local fs = require 'fs' local emmyPattern = '^%-%-%- (.+)' local modpattern = '^%-+ @module (.+)' local pieces = {} local files = fs.readdir 'nature' for _, fname in ipairs(files) do local isScript = fname:match'%.lua$' if not isScript then goto continue end local f = io.open(string.format('nature/%s', fname)) local header = f:read '*l' local mod = header:match(modpattern) if not mod then goto continue end print(fname, mod) pieces[mod] = {} local docPiece = {} local lines = {} local lineno = 0 local tocPos local tocSearch = false for line in f:lines() do lineno = lineno + 1 lines[lineno] = line if line == header then goto continue2 end if not line:match(emmyPattern) then if line:match '^function' then local pattern = (string.format('^function %s%%.', mod) .. '(%w+)') local funcName = line:match(pattern) if not funcName then goto continue2 end local dps = { description = {}, params = {} } local offset = 1 while true do local prev = lines[lineno - offset] local docline = prev:match '^%-+ (.+)' if docline then local emmy = docline:match '@(%w+)' local cut = 0 if emmy then cut = emmy:len() + 3 end local emmythings = string.split(docline:sub(cut), ' ') if emmy then if emmy == 'param' then table.insert(dps.params, 1, { name = emmythings[1], type = emmythings[2] }) end else table.insert(dps.description, 1, docline) end offset = offset + 1 else break end end pieces[mod][funcName] = dps end docPiece = {} goto continue2 end table.insert(docPiece, line) ::continue2:: end ::continue:: end local header = [[--- title: %s %s description: %s layout: doc menu: docs: parent: "%s" --- ]] for iface, dps in pairs(pieces) do local mod = iface:match '(%w+)%.' or 'nature' local docParent = 'Nature' path = string.format('docs/%s/%s.md', mod, iface) if mod ~= 'nature' then docParent = "API" path = string.format('docs/api/%s/%s.md', mod, iface) end fs.mkdir(fs.dir(path), true) local exists = pcall(fs.stat, path) local newOrNotNature = exists and mod ~= 'nature' local f = io.open(path, newOrNotNature and 'r+' or 'w+') if not newOrNotNature then f:write(string.format(header, 'Module', iface, 'No description.', docParent)) end print(f) print('mod and path:', mod, path) local tocSearch = false local tocPos for line in f:lines() do if line:match '^## Functions' then tocSearch = true end if tocSearch and line == '' then tocSearch = false tocPos = f:seek() - 1 end end for func, docs in pairs(dps) do local sig = string.format('%s.%s(', iface, func) for idx, param in ipairs(docs.params) do sig = sig .. ((param.name:gsub('%?$', ''))) if idx ~= #docs.params then sig = sig .. ', ' end end sig = sig .. ')' if tocPos then local pos = f:seek() f:seek('set', tocPos) f:write(string.format('||%s|\n', func, docs.description[1])) tocPos = f:seek() f:seek('set', pos) end f:write(string.format('
\n', func)) f:write(string.format([[


]], sig, func)) f:write(table.concat(docs.description, '\n') .. '\n') f:write '#### Parameters\n' if #docs.params == 0 then f:write 'This function has no parameters. \n' end for _, param in ipairs(docs.params) do f:write(string.format('`%s` **`%s`**\n', param.name:gsub('%?$', ''), param.type)) end --[[ local params = table.filter(docs, function(t) return t:match '^%-%-%- @param' end) for i, str in ipairs(params) do if i ~= 1 then f:write ', ' end f:write(str:match '^%-%-%- @param ([%w]+) ') end f:write(')\n') for _, str in ipairs(docs) do if not str:match '^%-%-%- @' then f:write(str:match '^%-%-%- (.+)' .. '\n') end end ]]-- f:write('
') f:write('\n\n') end end