-- We're basically porting Ansikit to lua -- https://github.com/Luvella/AnsiKit/blob/master/lib/index.js -- which is made by yours truly sammy :^) local ansikit = {} ansikit.clear = function(scrollback) typ = (scrollback and 3 or 2) return ansikit.printCSI(typ, 'J') end ansikit.clearFromPos = function(scrollback) return ansikit.printCSI(0, 'J') end ansikit.clearLine = function() return ansikit.printCSI(2, 'K') end ansikit.clearToPos = function() return ansikit.printCSI(1, 'J') end ansikit.color256 = function(color) color = (color and color or 0) return ansikit.printCSI('38;5;' .. color) end ansikit.cursorDown = function(y) y = (y and y or 1) return ansikit.printCSI(y, 'B') end ansikit.cursorLeft = function(x) x = (x and x or 1) return ansikit.printCSI(x, 'D') end -- TODO: cursorPos -- https://github.com/Luvella/AnsiKit/blob/master/lib/index.js#L90 ansikit.cursorRight = function(x) x = (x and x or 1) return ansikit.printCSI(x, 'C') end ansikit.cursorStyle = function(style) style = (style and style or ansikit.underlineCursor) if style > 6 or style < 1 then style = ansikit.underlineCursor end return ansikit.printCSI(style, ' q') end ansikit.cursorTo = function(x, y) x, y = (x and x or 1), (y and y or 1) return ansikit.printCSI(x .. ';' .. y, 'H') end ansikit.cursorUp = function(y) y = (y and y or 1) return ansikit.printCSI(y, 'A') end ansikit.format = function(text) local colors = { -- TODO: write codes manually instead of using functions -- less function calls = faster ???????? reset = {'{reset}', ansikit.getCSI(0)}, bold = {'{bold}', ansikit.getCSI(1)}, dim = {'{dim}', ansikit.getCSI(2)}, italic = {'{italic}', ansikit.getCSI(3)}, underline = {'{underline}', ansikit.getCSI(4)}, invert = {'{invert}', ansikit.getCSI(7)}, bold_off = {'{bold-off}', ansikit.getCSI(22)}, underline_off = {'{underline-off}', ansikit.getCSI(24)}, black = {'{black}', ansikit.getCSI(30)}, red = {'{red}', ansikit.getCSI(31)}, green = {'{green}', ansikit.getCSI(32)}, yellow = {'{yellow}', ansikit.getCSI(33)}, blue = {'{blue}', ansikit.getCSI(34)}, magenta = {'{magenta}', ansikit.getCSI(35)}, cyan = {'{cyan}', ansikit.getCSI(36)}, white = {'{white}', ansikit.getCSI(37)}, red_bg = {'{red-bg}', ansikit.getCSI(41)}, green_bg = {'{green-bg}', ansikit.getCSI(42)}, yellow_bg = {'{green-bg}', ansikit.getCSI(43)}, blue_bg = {'{blue-bg}', ansikit.getCSI(44)}, magenta_bg = {'{magenta-bg}', ansikit.getCSI(45)}, cyan_bg = {'{cyan-bg}', ansikit.getCSI(46)}, white_bg = {'{white-bg}', ansikit.getCSI(47)}, gray = {'{gray}', ansikit.getCSI(90)}, bright_red = {'{bright-red}', ansikit.getCSI(91)}, bright_green = {'{bright-green}', ansikit.getCSI(92)}, bright_yellow = {'{bright-yellow}', ansikit.getCSI(93)}, bright_blue = {'{bright-blue}', ansikit.getCSI(94)}, bright_magenta = {'{bright-magenta}', ansikit.getCSI(95)}, bright_cyan = {'{bright-cyan}', ansikit.getCSI(96)} } for k, v in pairs(colors) do text = text:gsub(v[1], v[2]) end return text end ansikit.getCode = function(code, terminate) return string.char(0x001b) .. code .. (terminate and string.char(0x001b) .. '\\' or '') end ansikit.getCSI = function(code, endc) endc = (endc and endc or 'm') code = (code and code or '') return string.char(0x001b) .. '[' .. code .. endc end ansikit.hideCursor = function() return ansikit.printCSI('?25', 'l') end ansikit.print = function(text) io.write(ansikit.format(text)) return ansikit end ansikit.printCode = function(code, terminate) io.write(ansikit.getCode(code, terminate)) return ansikit end ansikit.printCSI = function(code, endc) io.write(ansikit.getCSI(code, endc)) return ansikit end ansikit.println = function(text) print(ansikit.print(text)) return ansikit end ansikit.reset = function() return ansikit.printCode('c') end ansikit.restoreCursor = function() return ansikit.printCSI(nil, 'u') end ansikit.restoreState = function() return ansikit.printCode(8) end ansikit.rgb = function(r, g, b) r = (r and r or 0) g = (g and g or 0) b = (b and b or 0) return ansikit.printCSI('38;2;' .. r .. ';' .. g .. ';' .. b) end ansikit.saveCursor = function() return ansikit.printCSI(nil, 's') end ansikit.saveState = function() return ansikit.printCode(7) end ansikit.setTitle = function(text) return ansikit.printCode(']2;' .. text, true) end ansikit.showCursor = function() return ansikit.printCSI('?25', 'h') end return ansikit