', 0) end return end fs.cd(os.getenv 'HOME') bait.throw('command.exit', 0) end) commander.register('exit', function() os.exit(0) end) do local virt_G = { } setmetatable(_G, { __index = function (self, key) local got_virt = virt_G[key] if got_virt ~= nil then return got_virt end virt_G[key] = os.getenv(key) return virt_G[key] end, __newindex = function (self, key, value) if type(value) == 'string' then os.setenv(key, value) virt_G[key] = value else if type(virt_G[key]) == 'string' then os.setenv(key, '') end virt_G[key] = value end end, }) bait.catch('command.exit', function () for key, value in pairs(virt_G) do if type(value) == 'string' then virt_G[key] = os.getenv(key) end end end) end -- Function additions to Lua standard library function string.split(str, delimiter) local result = {} local from = 1 local delim_from, delim_to = string.find(str, delimiter, from) while delim_from do table.insert(result, string.sub(str, from, delim_from - 1)) from = delim_to + 1 delim_from, delim_to = string.find(str, delimiter, from) end table.insert(result, string.sub(str, from)) return result end