-- The preload file initializes everything else for our shell local bait = require 'bait' local commander = require 'commander' local fs = require 'fs' local lunacolors = require 'lunacolors' local _ require 'succulent' -- Function additions local oldDir = hilbish.cwd() local shlvl = tonumber(os.getenv 'SHLVL') if shlvl ~= nil then os.setenv('SHLVL', shlvl + 1) else os.setenv('SHLVL', 0) end -- Builtins local recentDirs = {} commander.register('cd', function (args) if #args > 0 then local path = table.concat(args, ' '):gsub('$%$','\0'):gsub('${([%w_]+)}', os.getenv) :gsub('$([%w_]+)', os.getenv):gsub('%z','$'):gsub('^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1') if path == '-' then path = oldDir print(path) end oldDir = hilbish.cwd() local ok, err = pcall(function() fs.cd(path) end) if not ok then print(err:sub(17)) return 1 end bait.throw('cd', path) -- add to table of recent dirs table.insert(recentDirs, 1, path) recentDirs[11] = nil return end fs.cd(hilbish.home) bait.throw('cd', hilbish.home) table.insert(recentDirs, 1, hilbish.home) recentDirs[11] = nil end) commander.register('exit', function() os.exit(0) end) commander.register('doc', function(args) local moddocPath = hilbish.dataDir .. '/docs/' local globalDesc = [[ These are the global Hilbish functions that are always available and not part of a module.]] local modDocFormat = [[ %s %s # Functions ]] if #args > 0 then local mod = args[1] local f = io.open(moddocPath .. mod .. '.txt', 'rb') local funcdocs = nil if not f then -- assume subdir -- dataDir/docs//.txt moddocPath = moddocPath .. mod .. '/' local subdocName = args[2] if not subdocName then subdocName = 'index' end f = io.open(moddocPath .. subdocName .. '.txt', 'rb') if not f then print('No documentation found for ' .. mod .. '.') return end funcdocs = f:read '*a' local subdocs = table.map(fs.readdir(moddocPath), function(fname) return lunacolors.underline(lunacolors.blue(string.gsub(fname, '.txt', ''))) end) if subdocName == 'index' then funcdocs = funcdocs .. '\nSubdocs: ' .. table.concat(subdocs, ', ') end end if not funcdocs then funcdocs = f:read '*a' end local desc = '' local ok = pcall(require, mod) local backtickOccurence = 0 local formattedFuncs = lunacolors.format(funcdocs:sub(1, #funcdocs - 1):gsub('`', function() backtickOccurence = backtickOccurence + 1 if backtickOccurence % 2 == 0 then return '{reset}' else return '{underline}{green}' end end)) if mod == 'global' or ok then local props = {} local propstr = '' local modDesc = globalDesc if ok then local modmt = getmetatable(require(mod)) modDesc = modmt.__doc if modmt.__docProp then -- not all modules have docs for properties props = table.map(modmt.__docProp, function(v, k) return lunacolors.underline(lunacolors.blue(k)) .. ' > ' .. v end) end end if #props > 0 then propstr = '\n# Properties\n' .. table.concat(props, '\n') .. '\n' end desc = string.format(modDocFormat, modDesc, propstr) end print(desc .. formattedFuncs) f:close() return end local modules = table.map(fs.readdir(moddocPath), function(f) return lunacolors.underline(lunacolors.blue(string.gsub(f, '.txt', ''))) end) io.write [[ Welcome to Hilbish's doc tool! Here you can find documentation for builtin functions and other things. Usage: doc
[subdoc] A section is a module or a literal section and a subdoc is a subsection for it. Available sections: ]] print(table.concat(modules, ', ')) end) do local virt_G = { } setmetatable(_G, { __index = function (_, key) local got_virt = virt_G[key] if got_virt ~= nil then return got_virt end virt_G[key] = os.getenv(key) return virt_G[key] end, __newindex = function (_, key, value) if type(value) == 'string' then os.setenv(key, value) virt_G[key] = value else if type(virt_G[key]) == 'string' then os.setenv(key, '') end virt_G[key] = value end end, }) bait.catch('command.exit', function () for key, value in pairs(virt_G) do if type(value) == 'string' then virt_G[key] = os.getenv(key) end end end) end commander.register('cdr', function(args) if not args[1] then print(lunacolors.format [[ cdr: change directory to one which has been recently visied usage: cdr to get a list of recent directories, use {green}{underline}cdr list{reset}]]) return end if args[1] == 'list' then if #recentDirs == 0 then print 'No directories have been visited.' return 1 end print(table.concat(recentDirs, '\n')) return end local index = tonumber(args[1]) if not index then print(string.format('received %s as index, which isn\'t a number', index)) return 1 end if not recentDirs[index] then print(string.format('no recent directory found at index %s', index)) return 1 end fs.cd(recentDirs[index]) end) -- Hook handles bait.catch('command.not-found', function(cmd) print(string.format('hilbish: %s not found', cmd)) end) bait.catch('command.no-perm', function(cmd) print(string.format('hilbish: %s: no permission', cmd)) end)