title: Frequently Asked Questions
layout: doc
weight: -20
menu: docs

# Is Hilbish POSIX compliant?
No, it is not. POSIX compliance is a non-goal. Perhaps in the future,
someone would be able to write a native plugin to support shell scripting
(which would be against it's main goal, but ....)

# Windows Support?
It compiles for Windows (CI ensures it does), but otherwise it is not
directly supported. If you'd like to improve this situation,
checkout [the discussion](https://github.com/Rosettea/Hilbish/discussions/165).

# Where is the API documentation?
The builtin `doc` command supplies all documentation of Hilbish provided
APIs. You can also check the sidebar.

# Why?
Hilbish emerged from the desire of a Lua configured shell.
It was the initial reason that it was created, but now it's more:
to be hyper extensible, simpler and more user friendly.